1. Where do you live?
What are they saying?
Do you know or can you guess what any of the signs mean?
Read the signs and the English text. Discuss the text and find out what the boy and girl are talking about.
Hello, ! ______.
I haven’t seen you for ages.
I have a new house.
Fingerspell “A”
I have nice neighbours.
They are deaf.
ARE=“B” hand, palm down. Twist to palm up.
Where do you live?
DO=“D” hand placed on ring finger, not index finger.
Hello, !______.
I live in London;
the same old house
THE = “T” hand, twist to palm up
as (like) before.
What is your address?
IS=“1” hand, palm up, moves downwards
I don’t know it!
What colour is your house?
How many people live with you?
Let’s read the text again:
question time
· Are any of the BSL signs like Norwegian signs?
· Are any of the English words the same as Norwegian words, or nearly the same?
· Find the English words that mean “hus” “nytt,” “gammelt” and “folk”.
· There is one BSL sign here that is called a multi-channel sign (tegnfoc). What does “multi-channel sign” mean? Which sign is a multi-channel sign?
· The sign “NICE” is easy to misunderstand, why?
1. Who has a new house?
2. Who lives in London?
3. Who has an old house?
4. What is your address? Where do you live?
5. What is the number of your house?
6. What colour is your house?
7. How many people live with you?
A number
Here are some signs to help you answer the last question:
A family
mother father brother sister
! Match the signs and words. Form the words with your lips and clap their rhythms. Which word has the most letters? Which word has the most “claps” (stavelser)?
an address / to live your
a house deaf
a neighbour a colour
old new
I you
to have where
To the teacher: When the pupils have practised the words, erase the words from under the BSL illustrations and make a new copy. Use this task later. It will be more difficult this time and you can check that learning has taken place.
· Find all the words in the list above that have the word a or an in front. These are all names of things and are called nouns (Substantiv). Draw a red circle round them.
· Find all the words that have the word to in front. These are all things we can do and are called verbs. Draw a blue circle round them.
· Find out what these signs mean. Write the questions and your answers in English.
! ______
______? There are ______people in my family.
My house is ______.
I live in ______.
! Draw your family:
my mother
my father
my brother
my sister
Write about the people you have drawn.
If you can do this task, you are really clever!! Match the signs and words.
Things to do
NHave a conversation in BSL or in English. In BSL make sure you form the words with your lips. Ask each other questions like: ”Where do you live?”, “What colour is your house?”, “Who lives with you?” “How many brothers have you got?” etc.
!Make a cartoon (tegneserie) about moving to a new house. Use the words you have learned and try to find some new ones too.
! Write a letter about your family to an English friend.
®Role play moving to a new house. It is a very strange house! There is a secret room and maybe even a ghost!
a window a door a room a ghost
Games: Use the BSL illustrations and make word cards to use in own games, for example bingo, memory, snap e.l.
!Make a big picture of a house. Write labels on all the parts of the house in Norwegian and English in your best handwriting. Are any of the words similar?
Hang your picture on the wall.
! Make your own dictionary: use cards or a PC. As you learn new words add them to your dictionary. You will be surprised how many English words you know!
See you later!!
BSL illustrasjoner fra “Let’s Sign & Write”