Arkansas Cancer Coalition
Request for Application
Evaluation Services for Arkansas Cancer Plan Implementation Grant Programs
Contact:Kirsty Dehan, Executive Assistant
Arkansas Cancer Coalition
901 North University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72207
(501) 603-5214
FAX: (501) 603-5223
May 17, 2013
APPLICATION DEADLINE: 4:00 p.m., Central Daylight Savings Time
June 3, 2013
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The Arkansas Cancer Coalition is soliciting competitive written proposals from qualified vendors, who are experienced in conducting program evaluations for the purpose of evaluating implementation efforts of the Arkansas Cancer Plancompetitive grantees. This request for application entails the development of an evaluation plan and assistance in the development of instrumentation, data analysis, and a reporting system for the Arkansas Cancer Coalition. A copy of the Arkansas Cancer Plan may be obtained at:
To receive a copy of the RFA contact: Kirsty Dehan at
Helpful Links:
- United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)
- National Guideline Clearinghouse (AHRQ)
- Guide to Community Preventive Services (The Community Guide)
- MMWR Recommendations
- Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Program
- Model Practice Database – NACCHO
- AHRQ Innovations Exchange
- Promising Practices – Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease
A.Due Date for Application
One (1) original (signed in blue ink) and an electronic version (CD, flash drive,email etc) of the application must be received on or before June 3, 2013, 4:00 p.m., Central Daylight Savings Time. Envelope shall be sealed and marked “ACC-ACP Grant Services Application.”
Arkansas Cancer Coalition
901 North University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72207
The parties submitting applications are responsible for ensuring that the sealed application is delivered by the required time and assumes all risks of delivery. The application must be signed by an authorized official to bind the applicant to the application provisions.
Applications and modifications thereof received after the time set for receipt will be considered late and will not be considered for award.
B.Project Description
Evaluation Services for the Arkansas Cancer Coalition
The Arkansas Cancer Coalition (ACC) is responsible for implementing and coordinating the activities of the Arkansas Cancer Plan through its various partners and for incorporating the results of both internal and external efforts. The services to be performed under this project require expertise in measurement, scientifically-based research methods, statistics, reportingand qualitative program evaluation. The successful applicant must possess the required evaluation expertise as well as knowledge of grant management procedures.
Evaluation activities should be geared to provide relevant information to decision-makers about whether and how to make program changes, determine the impact of services on targeted populations and provide decision-relevant information for purposes of planning for sustainability. The evaluation must be both process and outcome oriented in nature and must first address the progress of each Grantee’s effortstoward accomplishment of stated goals and objectives. In addition, the evaluation should determine how well the collection of projects fulfills the objective of systemic change outlined in the Arkansas Cancer Plan (ACP).
Program Description
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in Arkansas. One in every two men and one in every three women in Arkansas will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime. Cancer’s economic, psychological and social costs are staggering, and its impact on patients, their families, and their communities is immeasurable.
The Arkansas Cancer Coalition officially emerged in 2000 to combat cancer’s devastating impact on our state. As a result of these efforts the Arkansas Cancer Plan was developed. The Arkansas Cancer Plan serves as an outline for what can and should be done at the state and local levels for cancer prevention, detection, and care efforts. It identifies activities for coordinated action by government, the private sector, the non-profit sector, Arkansas communities and people.
In 2009 the Arkansas General Assembly authorized funding to the Arkansas Department of Health to implement the Arkansas Cancer Plan. The Arkansas Department of Health has partnered with the Arkansas Cancer Coalition to implement the ACP. This strategy includes the funding of:
- Competitive Grantees
Depending upon the availability of funds, approximately four (4) to eight (8) programs will receive funding asa new or renewing Arkansas Cancer Plan Implementation grantee during the FY2014 funding cycle.
Competitive Grantees must target specific goals, objectives and strategies taken from the Arkansas Cancer Plan, Chapters 1 - 10. (please go to to download a copy of the cancer plan) Goals and objectives must be rewritten to provide a measurable outcome and timeline. The objectives must describe how the goals will be accomplished through the implementation of specific activities. The objectives must outline the strategy used to accomplish the goals, must be measurable, realistic and must describe how the funding of the application will impact the community or service area proposed in the application.
- Design of Evaluation Plan
Effective program evaluation is a systematic way to improve, account and sustain public health actions by involving procedures that are useful, feasible, ethical and accurate. Evaluation methodology should place emphasis on practical, ongoing evaluation strategies that involve all program stakeholders, allow an understanding of each program’s context and encourages an approach that is integrated with routine program operations. The applicant will work with the ACC to develop instruments and procedures for assessing the degree of implementation and achievement for each component of the project. Application will include but is not limited to:
- Gain a thorough understanding of the overall program by:
- Review Arkansas Cancer Plan
- Review program goals and objectives; current work plans, outputs and outcomes of invited and competitive Arkansas Cancer Plan programs.
