Stow Youth Centre, Fosseway, Stow-on-the-Wold,
Gloucestershire GL54 1DW
Caroline Doran - Town Clerk
t. 01451 832 585
Minutes Planning Committee Meeting
held on Tuesday 15 September 2015 at 7:00pm
Cllr. / Colin Smalley (vice chair)
Val Davies
Simon Clarke
Mike Moseley / (CS) (VD)
(MM) / Kit Ayres
Jack Baggott
Geoff Parke
Rebecca Whitby / (KA)
Apologies: Sue Green, Ben Eddolls, Jenny Scarsbrook, Andrew Eastabrook
Declarations of Interest: None
Chairman’s Announcements: None
As the chair was not present it was agreed that the vice chair should chair the meeting.
Minutes: SC had offered apologies which had not been recorded. The minutes of the meeting on 25th August 2015 were then approved and signed by the Vice Chair. Proposed by CS and seconded by SC, all in favour.
Matters arising:
15/02078/FUL Ways End, Lower Park Street - Redevelopment of redundant electricity transformer
Resolved : Objection.
· Previous objections stand i.e. lack of parking, no amenity space, no dimensions on drawings, flawed public transport statement.
· It was thought that the bins were unlikely to be stored adjacent to the front door and it was likely that they would end up on the street and would be visually prominent.
· The headings on the drawings are wrong.
· Existing Cotswold stone walling will be lost by the inclusion of windows on the ground floor.
Proposed SC, Seconded MM All in favour
1. Applications
15/02976/FUL Flat 1, Mascot House, Digbeth Street – Replace existing windows.
Resolved: The council would like to have the windows replaced like for like in wood rather than UPVC proposed as the building is in the Conservation Area and adjacent to a listed building. Ideally the windows at the back of the property should match those at the front.
Proposed CS, Seconded SC All in favour
2. Tree Work
Members noted 15/03780/TCONR – Open space by The Old Forge, Well Lane – Wild Cherry, crown lift up to 3m away from building.
A – boards. Bob Skillern has emailed to say that GCC will be collecting A-boards that are obstructing the pavements.
Ashton House. Spitfire have adjusted their Construction Management Plan after a site meeting which highlighted the access problems along Union Street. Clive Becket, Kit Ayer and Alun White attended the meeting. Site traffic will use Park Street/Well Lane. Work is planned to start in October.
It was suggested that the pavements at the entrance to Well Lane could be built out to improve safety.
Windy Ridge. The stone from the front wall is on the verge. Clerk to find out when it will be removed.
Feedback from applications. Clerk to send Kevin Field a list of the applications we objected to. CDC to send feedback. Philippa Lowe (CDC) is planning to visit Stow.
Unicorn Hotel. What were to be hotel family rooms are being advertised as apartments. Clerk to find out what is happening.
Invitation from CDC to a meeting to discuss new SHLAAs. Clerk to find out what is proposed for Stow.
Signed …………………………….………………. Date ………………………………
Alun White - Chair of Planning
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