Check as appropriate: __ Year 1, __ Year 2, __ Year 3, __ Year 4.

A. On the form below, explain how the activities you engaged in or the texts/materials you submitted pertain to your professional development in terms of one of the other of the twelve teacher education competencies. In completing the form, you should refer to and discuss ALL items for which you claimed points. Please note, however, that it may be relevant to discuss one item in relation to more than one competency. For example, a project which you did with a group of students during your practicum might possibly be discussed in reference to competencies 3-6. Add space as necessary.


Before completing the form, please note the following:

Competency 1. This competency pertains to those courses which provide you with a foundation in your area of study: second language learning and teaching. Of note in this regard are courses which pertain to English and Spanish linguistics, culture, language acquisition, literature, second language pedagogy. Assignments from courses and study abroad experiences are particularly useful in demonstrating how your knowledge in these areas has developed.

Competency 2. One aspect of this pertains to providing evidence of your own level of proficiency in oral and written English (or Spanish). Assignments from courses or pieces you have written outside of class (e.g., articles in student newspaper) are relevant here. Another aspect pertains to your use of language when you teach. This could be demonstrated by such things as videotapes of your teaching, assignments in which you analyse and reflect on how you adapt your speech to the needs of ESL learners, examples of worksheets you have designed or instructions for a project.

Competencies 3 – 7. These competencies pertain to your L2 teaching. Of particular relevance is your teaching during your practicums and care should be taken to collect items, especially during practicums 3 and 4. However, other relevant items pertain to your coursework (e.g., materials developed in pedagogy courses but not tried out) or items from teaching experiences other than the practicum. The types of items identified for Teaching – reflective practice, materials development, confirmations of teaching, etc. – are particularly relevant. However, thought might be given to how other experiences contribute to your development. For example, if you attended a SPEAQ Campus workshop you found particularly useful, you might include a description or handout and in your reflection explain why. If you read an article in Vie pédagogique for which you provided a summary, you might specify how this fits in with one or the other of these competencies. If you handed in a practicum report in regard to your teaching, for the targeted competency try to say more specifically what you did of relevance. In other words, you are asked to use your creativity in terms of how you exploit the various documents included in your webfolio. Above all, what is important is to specify clearly how the items contributed to your progressive appropriation of the targeted competencies. It is also important to remember to pick up items which can be used for the various competencies. For example, have you picked items which enable you to say something about evaluation (C6)? classroom management (C7), adapting your teaching to students’ special needs (C8)?

Competency 8. With respect to ICTs, you should take into account those experiences which enabled you to develop your personal skill in this area (e.g., use of ICTs in various courses or in extracurricular activities) as well as how you used ICTs in your teaching (whether in the school system or in another teaching context).

Competencies 9 and 10. By their nature, these competencies pertain almost exclusively to experiences you would have had during a practicum. Be sure to remember to collect items relevant to these competencies (e.g., a reflection, activity developed in collaboration with a colleague).

Competency 11. Items pertaining to Ongoing professional development and Community involvement are particularly relevant for this competency.

Competency 12. Items relevant to this competency could pertain to your coursework, practica or other teaching situations. Care must be taken to remember to collect relevant items.

Competency 1: Agir en tant que professionnel héritier, critique et interprète d’objets de savoirs ou de culture dans l’exercice de ses fonctions.
Competency 2: Communiquer clairement et correctement dans la langue d’enseignement, à l’oral et à l’écrit, dans les divers contextes liés à la profession enseignante.
Competency 3: Concevoir des situations d’enseignement/ apprentissage pour les contenus à faire apprendre et ce, en fonction des élèves concernés et du développement visées par le programme de formation.
Competency 4: Piloter des situations d’enseignement/ apprentissage pour des contenus à faire apprendre et ce, en fonction des élèves concernés et du développement des compétences visées dans le programme de formation.
Compétence 5: Évaluer la progression des apprentissages et le degré d’acquisition des compétences des élèves pour les contenus à faire apprendre.
Compétence 6: Planifier, organiser et superviser le mode de fonctionnement du groupe d’élève en vue de favoriser l’apprentissage et la socialisation des élèves.
Compétence 7: Adapter ses interventions aux besoins et aux caractéristiques des élèves présentant des difficultés d’apprentissage, d’adaptation ou un handicap.
Compétence 8: Intégrer les technologies de l’information et des communications aux fins de préparation et de pilotage d’activités d’enseignement apprentissage, de gestion de l’enseignement et de développement professionnel.
Compétence 9. Coopérer avec l’équipe-école, les parents, les différents partenaires sociaux et les élèves en vue de l’atteinte des objectifs éducatifs de l’école.
Compétence 10. Travailler de concert avec les membres de l’équipe pédagogique à la réalisation des tâches permettant le développement et l’évaluation des compétences visées dans le programme de formation, et ce, en fonction des élèves concernés.
Compétence 11: S’engager dans une démarche individuelle et collective de développement personnel et professionnel.
Compétence 12: Agir de façon éthique et responsable dans l’exercice de ses fonctions.

B. Briefly identify goals for yourself for the next year.