Examining the Informing View of Organization: Applying Theoretical and Managerial Approaches

Bob Travica

Glossary of New Terms

Actant’s Informing Influence: Uncontrollably functioning technology that radically deviates from design and use intentions and temporarily influences mind and action of the user.

Cloud-based Virtual Organization: A form of virtualorganization formed between cloud vendors and cloud clients.

Cognitive Informing agents: knowledge, data, meaning, and wisdom.

Communication: A process of interacting for the purposes of informing and maintaining social relationships. Communication constructs organization and it always has power connotations.

Data: Sensual stimuli (e.g., visual and audio stimuli) and symbols created for human communication (e.g., letters, numbers, sounds, graphics, and film).

Distributed team: A team with geographically distributed membership; virtual team.

Expert Power: An infopower category; subject A can change subject B’s conduct based on B’s perception that A possess knowledge that B needs.

Fundamental Informing Process: The process of transforming data into information by knowledge, which ends in human mind.

Group Informatics (Groupomatics): An aspect of IVO that refers to group cognition, decision making, group work and group support systems.

Homo Informaticus: An aspect of IVO that refers to cognition and informing behaviors of individual organization members who are users and creators of organizational IT/IS.

Imposing Facilitation Modes: Decisive roles of GDSS facilitators than shape GDSS session and outcomes; for example, Framing Users as "dominant vs. disengaged," and Pulling/Pushing Users to "get brain dump."

Infoculture: An aspect of IVO that refers to stable beliefs, behaviors, and artifacts related to informing agents, which are shared by organization members.

Infoeconomics: An aspect of IVO that refers to costs, benefits, and other organizational performance aspects related to informing agents.

Infocentralization: A dimension of infostructure; the extent to which data and access to IT are concentrated.

Infodispersion: A dimension of infostructure; the extent to which data and IT are dispersed in space.

Infoformalization: A dimension of infostructure; the extent to which written rules, procedures and instructions on handling data and IT are extant.

Informing View of organization (IVO): The inter-disciplinary framework for research and management that places informing agents at the nexus of organization.

Infofragmentation: A dimension of infostructure; the extent and modes of dividing data and IT on the department, job, task, and process basis.

Infohierarchy:A dimension of infostructure; the extent to which data and IT are vertically distributed.

Infopolitics: An aspect of IVO that refers to agendas, power, and fight/flight behaviors related to informing agents.

Infopolitical agenda (informing agenda, infoagenda): Goals, strategies and tactics related to achieving and maintaining infopower as well as other political goals.

Infopolitical fight: The struggle for achieving one’s infopolitical agenda.

Infopolitical flight: Negotiations and coalition making that aim at achieving one’s infopolitical agenda.

Infopower: The ability of subject A to make subject B do something that B otherwise would not do, based on B’s perception that A has certain abilities related to informing agents.

Infopower of Data/IT Control: An infopower category; subject A can change subject B’s conduct based on A’s control over data and IT.

Infopower of Meaning Management: An infopower category; subject A can change subject B’s conduct based on B’s expectation that A can mediate definitions of reality.

Infoprocess: An aspect of IVO that refers to processes of data manipulation and of cognition, external and internal to homo informaticus.

Information: The understanding of data occurring in human brain, or the inferred meaning of data; a result of informing process.

Information Technology: Tools, devices, and machines designed for the manipulation of data; electronic and pre-electronic.

Information System: A whole consisting of data, IT, and procedures.

Information System Life Cycle: An aspect of IVO that refers to IS design/development, adoption, management, use, and evaluation from the perspective of IVO dimensions.

Informing agents: Information technologies (IT), data, knowledge, meaning, and wisdom.

Informing Cost: Costs of work involving cognitive informing agents (knowledge, data). In knowledge tasks, it is the average expense for formal professional education (or of self-learning), plus costs of knowledge recall and implementation.

Informing need: A cognitive need of satisfying a gap in knowledge; similar to information need.

Informing seeking: An individual behavior or action a person experiencing informing need takes to satisfy the need.

Infostructure: An aspect of IVO that refers to stable relationships between data segments and the arrangements of IT, which complement social structure.

Institutional infopower: Social power relationships embedded in informing agents.

Symbol infopower: Technology as object or a conception stands for (triggers, symbolizes) meanings that relate to user’s autonomy or dependence.

Knowledge: Complex cognitive structure in human mind resulting from experiential and theoretical learning and referring to understanding what, why and how (that is, conceptual, cause-effect and procedural knowledge).

Knowledge infoculture: An infoculture in which the entire knowledge management process is supported.

Meaning: Synonym to “information.”

Mobile enterprise: Mobile enterprise is a highly spatially distributed organization whose key business processes deploy mobile information technologies and systems.

Organization: A collection of individuals and groups that is based on division of labor, rules, norms and the purpose of delivering a good or service.

Spiral of uncertainty: The effect that new information creates uncertainty regarding the future, as it resolves uncertainty regarding the present/past.

Team infoculture: An infoculture in which informing agents are in function of team autonomy;

moderate on knowledge codification and high on knowledge diffusion.

Technological Informing agents: Information and communication technologies.

Virtual organization: An organization that exists as the effect of many organizations functioning toward a common goal. It exists in the electronic space through dynamic computer networks, and delivers special products.

Virtual Life: A common rubric for various virtual forms, such as identity, relationship, community, country and world, all of which make Tree of Virtual Life.

Wisdom: A capability of making a right judgment in a right moment.