Title I FY 2015-2016
Documentation of Parent Involvement
Due: October 3, 2015
Garinger High School
Title I Allocation for Parent Involvement
I. Parent Programs and Workshops
a. List the parental programs and workshops implemented as of October 3, 2015:
Program(s)/Workshop(s) / # Attended / Scanned roster(s) into Google Drive Folder and Original in Title I Box / DateAugust 18 Freshman Parent Open House Annual Title I Meeting / 228 / Yes No / 8/18
August 19, Upperclassman Parent Night Open House / 200 / Yes No / 8/19
Parent, Teacher, Student Association Interest Meeting / 16 / Yes No / 9/09
Parent, Teacher, Student Association Introductory Meeting / 15 / Yes No / 9/17
Curriculum Night / TBD / Yes No / 9/24
b. List the parental programs and workshops planned through May 30, 2016:
Title(s) / Target Audience / DateInternational/Global Parent Night / All Parents / 11/15
FAFSA/College Night/Clearinghouse / All students and Parents of seniors / 1/16
Spring Curriculum Night / All Parents / 2/16
Preparing to take the ACT / All students and Parents / 2/16
Study Skills and NCFE/EOC Preparedness / All Parents / 5/16
II. Parent Communications
(Please indicate the school-wide parent communication(s) conducted and documented)
____ Monthly Newsletter(s) X Connect Ed messages
X Parent-Teacher Conference ____Highly Qualified Teacher Letter
____ Parent-Teacher Compact Revisions X Parent volunteer solicitations
____ Parent Involvement Opportunities
____Title I Parent Involvement Policy (check below to indicate communication)
_____ Parent-Student Handbook
_____ Student Planner
_____ Separate handouts
III. Parent Meetings
List the dates of other planned parent meetings:
Meeting Topic/Title/Organization / Date (s)*Annual Title I Parent Meeting (scan an agenda and a copy of sign-in roster into Google Drive) / 8/18-20
*Revision of Parent-Teacher-Student Compact (scan an agenda and a copy of sign-in roster into Google Drive) Completed during SLT and/or PTO,PTA meetings / 9/24
* Indicates Required meetings.
List your Title I Parent Involvement goals for 2015 – 2016. Complete the following chart:
Goals (SIP/Indistar Goal/Indicator) / Person(s)Responsible / $ Allotment / Evaluation Method(s)
(Survey, Feedback Forms)
Title I Principal Signature Date