Evaluation Contest Chair Script
Confirm the contest organiser has provided you with a kit containing the following:
- Blank Contestant Eligibility Forms
- A copy of the Toastmasters Speech Contest Rule Book
- Drawing cards/sticks
- Contestants Participation Certificates
Gather all speakers and cover the following points:
- Ensure all contestants have completed and signed their Eligibility forms.
- Confirm with them they are not District or International Officers nor have formally declared their intent to run for any of those offices.
- Ensure all contestants remove their name badges or any badge denoting Toastmasters rank or educational achievement(s).
- Verify pronunciation and spelling as per the agenda of each contestant’s name.
Drawforspeaking positions.
We havedrawntheorderforpresentations.Toremind you,you willspeak inthefollowingorder:
Repeat the order.
Test the timing lights so the contestants confirm they can see them.
Also, verify the speaking area is the stage only, and they may not leave the stage while presenting. This must be clarified with the speakers so they are all operating according to the same agreed criteria.
At theoutsetof thiscontest all contestantswill be inthe main roomtoheara testspeech, whichwill beoffive tosevenminutes in duration.During thatspeech,you maytakenotes,using yourownwritingmaterials. Attheconclusion ofthetestspeech,you willbeescorted bythe usherstoawaiting room whereyou willhave anadditionalfiveminutesduring which youmaycontinueworkingon yourevaluation notes.Theusherwillprovideyouwith awarning whenfour ofthosefiveminuteshaveelapsed.
At theconclusionof thosefive minuteseveryone,with the exceptionof thefirstspeaker,will hand theirnotestothe usher. Iwould askyouallto rememberto clearlymarkyournoteswithyourname.Yournotes willbereturnedto you immediatelypriorto you being calledintodeliveryourevaluation.
When you areusheredintothemainroom,you willremainoff stageuntil I announceyou bysayingyournametothe audience, pausing,thenyour nameonceagain.
Yourtime willstartwiththefirstverbalornonverbalcommunicationwiththe audience.You willhave 2–3minutesto present yourevaluation.Thetiming lightswill beactivated asfollows:Green lightat2minutes -Orangelight at2 minutesand 30 seconds- Redlightat 3minutes
The red lightwillthenstayon untilyou havefinishedspeaking.No othernoticewillbegiventoindicatethatyouhavegoneovertime.Youwillbedisqualified ifyourevaluation is lessthan1 minute and30 secondsormorethan3minutes and30seconds.In theeventoftechnicalfailure ofthe signalortimingequipment,you willbeallowed anextra30secondsbeforebeing disqualified.
Onceyou havefinishedpleaseremainto acceptyourapplause,then Iwill enterthestagetoshakeyourhandandthankyou.Youmaythentake yourseatandremaintohearthefollowingcontestants. We willthenhave oneminutesilencefortheJudgestorecordtheir scores.
If you havereason todoso,you maylodge aprotest.OnlyContestants and Judges mayfile a protest.Allprotestsmustbe madeto eithertheChiefJudge______ortomyself, theContestChair.Oncethewinnershavebeendeclared,all decisions arefinal. Protestswillnot then beconsidered.
Norecordingof speechesorpicturetaking is permitted withoutpermission oftheContestChair and theContestants.You are not permitted to take mobile phones or any electronic device out of the room during the 5 minute preparation period. Do you haveanyquestions?
I would liketo wishyouallthe bestofluck.
Evaluation Contest Script
Please Note: At no time are any comments to be made along the lines of:
‘This speaker has been around for years’ or
‘Our next speaker is really experienced’ or
‘This person has only been a member for a short time’
Each speaker is to be presented in exactly the same way at all times, with no reference to their previous experience, so that all contestants receive the same, equal representation to the judges and audience.
Make certain the participation certificates and trophy are on stage ready to be awarded.
If there are less than five clubs in the Area, both first and second place getters go through to represent the club at the Area contest. If there are less than five Areas in the Division, both first and second place getters go through to represent the Area at the Division Contest. If there are five or more Clubs, or Areas, only the first place getter goes through to the next contest.
WelcomeToastmastersand gueststo the______(Club/Area/Division)Evaluation Contest.FirstandSecondplace gettersof thiscontestwillgoon torepresent______(Club/Area/Division)atthe______(Club/Area/Division)Evaluation Contesttobeheld on the ______.
We have eightcontestantscompeting tonight.Thespeaking order is as follows:
SpeakerNumber 3:[PAUSE]
SpeakerNumber 4:[PAUSE]
Note: Allowsufficient timeforjudgesand audiencememberstowrite downthenames. Ifthe spelling ofa nameis incorrect in theagenda,providecorrectspelling atthis time.
I haveverified thatthespelling of contestants’namesareshowncorrectlyin theagenda.
Anyonewith anyaudibledevice,please turn it off ortosilent.
Unless permission has already been given by the contest chair, no audience members are allowed to record or photograph the speakers.
Pleasedonotleave theroom whilethecontest is in progress.
Protests can only be lodged by contestants and voting judges.
For the information of judges, the speaking area for this contest has been defined as the stage only.
All contestants, judges, ushers, counters and timers have been briefed.
I will now ask that all contestants leave the room with the ushers except the first speaker.
If the ChiefJudge is ready– receiveacknowledgementfromthe ChiefJudge –Iwould ask you tojoinme inwelcoming______with theirspeech<Name of Speech> Pause <Name of Speech>pause______.
At theconclusion ofthespeech,thank thespeaker.
If the usherswould kindlyescortthecontestantsfromthe roomandnotifyme immediatelytheyarein thewaiting roominorder forthefiveminutetimetocommence.
Presentyourfirstactivitylasting fiveminutes
Repeatthe next section foreach contestant.Avoid saying termssuchas “firstspeaker”and “last speaker”.
Pleasejoin me inwelcoming<Name of Contestant>Pause<Name of Contestant>
At theconclusion of thespeech,makeyour way tothestageand shakethespeaker’shand.
Wewill nowhave1minutesilenceforthe judges.Timer,pleaseindicatethecompletionof thatminutewithagreen light.
Repeatforthe other contestants.After the last contestant...
Iwouldask everyonetoremainsilentwhile theJudgescompletetheir ballots.Judges, ifyou couldplease hold upyourBallotPapersupon completionforcollection bytheBallotCounters.
Waituntil theChief Judgeand BallotCountersto leavethe room.Thismay take severalminutes.Pleasenotethereis notimelimitimposed upon judgesat thisstageofthecontest.
After the chief judge has left the room with the ballot counters...
I would nowliketoask thecontestantstojoinmeat thefronttoreceivetheirparticipation certificates.Please holdyourapplauseuntil all certificateshavebeenpresented.(Presentcertificates)
Ladies and gentlemen,pleasejoin me in showingyourappreciationforthisevening’sspeakers.
Conduct an activity while waiting for the Chief Judge to return.
The Chief Judge will return with the results. They will tell you either:
1. There were no disqualifications. You tell the audience this, and then continue,
2. Unfortunately, there was a disqualification. You tell the audience this, and then continue.
In contests where there are five or more contestants, third, second and first places are announced in that order. In contests where there are four or less contestants, only second and first places are announced.
In third place, please congratulate ______
In second place, please congratulate ______
And, finally, the winner, and the person who will go on to represent ______(Club/Area/Division)at the ______(Club/Area/Division)Contest is ______
(There will be photographs taken.)
That concludes the ______(Club/Area/Division)Toastmasters Evaluation Speech Contest. Congratulations to everyone involved and I will now hand you over to....