
3rd Quarter AZFOG Meeting

Date:Wednesday August 26, 2015

Time:10:00 am

Location: City of Tempe Johnny G. Martinez Wastewater Treatment Plant

Committee Officers Present:Don Spencer, Chair

Lacey James, Vice-chair

Kathryn Boland, Secretary

Christina M. Gonzalez, Outreach Coordinator


ICall to order: At 10:00 am by Kathryn Boland

IIApproval of Minutes: Prior quarterly meeting minutes not available

IIIRoundtable introduction of members present

IVPresentation “Clear the FOG! Smart Meter Technology to Keep FOG Out of Your Sewer” Presenters: Phillip Beckman and Rob Abernethy of Ecoinsight

VOld Business:

  1. Preferred Pumper Program

(1)Vice-chair Lacey James provided an update on the Preferred Pumper Program committee activities. She has been in contact with Oregon who is currently conducting a pilot on a similar program. Lacey will contact Oregon to get results on the pilot study once it is concluded and provide that summary to the committee.

VINew Business:

  1. FOG Committee Positions

(1)Chair Don Spencer introduced 2 new officers to the AZFOG Committee. Kathryn Boland is the Secretary and Christine Gonzalez is the Outreach Coordinator. These positions will assist with tasks previously done by the Chair, which will help the organization run smoother by sharing responsibilities.

(2)Secretary Role:Take minutes of FOG committee meetings and submit to vice-chair and/or chair for review and approval;Circulate approved minutes and meeting agendas to FOG members; Keep contact details (i.e. names, addresses and telephone numbers) for FOG members.

(3)Outreach Coordinator Role: Solicit and coordinate informational and training opportunities for AZFOG members

  1. AZWater Website

(1)Vice-chair Lacey James set up a FOG webpage under on the AZWater website.The purpose of the web page is to share information with members of the AZFOG committee such as meeting notifications, minutes, etc.Membership in AZWater is required to access the webpage. Directions for finding the AZFOG page were reviewed and will be disseminated to the group at a later date.

(2)Outreach Coordinator Christina Gonzalez will send out a survey to AZFOG members to find out how many are AZWater members and/or would be willing to join AZWater.

  1. Interceptor Design Standard

(1)Rick Oliver from Jensen Precast (Interceptor Manufacturer) introduced himself and offered to share information he had available on interceptor design.

(2)Vice-chair Lacey James and Nick Yourgules from City of Phoenix are working on a task force to develop a standardized interceptor design. Anyone interesting in participating or with information to share on their interceptor design standard should contact Lacey or Nick.

  1. National FOG Conference

(1)David McNeil, City of Tempe is working to bring a FOG conference Arizona that will be hosted by the City of Tempe. The idea is to have a conference dedicated to the topic and could include real life stories, new technology etc. Proposed conference would be in March or April of 2016.

(2)The idea of utilizing AZFOG members to assist as moderators or speakers was brought up. Outreach Coordinator Christina Gonzales volunteered to participate in calls with Tempe to assist with planning.

  1. Elevator Interceptor

(1)A general question posed to the committee on elevator interceptor design and inspection requirements in place at other municipalities.

(a)General consensus-traction elevators may be flushed to ground surface, otherwise require containment and disposal.

(2)Rick Oliver can provide design drawings for interceptors used in southern California for anyone interested.


  1. Chair Don Spencer thanked City of Tempe for hosting the meeting.
  2. Next meeting tentatively set for November 24, 2015.


  1. There being no further business, Chairperson Don Spencer declared the meeting adjourned.
  2. Meeting adjourned at 11:50 am

Respectfully submitted by,

Kathryn Boland
