CSUSB, College of Education
Course Syllabus for ESEC/EELB 520A
Single Subjects Credential Program
Subject Specific Pedagogy
Dr. Barry Last
Winter 2017
Class Day/Time/Location:Saturday 9-10am, Online
Office Location and Hours:By appointment only Rm 272,call 909-801-4427
TPA Handbook Download at the following website or on the course website under External Links.
TaskStream Establish a TaskStream account at the following website or on the course website under External Links. See the Class Schedule for the date by which your TaskStream Account must be established and course code entered or you will be dropped from the course.
Bulletin Course Description
Seminar focusing on knowledge, skills and dispositions required for first year teachers. Emphasis on use of content specific and developmentally appropriate pedagogy and assessment practices; adapting instruction to meet the characteristics of English learners and learners with special needs; and demonstration of Teaching Performance Expectations 1, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 9.
Graded credit/no credit. (1 unit)
It is recommended that the Subject Specific Pedagogy Task be completed during Phase III for Multiple Subjects and in Phase II for Single Subjects. Completion of the CalTPA: Subject Specific Pedagogy Task is dependent upon being able to make use of the information learned in ESEC 407 410 and 413 or EELB 313 315/16 317 423. Please fill out the form on the last page of the syllabus and leave it with the instructor after the first class.
What You Need to Know About This Course
The purpose of course is to provide assistance to you as you prepare to demonstrate yourskills and attitudes related to Teaching Performance Expectations. During the course you will complete the required CalTPA: Subject Specific Pedagogy Task.
One of the most critical aspects of passing the Teaching Performance Assessments is to be sure you understand the prompts and provide responses that thoroughly address what is being asked. This course is developed to help you avoid problems in understanding what you need to do. In order to do so you must be in class. Missing any mandatory class meeting will result in you being dropped from class and not being allowed to submit your task this quarter.
You can also ask individual questions via email to the instructor. Responses are usually provided within 24 hours – please email again if you do not have a response. Please note however that the instructor can NOT provide feedback on your drafts as you work to complete the task. This task is to be your original work without collaboration with the instructor or your classmates.
The best way to pass this course is to work on it every week. Hopefully you have started the class with drafts of three or all four of the case studies. You should try to submit this task early since you probably have two TPA tasks this quarter. The instructor will be monitoring student participation on the course website and sending emails reminding students about where they should be in completing the task. The best way to fail this course is to try to complete the Subject Specific Pedagogy Task at the last minute without using the course supports.
Course Objectives
The following objective identifies the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that will be assessed in this course. Credential students who successfully complete EELB 520A will be able to:
Respond in writing to the prompts associated with four case studies demonstrating content-specific, developmentally appropriate pedagogy and assessment and effective adaptations for a described English Learner and a described student with special needs. The case studies cover the four core subjects multiple subject teachers teach – English/Language arts, math, science and social studies.
The following Teaching Performance Expectations will be demonstrated by responding to the CalTPA: Subject Specific Pedagogy Task:
- TPE 1A - Subject-Specific Pedagogical Skills for Multiple Subject Teaching Assignments
- TPE 3 - Interpretation and Use of Assessments
- TPE 4 - Making Content Accessible
- TPE 6 - Developmentally Appropriate Practices
- TPE 7 - Teaching English Learners
- TPE 9 - Instructional Planning
Note: Review the complete text of these six Teaching Performance Expectations (See Appendix A of the CalTPA Candidate Handbook) before you begin, periodically as you prepare your response to this Task and as a final check before submitting your responses.
Course Requirements
Respond in writing to the prompts of the CalTPA: Subject Specific Pedagogy Task. The final draft is completed individually and submitted through your TaskStream account. You will receive the course code for the task in the first class session. Enter it into your TaskStream account as soon as possible. Course codes must be entered by the date found on the Class Schedule.
- Carefully read each case study and the accompanying prompts.
- Review any notes or drafts you have made regarding the case studies in your ESEC 407, 410 and 413 coursework or ELLB 313, 315/16, 317 and 423 coursework.
- Draft responses to all case studies on your TaskStream account.
- Plan to complete and submit this task as soon as possible.
Your task must be turned in before the due date through your TaskStream account and no tasks will be accepted after the due date for any reason. Those tasks not received by Monday April 24that 11:59PM will not be graded and students will be given No Credit (NC) for the course. The student will not be given the option to resubmit through the CEL TPA Resubmission Course.
You will not qualify for a preliminary teaching credential until you pass ESEC/EELB 520A.