- Analyze grantee’s evaluation plan and methodology to determine adequacy, recommendations for improvement, etc.
- Develop evaluation questions.
- Develop data-collection methods and tools.
- Develop a time-sequenced evaluation plan.
- Data collection. (Quantitative and Qualitative)
- Analyzing and interpreting data.
- Develop ongoing evaluation process. (Quantitative and Qualitative)
- Determine suggestions for improving existing programs.
- Determine methods of demonstrating the results of resource investments.
- Communicating findings and insights in simple, practical terms.
- Utilizing the process and results of evaluation.
- Stakeholder dissemination plan.
- General Project Management and Reporting
Applicant will include a plan for project management. The plan should describe how each of the following tasks related to project management will be accomplished.
- The applicant will assign one person to function as the Project Manager. This person will be responsible for all activities required by the project and will serve as the main contact person with ACC. The Project Manager will have the authority to make decisions and commitments on behalf of the applicant.
- Communication between the applicant and ACC is essential. Telephone calls, telephone conference calls, overnight courier service, facsimile correspondence, e-mail and other communication procedures may be included in the applicant’s budget.
- Periodic meetings between the ACC staff and representatives of the applicant are necessary. Those persons directly involved with the various components of the project will be available for technical assistance and discussion at an appropriate site at the expense of the applicant for at least four and as many as six planning/work sessions per fiscal year (travel expenses for these meetings should be included in the applicant’s budget.)
- The applicant will provide a status report when invoices are submitted to the ACC. Receipt and approval of the status report by the ACC will be a condition precedent for payment of the invoice. At a minimum, invoices and status reports should be submitted quarterly.
- Time Frame for Performance of Services
Services for this RFA will be rendered from July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014. Applications will include a detailed plan of action that describes how each of the tasks specified in the Scope of Work will be accomplished with appropriate timeline.
- Minimum Requirements
Organizations interested in responding to this RFA must complete the Letter of Intent located at page 22 in accordance with direction on page 3. The application shall consist of five (5) sections: Section 1 – Cover Letter, Section 2 – Abstract, Section 3 – Organizational Capabilities, Section 4 – Detailed Project Management Plan, Section 5 – Budget & Budget Justification Narrative. Please adhere to page restrictions for each section. Budget and Budget Justification Narrative have no page restriction. Margins must be at least one (1) inch top, bottom, left and right. Please utilize an easily readable typeface such as Times New Roman. Test point value should be a minimum of 12. Pages must be numbered consecutively from page 1 (cover page) to the end of the application.
- Criteria for Evaluation of Application
Contract award will be made to the responsible applicant whose application is determined to be the most advantageous to ACC, taking into consideration the price and the evaluation factors set forth above.
ACC reserves the right to reject any and/or all applications, to negotiate with the best offer to address issues other than those described in the application, to award a contract to other than the lowest cost application, or not to make any award if it is determined to be in the best interest of ACC. Applications will be scored in the following manner:
Qualifications – 30 points
- Ability to perform services as reflected by technical training and education, general experience, specific experience in providing the required services, and the qualifications and abilities of personnel proposed to be assigned to perform the services.
- Resources committed to this project, i.e., personnel, time, equipment, etc.
- Record of past satisfactory performance of similar work.
Detailed Project Management Plan – 50 points
- Evaluation Design.
- Data Analysis/Reporting Support.
- General Project Management and Reporting.
- Clear, concise, step by step outline of RFA requirements.
Budget (reasonableness of cost) – 20 points
- Adhering to funding limits.
- Reasonableness of costs.
- Budget justification verifies funds requested.
- Rejection of Application
ACC reserves the right to reject in whole or in part any application when it is determined to be in the best interest of ACC. Reasons for rejecting an application include, but are not limited to:
- Adhering to application deadlines.
- Application is incomplete or contains irregularities which make the proposal indefinite.
- Application is not signed by an authorized representative of the party.
- Application contains false or misleading statements or references.
- Application is determined to be non-responsive.
- Application exceeds authorized budget amount.
- Disposition of Applications
All submitted applications become the property of ACC and will not be returned to the applicant.
- Conditions of Solicitation
The release of the RFA does not constitute an acceptance of any offer, nor does such release in any way obligate ACC to execute a contract with any other party. ACC reserves the right to accept, reject, or negotiate any or all offers on the basis of the evaluation criteria contained within this document. The final decision to execute a contract with any party rests solely with ACC.
The award of contract for any application is contingent upon the following
- Favorable evaluation of the application.
- Approval of the application by ACC.
- Successful negotiation of any changes to the application as required by ACC.
