Course Syllabus
Bath County High School
Teacher: Ms. Burton
This course is designed for students who have completed an Algebra I course. The content includes topics such as congruency, proofs, constructions, similarity, trigonometry, extending to three dimensions, connecting Algebra and Geometry through coordinates, circles with and without coordinates, and applications of probability. Students will receive ACT/COMPASS preparation throughout this course to better prepare them for state and national assessments.
· Segments and Angles
· Parallel Lines
· Triangles
· Transformations and Congruence
· Parallelograms
Assignments and Assessments:
Bell Ringers---Bell Ringers are problems presented at the beginning of class each day. You must start working on the bell ringer immediately upon entering the room.
Classwork---Classwork is assigned almost daily. You are expected to complete assignments in order to prepare yourself for assessments.
Assessments---Assessments will be given frequently to monitor your progress on learning targets.
The 1, 2, 3 Grading Scale:
All grading will be done using a 0, 1, 2, 2.5, or 3 to report how well a student has mastered a specific learning target in a class. A “0” can only be given when there is no data to inform whether a student has mastered a learning target – meaning the student has done nothing, and therefore there is no data available. A student who has demonstrated any learning at all and shown any progress towards mastering a learning target shall be assigned a “1”. A student who has shown mastery of a learning target with minimal mistakes shall be assigned a “3”. A student who has not mastered a learning target, but is making significant progress and is getting there shall be assigned a “2”. A student who does not master a learning target the first time, but then does additional practice and eventually masters that learning target shall be assigned a “2.5”.
Your grade for the course will be based on the weighted categories listed below.
Categories / WeightFormative Assessments / 20%
Summative Assessments / 60%
EOC / 20%
Formative Assessments-20%
Formative assessments are assessments given during a unit to gage your progress on specific learning targets. You can take a formative assessment up to 3 times during the unit of study. All retakes must be completed before the summative assessment.
Summative Assessments-60%
Summative assessments are given at the end of a unit to assess your learning. All or most unit targets will be assessed on the summative assessment. You can take a summative assessment up to 2 times. The retake must be completed before the next summative assessment.
The EOC is the end of course assessment. It will assess content learned over the entire semester. Retakes will not be allowed on the EOC.
Cheating on an assessment will result in 1 day of break detention and a zero on that assessment. The zero will count as one of the attempts.
Make-Up Work:
Make-up work will be placed in a folder. It is your responsibility to ask for your work.
Any missed formative or summative assessment MUST be made up within three (3) days of returning to school unless you have missed more than three (3) consecutive days of school. In the event you have missed more than three (3) days of the school, you will receive the same number of days missed to make up any assessments. For example: if a you miss five (5) days then you will have five (5) days to make up any missed assessment. All assessments made up whether it is due to an excused or unexcused absence will be graded and recorded. Students will earn zeros on all assessments missed that are not taken within the time frame allowed.
Notebook ---You will need a notebook of some kind specifically for this class. Binders/Notebooks should be kept neat and well organized. All papers should have dates and numbers. The binder should contain bell ringers, notes, vocabulary, homework, postulates, theorems, etc.
Students needing extra help are welcome to come at the times listed below to receive tutoring.
· Before 8:00 any day except Tuesdays
(I usually arrive in my room around 7:30.)
· Study Zone
· During break
· During bus bells
· After school by appointment
Be prepared for Class!!! Sharpening pencils, getting paper and materials ready should be done before the tardy bell rings! Remember you are to be in your seat and working before the bell rings. Pencil, paper, and notebooks MUST be brought to class every day.
Call-Outs---If you have a question, raise your hand. Call-outs are not allowed. This includes answering a question posed to another student.
Calculators---You may be given a numbered calculator to use during class. You must always use the number you are assigned. You are to check your calculator for damages. Report any damages to me immediately. If your calculator has low batteries, please inform me by raising your hand. Please grab your calculator as you enter the classroom.
It is important that we take care of the calculators. Therefore, if your calculator falls off of your table, you will not be allowed to use a graphing calculator for the remainder of the period.
Forgotten Items---You will not be allowed to retrieve forgotten items from your locker.
Passes---If an emergency occurs and you have to leave the room, inform me by raising your hand. If you do have to leave, you must sign out in the hall pass log and take the hall pass with you. When you return, you must sign back in. YOU ONLY GET TWO PASSES during the semester —USE THEM WISELY. This includes passes to see the nurse.
Should more than two emergencies occur during the semester, you will be assigned a break detention for exceeding the limit of allowed passes.
Tardy to Class---All students are expected to be in class and in assigned seats when the tardy bell rings. If you are late due to being called to the office or detained by another teacher, I must receive a phone call or a note to have your tardy excused. Late students must sign the tardy log. Break detention will be assigned.
Nurse/Youth Service Center---To see the nurse or go to the YSC, make an appointment during breaks.
Classroom Dismissal---The bell does not dismiss you from class, I do. Stay seated until given permission to leave. Also, be sure to push your chair in when you leave.
Classroom Rules:
· Be Respectful: I expect respect to be shown to oneself, others, and materials in my classroom. This includes but is not limited to: No put-downs, negativism, derogatory comments, interruptions, talking without recognition, getting up without permission, or disrupting other students’ personal belongings. This definitely includes the teacher’s desk and materials around the classroom.
· Be Prepared: Come to class with all necessary materials. Be in your seat and working on the bell work as soon as you enter the classroom without talking. Be ready and willing to learn, including being ready to ask questions.
· Be Quiet: When you enter my classroom you will keep the noise level to a minimum. I expect you to raise your hand and wait to be called on
· Be Positive: Maintain a positive attitude about math and your ability. ALL STUDENTS can achieve. We will get there together.
If you would like to contact me with any comments or concerns, my e-mail address is . If you would like to monitor your child’s grade from home, contact the guidance office for ICampus log in information. I look forward to having your child in class!