Diabetes Exercise Classes In Grampian

Physical activity for all people and particularly those with diabetes has been shown to be very beneficial in improving health status by reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, assisting weight control, improving overall diabetes control and reducing the risk of diabetes-related complications. In addition exercise improves general well being and is recommended as a first line treatment for depression.

Diabetes exercise classes

A pilot class specifically designed for patients with diabetes was started at RGU Sports Centre, Garthdee in January 2006 and received very positive support from participants. Patients were initially recruited from secondary care clinics and a formal referral form was designed and used for the process. The class runs for 1.5 hours with about 1 hour of exercise followed by 30 minutes of group discussion (for more information -see guidance notes for participants). The class is led by a qualified exercise leader (British Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation Instructors / GP referral exercise instructor) Laura Walker and a diabetes clinic nurse. This combination of leaders has facilitated the safe and smooth running of the class as well as providing expertise in diabetes to answer questions participants may have. The classes are designed for "beginners". The 30 minutes of discussion covers many aspects of living with diabetes including lifestyle change and is considered by participants and leaders to be a very valuable part of the class. Funding was initially provided by a pharmaceutical company and £14600 has now been donated by the local Diabetes UK branch to facilitate the roll out of classes in other areas. A similar class in Westhill has been running since June 2006 through collaboration with the local GP practice to recruit participants and a class is planned for Bridge of Don. For information on how to access these classes - see below.

Further information on how to refer or be referred to the exercise classes:

  • Information about the location and timings of classes will be posted on the Grampian Diabetes MCN website
  • Posters advertising the classes can be downloaded from the website
  • Guidance notes and referral forms can be downloaded from the website and should read by the referring doctor and patient prior to referral
  • For further information or if you wish to start a class in your locality please contact