Y9 – Triple Science

Physics Project – DEADLINE: 1st July.

Evidence for the Big Bang

You will create a revision resource (booklet or series of posters) that cover the following topics and answer the following questions:

Big Bang

What is the Big Bang Theory?


What is RedShift?

How does Redshift provide evidence for the Big Bang?


What is the Cosmic Microwave Background?

How was it discovered?

How does it back up the Big Bang theory?

Syllabus Statement: Red shift

a) b) observed wavelength

a) If a wave source is moving relative to an observer there will be a change in the observed wavelength and frequency.

b) There is an observed increase in the wavelength of light from most distant galaxies. The further away the galaxies the faster they are moving, and the bigger the observed increase in wavelength.

This effect is called the ‘red-shift’.

The treatment of ‘red-shift’ should be limited to the movement of dark lines within the spectrum.

The Doppler effect may be used to model the phenomenon of red shift:

The following should be included:

▪the wave source could be light, sound or microwaves

▪the relative movement of a wave source towards and away from a fixed observer

▪when the source moves away from the observer, the observed wavelength increases and the frequency decreases

▪When the source moves towards the observer, the observed wavelength decreases and the frequency increases

c) red shift and the big bang

Candidates should use their skills, knowledge and understanding to:

▪consider the limitations of the model that scientists use to explain how the universe began and why the universe continues to expand.

c) How the observed red shift provides evidence that the universe is expanding and supports the ‘Big Bang’ theory (that the universe began from a very small initial point).

d) CMBR and the big bang

d) Cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) is a form of electromagnetic radiation filling the universe. It comes from radiation that was present shortly after the beginnings of the universe. The Big Bang theory is currently the only theory that can explain the existence of CMBR

Candidates should be aware of current hypotheses on this subject, but should realise that not all scientists agree.

Candidates should know that observations of CMBR are consistent with the Big Bang theory.

Y9 – Triple Science

Physics Project – DEADLINE: 1st July.

Evidence for the Big Bang

You will create a revision resource (booklet or series of posters) that cover the following topics and answer the following questions:

Big Bang

What is the Big Bang Theory?


What is RedShift?

How does Redshift provide evidence for the Big Bang?


What is the Cosmic Microwave Background?

How was it discovered?

How does it back up the Big Bang theory?

Syllabus Statement: Red shift

a) b) observed wavelength

a) If a wave source is moving relative to an observer there will be a change in the observed wavelength and frequency.

b) There is an observed increase in the wavelength of light from most distant galaxies. The further away the galaxies the faster they are moving, and the bigger the observed increase in wavelength.

This effect is called the ‘red-shift’.

The treatment of ‘red-shift’ should be limited to the movement of dark lines within the spectrum.

The Doppler effect may be used to model the phenomenon of red shift:

The following should be included:

▪the wave source could be light, sound or microwaves

▪the relative movement of a wave source towards and away from a fixed observer

▪when the source moves away from the observer, the observed wavelength increases and the frequency decreases

▪When the source moves towards the observer, the observed wavelength decreases and the frequency increases

c) red shift and the big bang

Candidates should use their skills, knowledge and understanding to:

▪consider the limitations of the model that scientists use to explain how the universe began and why the universe continues to expand.

c) How the observed red shift provides evidence that the universe is expanding and supports the ‘Big Bang’ theory (that the universe began from a very small initial point).

d) CMBR and the big bang

d) Cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) is a form of electromagnetic radiation filling the universe. It comes from radiation that was present shortly after the beginnings of the universe. The Big Bang theory is currently the only theory that can explain the existence of CMBR

Candidates should be aware of current hypotheses on this subject, but should realise that not all scientists agree.

Candidates should know that observations of CMBR are consistent with the Big Bang theory.