Examined Under A Microscope Daniel 6:1-9
The microscop ws inventd in th late 16thcent. Microscopes look at small things
Today there are many diff kinds of microscopes...I used to use...
Under a microscope – small things look big things look big, sweat gland fingr
This AM, Daniel is put under a microscope.
Why, What Seen, How get around microscopic evidence
Comment – Darius the Mede 5:31&6:1, uncertainty as to who, possibUgbaru genl of
Cyrus or Cyrus himself
- Why Daniel Was Put Under A Microscope 1-3
- Because Daniel was an honest man in a position of leadership responsible to the king and many of Daniel’s peers and subordinates were not honest and sought to take from the kings portion, Daniel was in the way of their corruption, Ps 92:12-15 apt for Daniel
- Because Daniel distinguished himself above others, excellent spirit 3a
- Because the king planned to promote Daniel to chief administrator 3b
Lessons 4U
- You will be under a microscope if you are known as a person of faith who lives their faith. People want to see if U are genuine they may be looking for a flaw.
- When you supervise others, hold them to your level of honesty
- Your work should be marked by excellence... You should not do your work to show up your fellow workers but rather to please God and be faithful to whoever you are working for.
- Others around you may be jealous or envious of you
- What Was Seen When Daniel Examined Under A Microscope 4,5
- Find him faithful in his duties to the kingdom 4a
- Find no error or fault in him 4b
- Find nothing against him unless concerning the law of God, they knew what he believed 5
Lessons 4U
- When people look at you under a microscope they should not find any faults, inconsistencies or hidden sins. What would they find if they could look at you carefully?
- Make it your practice and your goal to have v5 as your ideal. Nothing against you unless it concerns the law of God.
- be above reproach, without fault
- do your best for God and manAc 24:16; Ph2:15
- U shld be faithful to UR duties and do UR best for UR employer
- Be open about your faith in Christ, not a secret disciple
- How Daniel’s Enemies Tried To Get Around Microscopic Evidence 6-9
- Lie – all of the...
- Appeal to the vanity of the king – you are ‘god’
- Appeal to the inexperience of the king
- Writ a law targtd specificlly against Daniel’s beliefs i.e. maufacture evidnc
Lessons 4U
- you should expect that the world will not ‘play fair’
- politicians are not above manipulating the law to their own advantage – gerrymandering
- you must obey God rather than men Ac 5:29
- U should expect to be a target and under a microscope if your faith is lived outside of the church and home. Everett Koop...