- Legal and Technical Support
The applicant will utilize its knowledge and understanding of applicable legal standards and comply with recognized professional standards and generally accepted measurement principles applicable to assessments and uses of the type described in this RFA, including but not limited to standards relating to validity and reliability. The applicant shall consult with ACC concerning its implementation of the requirement of this section. In the event of a challenge in which the validity or reliability of the use of an assessment developed under this contract is an issue, the applicant will cooperate with ACC in the defense of the assessment and shall provide reasonable technical and legal support with regard to the applicant’s activities under this contract without additional charges to ACC.
ver Letter
Applicant Name: EIN:Contact Person: Title:
Street Address (Physical):
City: State: Zip:
Mailing Address:
City: State: Zip:
Telephone: Fax:
Email: Web site:
By my signature below, I herby represent that I am authorized to and do bind the vendor to the provisions of the attached application. The undersigned offers and agrees to perform the specified personal and professional services in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Request for Application. Furthermore, the undersigned fully understands and assures compliance with the Conditions of Solicitation and Standard Terms and Conditions contained in the RFA. The undersigned is fully aware of the evaluation criteria to be utilized in awarding the contract.
Authorized Signature / DatePrinted Name / Title
Application Due Date: June 3, 2013
Send to:
Arkansas Cancer Coalition
901 North University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72207
ATTN: Kirsty Dehan
Do not exceed one (1) page.
The abstract is a concise single spaced description of how the information needs of the evaluation users are to be satisfied. It should include as a minimum:
- The proposed work to be done,
- How the work is to be done,
- Who is going to do the work,
- Perspectives, procedures and rationale use to interpret the findings,
- How findings and recommendations will be reported, and
- How reports will be disseminated to stakeholders
Avoid summaries of past accomplishments. This abstract is meant to serve as a succinct and accurate description of the proposed work when separated from the application. If the application is funded, this description, as is, will become public information. Therefore, do not include proprietary/confidential information.
Delete the above information and use this template.
Do not exceed three (3) pages double spaced.
Provide satisfactory evidence of the applicant’s capability to manage and coordinate the types of activities and provide the services described in this RFA in a timely manner. The discussion shall include a description of the Applicant’s background and relevant experience as related to previously described activities. At a minimum, the applicant must substantiate that it has had experience providing these kinds of services within the last three years. A description of the services provided and details of the relevant experience shall be included. Special attention should be given to the following qualifications:
- Abilities, qualifications and experience of all persons who would be assigned to provide the required services;
- Age of the applicant’s business and average number of employees over the past three (3) years.
- A listing of other contracts under which services similar in scope, size or discipline to the required services were performed or undertaken within the past three (3) years.
Do not exceed four(4) pages double spaced.
Provide a detailed plan describing how the services will be performed to meet the requirements of the RFA. The description shall encompass the requirement of this RFA as outlined in the Project Description and Scope of Work. The application must be prepared and organized in a clear and concise manner that is easily understandable. The application shall address tasks to be accomplished and a proposed timeline for completion.
Delete the above information and use this template.
Depending upon funding availability a total of Twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) is available for this project. Applicant’s requesting budgets exceeding this amount will not be considered.
Delete the above information and utilize this template for the Budget Justification Narrative.
Please utilize the budget format on the following page for your itemized budget request.
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The following guidance is provided to assist in the preparation of your budget request. Additional guidance is available in the Arkansas Cancer Coalition Grants Administrative Procedures Manual. All requested items must be thoroughly justified and clearly related to the proposed project or they will be deleted from the budget. Items listed as Examples are not all inclusive. Reimbursement grants are designed to provide for the allowable costs of operating a specific program. Grants are not an entitlement to the full amount awarded; you must have eligible expenses to collect the full grant amount awarded. Generally, budgeted costs that are necessary, reasonable and essential to the administration and operation of a program are considered allowable for funding.
- Personnel
List salaries for employees of the organization whose work is tied to the administration and operation of the grant program. List each staff member’s job title/position, time commitment to the project (as a percentage of time spent on the project or number of hours), salary or hourly rates, and responsibilities associated with the operation and/or administration of the project. Example: Executive Director @ 25% FTE @ $60,000/yr = $15,000 or Janitor @ 16 hrs/week @ $12.50 X 52 weeks = $10,400
- Fringe Benefits
Cost of employer-paid fringe benefits such as health insurance, FICA, unemployment insurance, workers’ compensation, etc. for those employees who are listed in “A” above and are directly involved in the administration and operation of the grant program.
- Travel
Actual and necessary incurred travel and subsistence expenses for program participants and/or mileage reimbursement for staff utilization of a personal vehicle in providing services related to the grant objectives. Examples may include: Meals, Lodging, transportation, mileage reimbursement, etc.
- Supplies
All costs should be itemized within this category by major types (e.g., office supplies, training materials, research forms, telephone, and postage). The basis for cost computations should be shown ("x" dollars per month for office supplies; "y" dollars per person for training materials; telephone long distance at "z" dollars per month, etc.). Office rental costs must be reasonable and consistent with rents charged in the area. Example: General Office supplies @ $150/mth X 12 mths = $1,800 or Printing @ $1.50/brochure X 1,500 brochures = $2,250.