Stockton Printing Policy

July 2011

Please be aware that new printing practices are being initiated in the Library and in the academic computing labs.

·  Computers in the Library and in the Computer labs now require users to first log-in using their GoStockton ID and password. (Although there are a few “public” computers in the library for the use of the general public, such PCs do not allow the user to print materials.)

·  Each student is allocated an 800 print quota.

How does this affect what happens in your classroom?

·  Students will not be able to print their papers on single sides.

·  If you want your students to download your power point slides DO NOT SAVE THEM AS JPEGS. Also be wary of fancy formatting. All this takes lots of paper and ink to print. JPEGS must be printed as single sheets.

·  All printing is still governed by the 10 at a time governor. Papers and articles longer than 10 pages must be broken up and print in sets of 10.

·  However, students are now allotted ample space on the college servers for saving files and documents. The space is associated with the individual GoStockton student account. This space will be found in “My Documents” after the individual student has logged on to a college computer. Students are advised to use this space to store documents instead of printing them.

·  When using public machines, everyone must remember to log off any college computer when they have finished their session. Failure to do so will mean that the next user will be able to print, using the allotted copies of the student still logged on to that machine. In the library we have already seen evidence of lurkers waiting for a chance to use others print allotment.