Warrensburg Marching Tigers 2018



July 30 – August 3

Drumline 1-9 p.m.

Guard, Brass and Woodwinds 3-9 p.m.

Warrensburg High School

Parents of Freshmen band members – you will have a meeting on Monday, July 20th at 8:30 p.m. hosted by the Band-Aides. Helpful information regarding the marching season and beyond will be provided.

All Parents meeting on Friday, April 3rd, at 7:30 p.m. followed by a performance of the Marching Tigers. Band Family Picnic at the High School from end of performance to10 p.m.

- Food and Fun for the entire family!

Drum Majors, Section Leaders/Captains and Band Staff: Friday, July 27th,8 a.m. - 2 p.m.at WHS.

Lunch will be provided! Gathering at Sekelsky house after until 4:30 p.m. for those leaders who are interested.

Dear Band Parents and Students,

Hope you havea great summer!!!

It will soon be time to gather everyone together for the 2018 edition of the Warrensburg Marching Tigers. The staff is excited about the new season and getting to work with such great students, parents, and community members! We look forward to seeing the musicians on July 30thwith SHOW and PARADE music memorized and ready to go for this year.

Our show this year is entitled: "SPIES.” Our parade tune is “Star Wars themes”. The music is available to listen to on

Dr. Sekelsky will have the charts to us for the opener for band camp. IF YOU MISS BAND CAMP, YOU WILL HAVE A VERY DIFFICULT TIME LEARNING THE SHOW!!! YOU MUST BE THERE!!! Contact us if you have any conflicts!!! You must attend camp if you wish to take band for HONORS CREDIT (sophomores-seniors). (Other requirements for honors credit must be met, as well.) Any camp time missed must be made up by the end of the semester.

Please see the order forms for what you will need to purchase for the season. The order form and payment for apparel, etc.is due July 31st, 2018. We will be using an online service for the food payment – do not pay that until further notice. I will send an email regarding that change.

Here are a few reminders for marching season:

1. Thursday night practices are from 6:30-8:30 p.m. each week beginning with Thursday, August 16th. Occasionally we start earlier to do some street marching before it gets dark, and some section leaders have found this to be a good time to hold sectionals, but otherwise make your arrangements to be present at these times. Returning bandsmen can tell you how valuable Thursday night practices are. These are a part of your grade, so be sure you ask off of work, etc. Rehearsals are mostly at the High School, but there may be one or two at the main stadium at Sterling/Middle School. We will let you know where before the rehearsals! 

2. Morning practice times are 6:45AM each school day during marching season only (August 17th--October 18th, 2018). Please arrive early enough to go to your lockers. Be sure you are not late as attendance is taken on the field at 6:45A.M.!!! Many students carpool to school for zero hour rehearsals. If you need a ride, let Mrs. Sekelsky know. You should plan to arrive at school no later than 6:35A.M. Students receive 1/4 credit for morning marching practices!!! This does count toward perfect attendance, tardies, absences, and GRADE, so please work out your transportation carefully.

3. This is not marching band related, but still important: Be working on your All-District Band/Concert-Symphonic Band audition materials. Auditions for District Band are Saturday, November 3rd, 2018. Auditions for Concert Band will begin the week of November 5th. If you need the audition music we will get it to you the first day of camp (although ALL who are registered for band next fall have already received it). Don't be frightened by the music as it is very playable, but needs to be worked on well in advance. The music for All-District Band is the same music that will determine your final placement in one of our concert bands. The school pays the audition fee ($10) for you. We strongly recommend the enrollment in private lessons to assist those who are seriously desiring All-District/All-State performances! If you are taking band as an honors class you are required to try out for District Band.

4. If you know of anyone that did not receive music, please let us know. Our instrumentation looks good. If you get this letter and are not planning on participating in band, let us know right away.

5. I will do a big email list from the addresses listed on Power School. If you don’t receive them, please let me know thru email to . I also use the Remind App to send brief reminders and/or to check the website for new information. For information for 2018-2019 please do the following: Text this message @cf97bk9 to the number 81010. You should receive a text to confirm you are a class member that says you’ve joined Wbg Bands 17-18 with Mrs. Sekelsky. This is for both students and parents.

EQUIPMENT (Part of 1st semester grade) - CHECK OUT THE DRUM MAJOR LETTER FOR OTHER HELPFUL INFORMATION REGARDING CAMP WEEK. (A current letter will be posted on the website upon completion of the audition/selection process.)

>Instrument in good working condition.

>Flip folder for marching music (You may purchase these online, Meyer Music or Instrumental Influence, etc. None are provided. Please plan ahead as stores will keep some in stock, but won't be able to help you the day before camp begins!) Drumline members do not need these.

Pencil for marking music and charts. Did I mention to bring a PENCIL???? 

SECTION LEADERS ONLY…A 1" notebook with plastic sleeves will be needed to store charts in and a string/rope to hang it from your back while marching.

TENNIS/RUNNING SHOES ONLY. Use some old crusties and they can be kept in your music locker – because we want to see how stinky we can make the band hallway!  Okay, we don’t want stinky, but it is bound to happen. TENNIS/RUNNING SHOES ONLY. “Skater-type” shoes are not tennis shoes – nor are hiking shoes, etc. We don’t want anything with a totally flat bottom. TENNIS/RUNNING SHOES ONLY. NO BOOTS! Some musicians wear their marching band shoes for rehearsals. Marching band shoes are required for the TNPs.

GUARD MEMBERS– You will receive a special packet describing the shoes and gloves, etc. you will need to order. Check your Facebook page.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or email!! We look forward to seeing you at camp!!!

MOST IMPORTANTLY – go to for information and the season calendar! If you have questions, email me at .

If your email address is on Power School you will begin receiving emails from me once school starts that will give you updates and reminders.

One more thing…PARENTS! WE NEED YOU! We hope you will become an active part of the Band-Aides! There is an interest survey in this packet for you to fill out. Our Band-Aides Presidentwill be asking for help at events, so if you’re interested please jump on in! She will have an email list as well and will send out information to all band parents. There will be an informational meeting for Freshmen Band Parents on Monday, July 30th at 8:30 p.m. and then an All Parent meeting on Friday, August 3rd at 7:30 p.m. to be followed by a performance by the Marching Tigers and then we will have a picnic! All band members and their families are invited.



Stephanie Sekelsky, Director of Bands


Sarah Ray, Associate Director of Bands

Dr. Michael Sekelsky, Drumline Coordinator, Drill Designer

Bailey Carson and Annie Hitchman, Fall Color Guard Directors

Go to for information.

Join the Remind app. Enter this number: 81010. Text this message: @cf97bk9.

You should receive a notification saying you are a class member – this is for parents and students.

P.S. The Band-Aides host a rummage sale each year. Please save items that you would be willing to donate for this event. We are currently looking at Saturday, August 11th to be our date for that. Keep an eye on the website – I will update it as soon as I know for sure.

I believe we will continue to have aluminum can collection at concert events, so save your smashed cans.

Final note: THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO IS A PART OF THIS AWESOME BAND FAMILY! I know it can be crazy and hectic during marching season and again in the spring for some, but I hope the rewards far outweigh the exhaustion.  To see these musicians grow and develop their music is just a really cool thing.