2016 Children’s Week

Local Events Committee Conference Call

Wednesday, September 30 at 10 a.m.

Michelle Morgan, Evon Marionne, Linda Peacock, Sonny Saunders, Laura Davis, Teresa Roberts, Janice Carter, Lindsay Stevens, Christine Green


I.  Welcome/Introductions

a.  Dates: Sunday, January 24 to 29, 2016

II.  Updates:

a.  2015 Events have been updated with tentative date on website, review and update

b.  Local Event boxes will be sent in two rounds – January-March events will be sent December, April/May events will be sent in March.

c.  Celebrate Literacy Week coincides with Children’s Week – discuss plans

i.  Work together to cross promote and sync both together

ii. Sonny suggested making a bookmark with Children’s Week on one side and Celebrate Literacy Week on the other side

d.  Storybook Village:

i.  events have been replicated across the state

ii. Last year we hosted the village at the capitol, sponsored by ELC and DOEL will do again this year.

1.  If anyone wants to host a booth at capitol let us know.

2.  Theme: Where the Wild Things Are.

III.  Discussion:

a.  Website

i.  Please email edits to event listings to

ii. To submit an event go to www.childrensweek.org/promotelocalevent

iii.  Please request shirts & book by December 1 to be included in December mailing

b.  Hanging of the Hands/Give Us A Hand

i.  Hands mailed and post marked by January 8, 2016

ii. Give Us A Hand launches November 23, 2015

c.  Media Promotions

i.  Statewide releases

1.  Hanging of the hands/Give Us a Hand press release – end of November

2.  Statewide press release announcing events across the state – end of December

3.  Submit event listing updates by November 31 to be included on press release

ii. Working to secure a media consultant for 2016

iii.  Media Webinar – Thursday, November 4, 2015

1.  Joint call with the local events/ media committees. Will review materials and discuss how we will roll out promotions for CW and local events.

iv.  Current confirmed media

1.  TV PSAs – WCTV & CBS affiliates

2.  Radio PSAs – iHeart Media

3.  Newspaper Ads- Tallahassee Democrat

d.  YMCA is working with CW for Town Hall meeting. Can link local event coordinators with contacts in their area if they would like.

e.  Introduced new staff member Sarah Hayes, email her with any local event updates or questions:

IV.  Next Conference Call – Media Webinar - Wednesday, November 4, 2015

a.  Same phone # and passcode - Ph: 1-763-957-6400 I.D. Number: 2107624 Password: 1234#