Evaluation of Use of EYPP – 2016-17

Name & age of each child funded
A separate evaluation can be completed for each child or group of children / Child A: age 3 years 3 months
Child B: age 4 years 2 months
Support needs identified What areas of need were identified for which children? How did you identify the areas of need? / Child A: Fine motor skills (FMS) - moving & handling (M&H), still not secure at 22-36 months. All other AoL are working within 30-50 months
Child B: listening and speaking skills, phonics – poor concentration & focus, indistinct speech. Still emerging at 30-40 in C&L and Literacy
What impact are you hoping for?
Be specific about what you are looking for (think SMART) / Child A: ability to hold pencil effectively to make marks, will start to make marks as a means of ‘writing’ and make circular and up/down marks
Child B: sounds letters in words clearly, able to hear/make rhymes, able to listen and respond
How the funding was spent and why
This section should give a breakdown of how the funding was spent and also include your rationale for deciding to spend the money in this way. This may include some detail about how you identified the need (eg data analysis), research about effective strategies to support vulnerable learners and the impact you expected to see. / Child A: Her key person (KP) researched development of FMS and created some resources/activities to do with her (3 hrs paid time £24, £30 on books and £15 on resources). Her KP talked to the family about this and bought more resources to send home (£15). We have asked the OT for an INSET session for the staff team, which will cost £120, plus 6 x £12 for staff payments – total for year £276
Child B: we have bought some S&LT time from a local school - £9 for each 20 minute session. She ran one session PW with the child, with other children joining in if they wanted, and his key person supporting. The KP then continued the activities during the week. Total cost 33 x £9 - £297
The impact of this spending
There should be a commentary that explains what the progress tracking shows.
Where the data does not show an impact on progress or attainment it is best to be honest about this but perhaps highlight progress in other areas that can be seen as early signs of improvement. / Child A: Over the year her FMS have improved. She can now hold a pencil with tripod grip and exert enough pressure to make clear and deliberate marks, although not yet forming letter shapes. She can make snips with scissors without support and is now working within 30-50 months for M&H
Child B: His speech has become clearer and he is able to repeat rhymes. However, he still struggles to maintain focus in sedentary activities, though is better when activities take place outdoors and involve movement.
How the money will be spent in the next funding period.
Be specific about the reason why, give a funding breakdown and describe expected impact / Child A: will continue to work on FMS and will also introduce some of the phonics activities and work with the school’s S&LT
Child B: will be at school next year.