Псковский областной центр развития одаренных детей и юношества

9 класс

Работа по английскому языку № 1


  1. In this exercise you have to complete the sentences with I’ll + a suitable verb.

Example: I am too tired to walk home. – I think I’ll get a taxi.

  1. I feel a bit hungry. I think ______something to eat.
  2. It is too late to telephone Tom now. ______him in the morning.
  3. “It’s a bit cold in this room.” “Is it? ______on the heating then.”
  4. “We haven’t got any cigarettes”. “Oh haven’t we? ______and get some. ”
  5. “Did you write that letter to Jack?” “Oh, I forgot. Thanks for reminding me. ______it this evening.”
  6. “Would you like tea or coffee?” “______coffee, please.”
  1. Now you have to use I think I’ll … or I don’t think I’ll… . Read the situation and then write your sentence.

Example: It’s cold. You decide to close the window. – I think I’ll close the window.

It’s raining. You decide not to go out. – I don’t think I’ll go out.

  1. You feel tired. You decide to go to bed. – I …
  2. A friend of yours offers you a lift in his car but you decide to walk. – Thank you but
  3. You arranged to play tennis. Now you decide that you don’t want to play. – I … .
  4. You were going to swim. Now you decide that you don’t want to go. – I … .
  1. Now you have to offer to do things. Tom has a lot of things to do and in each case you offer to do them for him.

Example: Tom: Oh, I must do the washing up. You: No, it’s all right. I’ll do the washing up.

  1. Tom: I must get the dinner ready. You: No, it’s all right. …
  2. Tom: I must do the shopping. You: No, …
  3. Tom: I must water the plants. You : …
  1. This time you have to agree and promise to do things.

Example: A: Can you clean the windows? B: Sure, I’ll clean them this afternoon.

A: Do you promise? B: Yes, I promise I’ll clean them this afternoon.

  1. A: Can you phone me later? B: Sure, … tonight.

A: Do you promise? B: Yes, … .

  1. A: Can you repair the clock? B: OK, … tomorrow.

A: Do …? B:

  1. A: Please, don’t tell anyone. B: All right, I won’t tell anyone.

A: …? B: …

  1. A: Please, don’t hurt me. B: Don’t worry, …

A: …? B: …

  1. Answer these questions using the words in brackets.

Example: When do you think he will arrive? (expect / tonight) I expect he”ll arrive tonight.

  1. What do you think she’ll say? (probably / nothing) She … .
  2. Where do you think she’ll go? (expect / London) I … .
  3. When do you think she’ll leave? (think / tomorrow) I … .
  4. How do you think she’ll go there? (expect / by train) I … .
  5. When do you think she’ll be back? (think / quite soon) I ... .
  6. Do you think you’ll miss her? (I’m sure / very much) Yes, … .
  1. Now you have to read a situation and then write a sentence with shall I? In eachsituation you are talking to a friend.

Example: It’s very hot in the room. The window is shut. – Shall I open the window?

  1. You’ve just tried on a jacket in a shop. You are not sure whether to buy it or not. Ask your friend for advice. –
  2. You are going out. It’s possible that it will rain and you are not sure whether to take an umbrella or not. Ask your friend for advice. –
  3. It’s Ann’s birthday and you don’t know what to give her. Ask your friend for advice. –
  4. Your friend wants you to phone him / her later. You don’t know what time to phone. Ask him /her. -
  5. This time you have to make sentences with Shall we?

Example: You and your friend haven’t decided what to do this evening. You say: What shall we do this evening?

  1. You and your friend haven’t decided where to go for your holidays. You say:
  2. You and your friend haven’t decided what to have for dinner. You say:
  3. You and your friend are going out. You haven’t decided whether to go by car or towalk. You say:
  1. All the sentences in this exercise are about the future. Put the verbs into the correct form: will / won’t or the present simple (I do).

Example: When I see (see) Tom tomorrow, I’ll invite (invite) him to our party.

  1. Before you ______(leave), don’t forget to shut the windows.
  2. I ______(phone) you as soon as I ______(arrive) in London.
  3. Everyone ______(be) very surprised if he ______(pass) the examination.
  4. Please don’t touch anything before the police ______(come).
  5. When you ______(see) Brian again, you ______(not / recognise) him.
  6. We ______(not / start) dinner until Jack ______(arrive).
  7. ______(you / be) lonely without me while I ______(be) away?
  8. If I ______(need) any help, I ______(ask) you.
  9. Come on! Hurry up! Ann ______(be) annoyed if we ______(be) late.

Помните, что в придаточных предложениях времени и условия вместо форм требуемого по смыслу будущего времени употребляются формы настоящего времени.

