Process Level Descriptors[1]
Revised 2016
The following definitions for assessment/task process level descriptors have been gleaned from the DESE publication Social Studies Grade and Course Level Expectations and End-of-Course-Government release items and various district test results. This list has been developed to help teachers prepare activities and assessments that will reinforce these terms. The belief is that constant reinforcement and practice with these process level descriptors will result in improved student performance.
Terms that are underlinedhave been used in two or more levels of Depth of Knowledge. Descriptors having a percentage next to them reflect the number of times (on average) they appear in released items/sample assessments and the Government-End-of-Course Exam. Terms and definitions having italicsalso appear on the Communications Arts and MAP assessments.
Approximately 65% of the questions on the End-of-Course-Government exam are on a Level II of the Depth of Knowledge.[2]
Level 1-In general,requires students to give simpleexplanations, recall facts and terms, and describes the features of an event, place or person.
Arrange: to place people, places, dates or events in order
Chart: something written or drawn that presents information in an organized, easily- viewed form. Usually includes labels for clarity.
Define: state or describe exactly the nature, scope, or meaning of words, objects, or situations
Describe (20%): give a detailed account of all relevant characteristics, qualities or events
Demonstrate: to describe or explain by use of examples
Discuss: talk or write about a topic in detail, taking into account different ideas and opinions
Explain (34%): make clear to someone by describing it in detail
Give examples: illustrate, compare with something such as person, place or events
Identify (8%):to recognize, establish or indicate who or what is
Importance: the state or fact of being significant, recognized by deed or valuable
Influence: the capacity to have an affect on someone or something
Illustrate: to make clear by example, either literally or figuratively
Locate: discover the exact place or position
List: a series of items or names compiledin a grouping or sequence
Select: to choose or pick out; make a choice
Name: identify a person place or thing by a specific word or title
Problem: an issue or question to consider, solve, or answer
Recognize: identify something or someone from a previous encounter
State: to express something clearly
Similarities: a trait or feature resembling another or being alike
Summarize: a condensed version of a story or reading passage that includes the main points of the beginning, middle and end
Level 2-Used in the majority of questions andgenerallyrequires students to interpret information from a graph, show relationships, solve problems, sort objects or show relationships, interpret data, describe cause and effect, and predict outcomes.
Apply (10%): to bring or put into practical use for a specific purpose
Analyze: to separate into parts and examine methodically and in detail, for purposes of explanation and interpretation
Assess (8%): evaluate or estimate the value, ability or quality
Cause and effect: describes the connection between a cause (or reason) and its effects (or results). A cause makes something occur; an effect is the outcome of the cause.
Classify: to place persons or things together in a group because they are similar in some way, meet specific criteria
Compare-to examine two or more items or people to note similarities and differences
Construct: form an idea or theory by bringing together various parts or elements
Consequences: a result or effect of an action or condition on something else
Create: bring something into existence from one’s own thought or imagination
Differences: point out how things are not the same or disagreement in opinion
Discuss: talk or write about a topic in detail, taking into account different ideas and opinions
Distinguish: perceive or point out a difference in features or characteristics
Determine(8%): firmly decide, typically as a result of research or calculations
Explain (34%): make clear to someone by describing it in detail
Interpret: explain the meaning of
Evaluate(12%):to make a judgment, or classify objects, people, situations, based on evidence, quality, or defined criteria
Importance: the state or fact of being significant or valuable
Impact: the affect or influence of one person, thing, or action on another
Interdependence: two or more people or things depend or rely on each other
Influence: the capacity to have an affect on someone or something
Outline: to give a summary of or account of an event, person or subject
Predict: to say or estimate what will happen in the future
Propose: to put forward an idea or plan for consideration or discussion
Sequence: to arrange in a particular order of connected events
Level 3-In generalrequires students to solve or interpret complex problems from complex information, support ideas with specific examples and details, compile information from many sources, develop an argument and justify a solution.
Compare/Contrast: a process of identifying similarities and/or differences,’ shareor exchange information, ideas, or news
Consequences: a result or effect of an action or condition
Distinguish between: perceive or point out a difference in features or characteristics from multiple sources or data
Explain how: to make clear or solve a problem from multiple sources or data
Examine: inspect in detail complex terms or issues to formulate a conclusion
Investigate: carry out a detailed formal inquiry from multiple sources
Support a point of view: develop a logical argument from multiple sources and formulate a conclusion
Level 4- generallythis level of reasoning is rarely seen on state tests.This level ofcogitationrequires students toconduct experiments synthesize data and ideas into new concepts and connect common themes across multiple sources or data.
Judge: to form an opinion or argument based upon evidence, fact or data
Justify: show, defend,and prove to be right or reasonable based upon data or information
Prove: to analyze data to establish the truth of an argument, story or theory
Synthesize: to analyze part of material to form a conclusion
[1]Derived from 9-12 Course Level Expectations; DESE
[2]All statistics derived from personal research and do not necessarily reflect the views of DESE