Bullying of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people in Thailand:
risks and realities
Events to commemorate International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia 2014
In advance of the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, which falls each year on May 17, UNESCO, UNAIDS and partners including the Embassies of the United States and the Netherlands in Bangkok, and civil society networks are joining in a series of events to call for action to address violence and discrimination experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people in Thailand. These events draw on research that will be officially released this week by Plan International, UNESCO and Mahidol University that finds widespread school bullying and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, and toxic effects these have on affected learners. These events also coincide with students’ return to schools in Thailand, and are a timely call for action.
Film screening and panel discussion, with reception
WHAT: Through film and discussion, the event will showcase experiences and perspectives on the realities and
risks of discrimination and bullying against LGBTI young people. The event marks the official release of the
first-ever comprehensive study of homophobic and transphobic bullying in Thai schools.
WHEN: Wednesday 14 May, 6pm-8pm
WHERE: Learning Auditorium, Thailand Knowledge Park (TK Park), 8th floor Central World Shopping Center,
Ratchaprasong Road, Bangkok (Chit Lom / Siam BTS stations). Go to the Central Food Hall, 7th floor,
Central World. Take escalator to the 8th floor for TK Park.
WHO: UNESCO, UNAIDS, Embassies of the United States and the Netherlands in Bangkok
· H.E. Kristie Anne Kenney, US Ambassador to Thailand (Opening)
· Screening of short documentary on bullying, introduced by Maja Cubarrubia, Plan International
· Panel: Bullying in the Thai context: Experience, lessons learned, actions needed in Thailand.
Panelists include:
¾ Timo Ojanen, Mahidol University
¾ Pathompong Serkpookiaw
¾ Jirawat Songsilijid, Thai Transgender Well-being Group
¾ Anjana Suvarnanda, Anjaree Foundation
· Ms Doris Voorbraak, Deputy Head of Mission, Head of Political and Economic Department, The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (closing)
MEDIA: Please arrive ideally around 10-15 minutes prior to the opening, to ensure registration for access.
Speakers will be available for short interviews at the event.
School rainbow chalking initiative
WHAT: UNESCO, UNAIDS, regional youth networks Youth Voices Count and Youth LEAD, and APCOM are undertaking a “School Rainbow” initiative. This campaign draws on the Rainbow campaign which has had people all over the world drawing chalk rainbows on the ground to show support to end stigma, discrimination and violence against people from LGBTI communities. To highlight key issues on bullying of young LGBTI people, this Thailand-specific campaign will promote the drawing of rainbows in front of school gates around Bangkok. This will be planned and carried out by students, teachers, school staff and community partners.Discussions on the issue of bullying on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity will also be carried out at the sites with students and young people. All chalk rainbows will link to a URL for a website (, which will include more information on the topic of bullying, an IDAHOT lesson plan for Thailand developed by UNESCO, and other resources.
WHEN: Tuesday 13 May-Saturday 20 May
WHERE: Various sites around the city – see selected sites for press interaction below
MEDIA: Excellent photo opportunities as well as possibility to speak with young people carrying out the activities.
Venue / times are as follows:
16 May, 8-10am / Wat Nuannorradit School, 137 Phetkasem 19, Pakklong, Pasrijaroen, Bangkok,
Media handouts (photographs, audiovisual footage) can also be made available of the chalking activities,
on request. Please inform the contacts below.
§ In 2013 Plan International, UNESCO and Mahidol University partnered to conduct a year-long study involving 30 secondary schools in five Thai provinces, with over 2,000 students. The report will be released on 14 May at the above event in English and Thai. Findings include:
¾ Overall more than half (56%) of LGBT students in the Thai study reported having been bullied within the past month because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
¾ Of these students bullied because they were or were perceived to be LGBT, 24% reported being victims of sexual harassment
¾ Nearly one-quarter (23%) of those bullied because of their perceived sexual orientation or gender identity/expression were depressed, as compared to only 6% of those that had not been bullied at all. Nearly 7% percent of those reported having attempted suicide in the past year, compared to only 1.2% among those that had not been bullied.
¾ Around two-thirds of victims of homophobic and transphobic bullying said they did not report these incidents or even talk about them with anyone. 23% of those that did not react said that this was because “nothing would happen even if someone were told”.
§ Bullying, harassment and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is an obstacle to the AIDS response. Such discrimination can make people more vulnerable to HIV infection —especially when violence is used. Many people from the LGBTI community report discrimination of this kind dissuades them from seeking HIV services such as HIV testing and treatment.
§ This research links to Plan International’s Learn without Fear campaign, and UNESCO’s work on homophobic and transphobic bullying. UNESCO and Plan International are launching a programme in 2014 in Thailand to advance the research recommendations.
Noel Boivin | UNESCO | +66 2 391 0577 ext 347 |
Beth Magne-Watts | UNAIDS | +66 81 835 3476 |
Mike Bruce | Plan International | +66 81 821 9770 |
Dave Whitted | US Embassy |
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#schoolrainbow #IDAHOT
Partners in the Study on bullying on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in Thai schools
Partners in the IDAHOT events in Bangkok