Friday12thMay 2017
Coming up…
- 15th-19th May – Year 2 SATS Week.
- Monday 15th – Wednesday 17th May – Year 5 Kingswood Residential.
- Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th May – Chris Connaughton visiting school.
- Wednesday 24th May - Year 6 Visiting Northumbria University -Apprentice Students on Campus Day.
Year 2 SAT’s
SATS week for Year 2 will be week beginning Monday 15th May. Please ensure your child has enough sleep and arrives at school on time. Please phone school on 0191 433 4000 as soon as possible if your child is unwell so we can make arrangements for them to take their SAT’s.
This Weeks Class Attendance
Well done to Year 5 for achieving 100%attendancethis week.
Keep up the hard work!
Class / AttendanceReception / 93%
Year 1 / 97%
Year 2 / 91%
Year 3 / 92%
Year 4 / 98%
Year 5 / 100%
Year 6 / 88%
Congratulations to Year 6
A huge congratulations to all of our Year 6 pupils, who finally finished their SATs on Thursday morning. They have worked so hard throughout this week, maintaining a positive attitude and perseverance. They really are a credit to the school and all parents and carers.All staff and governors are so proud of them.
Chris Connaughton – Books for Sale
Chris Connaughton is visiting school next Wednesday and Thursday to do some storytelling and performance workshops with pupils. He is bringing along with him signed copies of his latest books which pupils can buy. He has written a series of twisted fairytales for younger children from Nursery to Year 2 which are £3 each or all 4 for £10. He will also be bringing along his Beltheron fantasy novels which are suitable for Year 5 and Year 6 children, these will be £6 each.
5 Very Hungry Caterpillars
Nursery have received some very special visitors this week – 5 hungry caterpillars. They have read the story of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and are examining their caterpillars every day hoping that they will soon spin their cocoons and turn in to butterflies.
Year 2 Rounders
This half term in PE Year 2 are learning the skills to help play rounders. In their PE lessons they are playing games in teams trying to score the most rounders! On Wednesdaythe children enjoyed playing in the sun on the field.
Year 5 Ancient Greek Music
In their music sessions, Year 5 children have been looking at the types of musical instruments that The Ancient Greeks would have played and compared them to the instruments we use today.
This week children looked at a piece originally played on an instrument called a lyre and they have been recreating it for themselves as an accompaniment to a song they have learned telling the stories of some Ancient Greek gods.
Miss Bell and Mrs Kendrick were very impressed with how quickly they learned to sing whilst also playing a new piece on a musical instrument!
Year 5 Ancient Greek Workshop
On Monday, the children in Year 5 were lucky enough to receive a visit from Paddy. Paddy works for Durham University delivering outreach workshops in primary schools and he came to work with Year 5 children on their latest topic, The Ancient Greeks.
During the morning, pupils spent some time looking at both replica and real artefacts. They were very excited and honoured to be able to see artefacts which were 2500 years old and touch them for themselves. They thought about what each item was made of, what it might be used for and what it might tell them about the person who owned it.
After lunch, the children worked on a play script called “The Medea”. They enjoyed acting out the roles of the different characters as well as being a participating audience! In Year 5 they are very dramatic! They also made their own votive offerings to the god of healing and found out a little about Ancient Greek medicine.
Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their visit from Paddy and they now know so much more about the Greeks!
Happy Birthday to… Maia Shaw 8who will be celebrating her birthday over the next week.
Photographs from the above events can be viewed on our school website