  1. This time you have to make one sentence from two sentences.

Example: You are going to leave soon. You must visit the museum before that. – You must visit the museum before you leave.

  1. I’ll find somewhere to live. Then I’ll give you my address. – I … when … .
  2. It’s going to start raining. Let’s go out before that. – Let’s … before … .
  3. I am going to do the shopping. Then I’ll come straight back home. - … after … .
  4. You’ll be in London next month. You must come and see me then. - … when … .
  5. I am going to finish reading this book. Then I’ll get the dinner ready. - … when … .
  6. We’ll make our decision. Then we’ll let you know. … as soon as … .
  1. In this exercise you have to put in when or if.

Example: If it rains this evening, I won’t go out.

  1. I am going to Paris next week. _____ I’m there, I hope to visit a friend of mine.
  2. Tom might phone this evening. _____ he does, can you take a message?
  3. I think he’ll get the job. I’ll be very surprised _____ he does not get it.
  4. I hope to be there by 10.30. But _____ I’m not there, don’t wait for me.
  5. I’m going shopping. _____ you want anything, I can get it for you.
  6. I think I’ll go home now. I feel very tired. I think I’ll go straight to bed … I get home.
  7. I am going away for a few days. I’ll phone you _____ I get back.
  8. I want you to come to the party but _____you don’t want to come, you needn’t.
  1. In this exercise you have to write sentences with if.

Example: Perhaps someone will need help. If so, they can ask me. – If anyone needs help, they can ask me.

  1. Perhaps someone will ring the doorbell. If so, don’t let them in. – If …
  2. Perhaps someone will ask you some questions. If so, don’t tell them anything. – If …
  3. Perhaps someone saw the accident. If so, they should contact the police. – If …
  1. Complete these sentences. Use any / anyone / anybody / anything / anywhere.

Example: I don’t mind what you tell him. – You can tell him anything you like.

  1. I don’t mind what you wear to the party. – You can wear … .
  2. I don’t mind where you sit. – You can … .
  3. It doesn’t matter which day you come. – You … .
  4. I don’t mind who you talk to. - You … .
  5. It doesn’t matter which flight you travel on. – You … .
  6. I don’t mind who you marry. – You … .
  7. It doesn’t matter what time you phone. – You … .
  1. Answer these questions with none (of) / no one / nobody / nothing / nowhere.

Example: What did you do? – Nothing.

  1. Where are you going?
  2. How many children has he got?
  3. What did you tell them?
  4. Who were you talking to?
  5. How much of this money is yours?

Now write answers to these questions with any / anyone / anybody / anything /anywhere.

Example: “What did you do?” – I didn’t do anything.

  1. “Where are you going ? ” “I______.”
  2. “How many children have they got ? ” “They______.”
  3. “Who did you dance with?” “I______.”
  4. “What did they give you?” “______.”

14. Complete these sentences with no/ none/ no one / nobody / nothing / nowhere / any / anyone/ anybody/ anything/ anywhere.

Example: There were no shops open. I don’t want anything to eat.

  1. The bus was completely empty. There wasn’t ______on it.
  2. “Where did you go for your holidays?” “ ______. I stayed at home.”
  3. I couldn’t make an omelette because I had ______eggs.
  4. I didn’t say ______. Not a word.
  5. The accident looked serious but fortunately ______was injured.
  6. The town was still the same when I returned years later. ______had changed.
  7. We took a few photographs but ______of them was very good.
  8. I can’t find my watch ______. I’ve looked all over the house.
  9. “What did you have for breakfast?” “______. I don’t usually have ______for breakfast.”
  10. We cancelled the party because ______of the people we invited could come.
  11. ______intelligent person could do such a stupid thing.
  12. There was a complete silence in the room. ______said ______.
  13. “How many cinemas are there in the town?” “______. The last one closed six months ago.”
  14. The four of us wanted to go to a restaurant but we couldn’t because ______of us had ______money.

15. Now you have to make sentences with any / no +comparative.

Example: I hear you felt unwell yesterday. Do you feel any better now?

  1. I am going as fast as I can. I can’t go______.
  2. What makes you think Harry is old? He is ______than you.
  3. I am sorry I’ve come a bit late but I couldn’t come ______.
  4. This restaurant is a bit expensive. Is there other one ______?
  5. I must stop for a rest. I can’t walk ______.


Write down the composition in the form of a letter to an American friend, who is going to visit our country. Use the following ideas to write the body of a letter: recommend a city, fine views, the hotel in which you stayed once, reasonable prices, etc. supply suitable heading, complimentary close and signature in the letter.