Anth-170, Primate Behavior and Human Evolution, Syllabus Spring 2006
Dr. Eduardo Fernandez Duque, Research Associate
Department of Anthropology
Room: 342 University Museum
Phone: 215-898-1072
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesdays, 11:00 to 12:00 or by appointment
The course examines the diversity of the living primates, as well as their behavior and evolution. We will look at the ways in which individuals compete with one another to survive, mate and rear their offspring and how their behavior interacts with ecological factors to produce the sorts of societies that we see among primates. We will also consider how our studying of living primates can help us understand the evolution of human behavior.
COURSE REQUIREMENTS (total of 100 pts):
1.Two short assignments (20 pts)
2.One mid-term Exam (20 pts)
3.Cumulative Final Exam (30 pts)
4.Review Paper (30 pts)
The first assignment will consist of a Library Assignment designed to introduce you to using on-line databases to find published scientific research and to using the library for looking up the materials. A major goal of the assignment is to emphasize that there is literature you MUST consult which is not on-line or in PDF format. The second will be decided once I know the number of students in the class.
The midterm and final examinations will be based on the lecture material and assigned readings and they will consist of a combination of short essay questions, defining and explaining terms, and multiple-choice questions. Makeup examinations will only be given with a documented medical excuse.
The Review Paper is a major component of this course. You will write on a subject of your choice that will include both a topical focus and a taxonomic topic (e.g. sexual dimorphism in the genus Papio). Writing the paper will require from you a very good understanding of the theoretical principles discussed in class so that you can apply them to explaining some data available in the literature. The paper must contain the following sections: Introduction, Current ideas on the topic, Recommendations for future research, Conclusions, and Literature reviewed. Length of the paper: 4-6 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pts., 1 inch margins or less all around (Points will be discounted if these directions are not followed). I would like to see us all reducing the amount of paper we use, try printing the paper double-sided or on used paper.
Deadline: Wednesday April 5, 5 PM is the deadline for turning in the final paper (30 pts), 10% deduction of final grade of the paper per day late.
Attendance is essential for doing well in this course. All information discussed in class (e.g. questions from students, debate following a lecture) can be included in any of the exams.
The final grade in this course will be based on the sum of the scores on all assignments. I will use two different methods to determine grades. First, I will calculate grades on a straight percentage basis (A = 90% to 100%, B = 80 to 90%, and so on). I will also calculate grades based on a curve where the mean score for the class will mark the cutoff between a B- and a C+. Your final grade will be the higher of these two.
Required readings:
The required books will be available at Penn Bookstore and on reserve at the Museum and Van Pelt Libraries.
Ciochon, R.L. and Nisbett, R.A., eds. 1998. The Primate Anthology:
Essays on Primate Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation from Natural History. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Karen Strier (2002), Primate Behavioral Ecology, 2nd Edition.
Supplemental Readings:
One goal of the course is to be able to read and evaluate scientific literature. Thus, I have organized a set of readings for each of the topics discussed in class. These readings (research articles, book chapters, popular notes) are designed to complement as well as supplement the lectures. Supplemental readings will be placed on line as PDF or Word files though Blackboard. You should expect to find some questions from the readings on the midterm and final examinations.
Reading assignments will be available in Blackboard. They are to be completed before the lectures under which they appear.
Date / Lecture # / TopicJan 9 / 1 / Introduction, primate behavior and human evolution
Jan 11 / 2 / Lemurs, lorises, and galagos - the Suborder Strepsirhini
Jan 16 / Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Jan 18 / 3 / Tarsiers and New World monkeys - the Suborder Haplorhini, Part I
Jan 23 / 4 / Old World monkeys - the Suborder Haplorhini, Part II
Jan 25 / 5 / Apes - the Suborder Haplorhini, Part III
Jan 30 / 6 / Video: A life in the trees
Feb 1 / 7 / Evolution, natural selection, fitness, and kinship
Feb 6 / 8 / Population biology, demography, and life history
Feb 8 / 9 / Nutrition, diets, and foraging strategies
Feb 13 / 10
Feb 15 / 11 / Ranging patterns and territoriality
Feb 20 / 12 / Sociality and grouping - avoiding predation and acquiring food
Feb 22 / 13 / Sexual selection - intrasexual competition and mate choice
Feb 27 / 14 / Ecology of mating systems - resource distribution and defensibility
Mar 1 / 15 / Guest Speaker: Professor C. Valeggia,
Mar 6 / Break / Spring Break
Mar 8 / Break / Spring Break
Mar 13 / 16 / Reproductive strategies of females
Mar 15 / 17 / Reproductive strategies of males
Mar 20 / 18 / Parental investment and conflicts between parents and offspring
Mar 22 / 19 / Differential investment, paternal care, and nonparent-infant interactions
Mar 27 / 20 / Rounding Out the Socioecological Model
Mar 29 / 21 / The ecology of dispersal patterns
Apr 3 / 22 / Social relationships, dominance, and the significance of rank
Apr 5 / 23 / Cooperation and alliances - altruism, kinship, and reciprocity
Apr 10 / 24 / Evolution of intelligence - foraging versus social cognition
Apr 12 / 25 / Guest Speaker: to be confirmed
Apr 17 / 26 / Primate community ecology
Apr 19 / 27 / Human threats to primates and primate conservation biology
May 5 / Final / 12:00-2:00 Final exam