Please note: If you fail ESEC 520A or EELB 520A twice you will be asked to meet with the Director of Teacher Education to determine whether you will receive a third attempt or you will be dropped from the program.
Course Evaluation Plan/Grading Scale
This course is graded credit/no credit. To earn credit for the course you must complete the CalTPA: Subject Specific Pedagogy Task with a minimum score of level 3 on the given rubric and attend all the mandatory classes scheduled. If your completed task does not earn a score of level 3 and you want to revise and resubmit the task this quarter, you will enroll in the appropriate TPA Resubmission Course offered through College of Extended Learning. The course will cost $175 and will meet on a Saturday on the San Bernardino campus. (see the Class Schedule for the date).The Resubmission Course will be held on Saturday May 20th, 2017 from 1-4 PM. Attendance at the Resubmission Course is highly recommended but not required for resubmission. Enrollment in the CEL TPA Resubmission Course IS required for resubmission. If you choose not to resubmit, you will receive a grade of No Credit for ESEC/EELB 520A and will need to enroll in the course again the next quarter. You will not be able to be recommended for your preliminary credential until you have credit in ESEC/EELB 520A.
Students are also required to submit evaluations of their supervisor. This will be done online. Failure to submit an evaluation will result in the students supervision grade being placed on hold until the evaluations are completed
Course Policies
Written communication to you will be through your campus email address. If you do not know what yours is, it is imperative that you find it. (Go to and use the Help feature) If you want to forward mail from the campus address to another address it will be your responsibility to set that up.
Policy on Plagiarism The CSUSB Policy on Academic Honesty states:
“Plagiarism and cheating are violations of the Student discipline Code (see Appendix of the CSUSB Catalogue of Programs) and may be dealt with by both the instructor and the Coordinator of Student Conduct. Plagiarism is the presentation, as one’s own, the ideas and writing of another. Plagiarism is academically dishonest and subjects the offending student to penalties up to and including expulsion. Students must make appropriate acknowledgments of the original source where material written or compiled by another is used.”
Plagiarism on a Teaching Performance Assessment is grounds for dismissal from the Multiple and/or Single Subject Credential Program.
Commitment to Diversity
In our commitment to the furthering of knowledge and fulfilling our educational mission, California State University, San Bernardino seeks a campus climate that welcomes, celebrates, and promotes respect for the entire variety of human experience. In our commitment to diversity, we welcome people from all backgrounds and we seek to include knowledge and values from many cultures in the curriculum and extra-curricular life of the campus community. Dimensions of diversity shall include, but are not limited to the following: race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, sex/gender, disability, socioeconomic status, cultural orientation, national origin, and age. (from the CSU San Bernardino University Diversity Committee Statement of Commitment to Diversity, 1995)
Statement of Reasonable Accommodation
The College of Education faculty members support the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). Faculty members will provide reasonable accommodations to a student with a disability who is registered with the Office of Services to Students with Disabilities and who needs and requests accommodations. Reasonable accommodations may involve allowing a student to use an interpreter, note taker or reader. Accommodations may be needed during class sessions and for administration of examinations. The intent of the ADA in requiring consideration of reasonable accommodation is not to give a particular student an unfair advantage over other candidates, but simply to allow candidates with disabilities to have an equal opportunity to be successful. If you are in need of an accommodation for a disability in order to participate in this class, please let me know ASAP and also contact Services to Students with Disabilities at the Palm Desert Campus in RG-209 760-341-2883 x 78117 or at the San Bernardino Campus in UH-183 909-537-5238;
ESEC/EELB 520A Course Calendar:
Session # & date Topic & Assignments
April 1 Go Over syllabus and Task Stream, fill out forms
All codes due
Mandatory Class
April 8th Review of Task 1
Mandatory Class Day
April 22 Review of turn in procedures
Introduction of Common Core
Questions and Answers
Mandatory Class Day
TASK DUE MONDAY April 24th BY 11:59 PM
April 29 No Class Tasks being graded
May 6 No Class Tasks being graded
May 13 Review Grading and resubmissions procedures
Mandatory Class Day Tasks Returned Monday May 15th
May 20 TPA Resubmission Course 1-4PM
June 5 TPA Resubmissions due by 11:59PM
ESEC/EELB 520A Pre/co-requisite Courses
Date: ______
Name: ______CID: ______
CSUSB Email address ______
Preferred phone number ______
Course / Quarter Enrolled / Grade (if completed)ESEC 407
ESEC 410
ESEC 413
Course / Quarter Enrolled / Grade (if completed)
EELB 313
EELB 315/316
EELB 317
EELB 423
520A Standard syllabus 1 2016-2017