Rubber Band Cannon Report Guidelines


  1. Must be in black or blue ink.
  1. Skip lines.
  1. Follow the margins on straight edge notebook paper for the top, right, and left margins. For the bottom margin do not write below the fourth line from the bottom.


  1. Double spaced between lines. Set this up under format tab and paragraphs.
  1. 1.5 inches for left margin and 1 inch for the top, right, and bottom margins.
  1. Font size 12 or 14. Font style anything but wing dings or something similar.
  1. Typed reports are worth 5 bonus points.

General guidelines for both typed and handwritten.

  1. Your report will have a cover page that includes the following information:

Title of report

Your name (1st and last names)


Date due

  1. Reports must be placed into a clear plastic report cover.
  1. Each report will have at least 7 paragraphs. Each paragraph will have at least 3 sentences.
  1. Paragraph #1 will predict the size of rubber band (small, medium, or large), the amount of force in centimeters (cm), and the angle (degrees) of the barrel needed to hit exactly 1 meter away from the cannon’s base. You will need two reasons for your selections that are supported by your data.
  1. Paragraph #2 will predict the size of rubber band (small, medium, or large), the amount of force in centimeters (cm), and the angle (degrees) of the barrel needed to hit exactly 3 meters away from the cannon’s base. You will need two reasons for your selections that are supported by your data.
  1. Paragraph #3 will predict the size of rubber band (small, medium, or large), the amount of force in centimeters (cm), and the angle (degrees) of the barrel needed to hit exactly 5 meters away from the cannon’s base. You will need two reasons for your selections that are supported by your data.
  1. Paragraph #4 will predict the size of rubber band (small, medium, or large), the amount of force in centimeters (cm), and the angle (degrees) of the barrel needed to shoot a rubber band the furthest in recorded history at Ashland Middle School. You will need two reasons for your selections that are supported by your data.
  1. Paragraph #5 will answer the following question. If the rubber band size and the amount of force are held constant, how does changing the angle affect the range (how far the rubber band flies)? Your answer will need to have to at least pieces of data referenced that supports it.
  1. Paragraph #6 will answer the following question. If the rubber band size and the angle are held constant, what effect occurs on the range as the force is increased? Your answer will need to have to at least pieces of data referenced that supports it.
  1. 10. Paragraph #7 will answer the following question. If the amount of force and the angle are held constant, what effect does the size of the rubber band have on the range? Your answer will need to have to at least pieces of data referenced that supports it.
  1. All data tables (12) and graphs (3) must be included in your report. A graph that shows another comparison of data will be worth 5 bonus points.
  1. This report will be due Wednesday, the 14th day of the 11th month of the 2012th year.
  1. You will need to include the scoring guide with your report.

Rubber Band Cannon Report Scoring Guide

DescriptionPossible ScoreYour Score

Report Cover5

Cover Page5

Paragraph #15

Paragraph #25

Paragraph #35

Paragraph #45

Paragraph #55

Paragraph #65

Paragraph #75

Data Tables & Graphs 15


Double Spaced5

Black or Blue Ink5

Possible Bonus Points 10

Total 75