Event Name/DatesForm shall be given to head coach of each competing school no later than the pre-competition coaches’ meeting
Facility Areas for Competition
Competition area / Lanes used / Breakdown pairNon-competition area / Warm-up lanes #1 / Warm-up lanes #2
Equipment Storage / Paddock location / In competition area?
Pro shop services available / Location
Event Management / Location / Event manager
Head official / Trainer / Trainer location
Assistant official(s)
Scoreboard / Location / Scorekeeper
Hospitality area / Location / Items provided
Pre-Event Procedures
Warm-up procedures / Total daily time / Starting pair timeCoaches’ meeting / Time / Location
Announcements / Time / Items included
National anthem / Approx. time / Flag location
Event Procedures
Competition format / # Matches / Pool play / Finals / PR / BrTeam matches / # games in match / Tie-breaker system used / modified Baker
Baker matches / # games in match Total pins / Match play / 4 out of 7
Total Pins / Rotation sequence / Starting lane choice
Final game lane choice / Tie-breaker of match / modified Baker
Match Play / Rotation sequence / Starting lane choice
Final game lane choice / Tie-breaker of match / modified Baker
Post-Event Procedures
Final standings / Availability for coaches / Paper / ElectronicAwards determined
Team awards / # team awards / How determined
Individual awards / Team or all matches / # matches required
MVP selected by vote or by pins?
Event or playing rule issues Identified by staff or coach
# event interruptions / Summary
# rule interpretations / Summary
Any protests?
Awards distribution / Time / Location
Filed head official’s form to event manager / Date:
Filed event certification form and official results to SRE / Date: