Evaluating Operations Manager in System Center 2016 Using a Preconfigured VHD

Microsoft Corporation

Published: September 22, 2016

Applies To

System Center 2016 Operations Manager


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Revision History

Release Date / Changes
September 22, 2016 / Original release of this guide.




Revision History

Evaluating Operations Manager in System Center 2016 by Using a Preconfigured VHD

Evaluating Operations Manager by Using a Preconfigured VHD Topics

How to Prepare a Computer to Host the Operations Manager Virtual Machine

How to Create the Virtual Machine to Run Operations Manager

How to Open the Operations Manager Console on the Virtual Machine

Evaluating Operations Manager in System Center 2016 by Using a Preconfigured VHD

This document describes how to use a preconfigured virtual hard disk (VHD) to create a virtual machine that runs System Center 2016 so that you can evaluate the features of Operations Manager. All of the software that is necessary for this evaluation is included in the VHD.


The software that is included on this preconfigured VHD is intended for evaluation and deployment planning purposes only. Please note the following:

The evaluation version of Operations Manager expires 180 days after installation.

The evaluation version of Microsoft SQLServer expires 180 days after installation.

You cannot use the evaluation version of SQLServer in a production environment.

The evaluation versions of Operations Manager and SQLServer are in English only.

Evaluating Operations Manager by Using a Preconfigured VHD Topics

How to Prepare a Computer to Host the Operations Manager Virtual Machine

Describes how to prepare a computer to host the virtual machine for Operations Manager.

How to Create the Virtual Machine to Run Operations Manager

Describes how to use Hyper-V Manager to create the virtual machine to run Operations Manager.

How to Configure Operations Manager on the Virtual Machine

Describes how to configure Operations Manager on the virtual machine.

How to Prepare a Computer to Host the Operations Manager Virtual Machine

You can use the following information to prepare a computer to host the virtual machine for Operations Manager in System Center 2016.

The following are some recommendations and requirements for the computer that hosts the Operations Manager virtual machine:

We recommend that you use a computer with a Dual-Core Pentium4, 2gigahertz (GHz) (x64) processor or greater.

We recommend that you have at least 30gigabytes (GB) of hard disk space available for the virtual machine.

You must have at least 4GB of memory available for the virtual machine.

To prepare the computer to host the Operations Manager virtual machine, do the following:

Install and configure one of the supported operating systems for Hyper-V hosts for System Center 2016. For more information, see System Requirements: Hyper-V Hosts.

Install and configure the Hyper-V role in Windows. For more information about configuring Hyper-V, see Install the Hyper-V Role and Configure a Virtual Machine.

You can use the following procedure to extract the Operations Manager virtual hard disk (VHD) file.

To extract the VHD file

1.Download the self-extracting SC2016_SCOM_VHD.exefile and all of the related .bin files to the computer that is running Hyper-V.
2.Place each set of downloaded files (.exe file plus .bin files) into a separate folder.
3.For each self-extracting .exe file, complete the following steps:
a.Double-click the self-extracting .exe file to begin the wizard that extracts the VHD file.
b.Click Next and then review the software license terms. If you accept the terms, click I accept the agreement, and then click Next.
c.Provide the folder location where you want to save the extracted VHD file, and then click Next.
d.To extract the VHD file, click Extract.
e.After the wizard finishes, click Finish. To confirm that the VHD file has been extracted, open the destination folder that you specified. The VHD file is named SC2016_SCOM.vhd.

How to Create the Virtual Machine to Run Operations Manager

You can use the following procedure to create the virtual machine to run Operations Manager by using Hyper-V Manager.

Membership in the local Administrators group, or equivalent, on the computer that you are configuring is the minimum required to complete this procedure.

To create the virtual machine to run Operations Manager

1.On the computer on which Hyper-V is installed, in Server Manager, click Tools, and then click Hyper-V Manager.
2.In Hyper-V Manager, in the Actions pane, click New, and then click Virtual Machine.
3.On the Before You Begin page, click Next.
4.On the Specify Name and Location page, in the Name box, type the name for the virtual machine. Determine where you want to store the virtual machine, and then click Next.
5.If your host system is running Windows Server2012, skip to the next step.
If your host system is running Windows Server2012R2, on the Specify Generation page, ensure that Generation 1 is selected, and then click Next.
6.On the Assign Memory page, specify the amount of memory to assign to the virtual machine, and then click Next.
4,096megabytes (MB) of memory is the minimum required by Operations Manager.
7.On the Configure Networking page, select the appropriate connection to use for the virtual machine, and then click Next.
8.On the Connect Virtual Hard Disk page, select Use an existing virtual hard disk, specify the location of the Operations Manager virtual hard disk (VHD) file, and then click Next.
9.On the Completing the New Virtual Machine Wizard page, click Finish to create the virtual machine.
10.In Hyper-V Manager, right-click the virtual machine that you just created, and then click Start.
11.Right-click the virtual machine that you just created, and then click Connect.
12. In the Operations Manager preparation window, enter the information that is needed to configure the Operations Manager virtual machine, as follows:
a.In Computer Name, type a name for the virtual machine.
b.Under Domain Information, enter a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Also enter a user name and password for an account that has permissions to join the domain.
c.If DHCP will not be available for the virtual machine, under Domain Information, select Network Info, and specify IP address, gateway, and DNS information.
d.Optional: Under Action Account Information, select Domain User, and then click Use above domain joining credentials.
13.When you have finished entering settings, click OK.
14.After about 5 minutes you will be asked to reenter a product key, click Do this later.
It may take more than 90 minutes for installation to complete. Setup will be proceeding in a cmd.exe window that is behind the Server Manager window.

How to Open the Operations Manager Console on the Virtual Machine

You can use the following steps to open the Operations Manager Console on the virtual machine.

On the Start menu there is a program ‘Operations Console’, click this to open the console.

On the Start menu, under All Apps, there is a folder Microsoft System Center 2016 \ Operations Manager, click as appropriate to open other consoles such as Web Console.

Note: To use the Web Console, Application Advisor, and Application Diagnostic consoles, disable IE Enhanced Security Configuration for the logged in user.