EVS volunteer selection
Associazione Il Ce.Sto Onlus
If you want to become a volunteer at Associazione Il Ce.Sto., we ask you to fill this survey to know if you fit in our EVS placement and to have a better understanding about your preferences and profile. If you pass this step we would like to call you to have a phone/Skype interview.
Personal details:
Date of Birth:
Address (street, post code, city, country):
Sending organisation (and email and phone number of the contact person of the sending organisation):
1) For which one of the two projects are you available? (12 months-children or 10 months-migrants)
2) Why are you interested in taking part in this project?
3) Do you have previous experiences of living abroad? If yes, how were the experiences?
4) Have you got any knowledge of Italian? If yes, please write down your hobbies.
5) Please give an order of importance from the most to the less important aspects during your EVS project in Genova (put the number 1 for the most important aspect, number 9 to the less important):
Aspect / Order of importanceFriendship
Work with children coming from different/difficult contexts
Work with migrants and asylum seekers
Learning Italian
Visiting Italy
Children education
Live in a big town
Learning team work
Intercultural awareness
Find a work
Other (explain)
6) In which field do you thing to have good skills? What kind of skills?
7) Are you interested in living in a big town town like Genova? Why? How do you think you will spend your free time?
8) Can you handle the fact that you won’t have a private space, a single room, for your privacy?
9) Please fill in the list of activities you would like to do during your free time in order of importance from the most to the less important (put the number 1 for the most important activity, number to 12 the less important):
Activities / Order of importanceSurfing the internet
Having fun in the night
To be a "party animal"
Go to concerts and cultural events
Doing volunteerism
Doing sport activities
Chatting with friends
Reading Books
Going to the cinema, watching tv, movies, series
Going to the disco
Using social networks
Doing manual work at home
Getting drunk
Other (explain)
10) How do you react to new and unclear contexts? Would you describe as a person who needs to have “everything under control” or do you prefer facing evolving and changing situations? Would you describe as an open-minded person? Why?
11) Do you have any skill concerning working with children that you want to share?(sport, handcraft, games etc)
11a) Do you have any proposal of activity you want to share with the refugees hosted by Associazione il Cesto?
12) What does motivate you in working with children and adolescents, especially of different ethnicities? Do you have any previous experience in this field? If yes, how was it?
12a) What does motivate you in working with migrants, in particular refugees and asylum seekers? Do you have any previous experience in this field? If yes, what?
13) What would you like to learn during this experience?
14) Do you have some plan after the end of this EVS project?
15) Did you apply to other EVS projects? Which kind of projects, and where?
16) Give us a good reason to select you.
Please fill this survey and send it back as soon as possible to
Thank you for your cooperation!
Associazione di promozione sociale PECO - Progetti Europei di Cooperazione Genova
Via San Luca 15/7, 16124 Italia C.F. 95167 640 101 P.IVA 02334240997