Project GLAD

ESD 105


Harrah, Wapato, Mabton, WestValley Team

Natural Disasters Unit

(Level 3 WA)


  • After natural disasters, people from all cultures come together to rebuild communities
  • Natural Disasters occur all over the world


  • Content Cognitive dictionary with signal word
  • Observation charts
  • Inquiry chart


  • Process all charts
  • Student weather reports
  • Student evacuation plans
  • Portfolio
  • expository: Evacuation plan
  • poetry
  • student choice
  • Team exploration
  • create a mural of a before and after of a natural disaster of their choice
  • design a weather report on severe weather
  • Personal exploration
  • Flip story book
  • Write a letter to parents describing what you’ve learned
  • On-going assessment/logs
  • Add to living walls
  • Teacher generated tests
  • Graffiti wall


  • How natural disasters affect people and places
  • Cause and effects of natural disasters
  • Types of natural disasters
  • importance of geographical features and natural resources
  • Impact and preparation: FEMA, meteorologist, Red Cross
  • Harry Truman
  • Legends of Natural Disasters
  • Parícutin, Hill of Fire


Natural Disasters, Level 3, WA1

ESD 105 MERO Team 5, Gambito, Lee, McCallum, McIntyre, Powell, Voelker - Project G.L.A.D (March 2009)

atmosphere / mantle / seethed / tsunami
spewing / plume / cinders / crust
crater / funnel / eruption / jagged
lava / rotate / magma / severe
molten / sizzling / summit / lightening
debris / tornado / devastation / prairies
fault / evacuate / impact / vertices
stratovolcano / vortex / catastrophic / shutter
mainland / undulating / upheaval / blast
melted / jolt / prevent / rescue
treacherous / splatter / artificial / explosion
tremors / composite / interval / shield
retrieve / volunteer / caldera / abandon
igneous / conduits / meteorologist / pumice
lava / overflow / downstream / levy
rose / volcanologist / environment / immense
ominous / desperate / intensity / magnitude
seismometer / geyser / susceptible / fissure
cataclysmic / pyrologist / geologist / torrential
devastating / urgent / evacuation / stubborn
erupted / destruction / seismograph / magnitude
moral / natural disaster / tsunami / humanitarian
fault / serene / Doppler machine / ignition
oxygen / emergency / eye / Richter scale
information / investigation / operation / excavation
elevation / starvation / striation / alienation
precipitation / evaporation / collection / condensation
fire / hose / smoke / stoke
choke / inhale / exhale / mask
task / bask / steam / team

Natural Disasters, Level 3, WA1

ESD 105 MERO Team 5, Gambito, Lee, McCallum, McIntyre, Powell, Voelker - Project G.L.A.D (March 2009)


Reading Standards-EALRs – Grade 3 (WashingtonState Standards)

EALR 1: The student understands and uses different skills and strategies to read.

Component 1.1 Use word recognition skills and strategies to read and comprehend text 1.1.4. Apply understanding of phonics.

Component 1.2 Use vocabulary (word meaning) strategies to comprehend text.

1.2.1 Apply reference skills to determine word meanings.

1.2.2 Apply vocabulary strategies in grade-level text.

Component 1.3 Build vocabulary through wide reading.

1.3.1 Understand and apply new vocabulary.

1.3.2 Understand and apply content/academic vocabulary critical to the meaning of the text. W

Component 1.4 Apply word recognition skills and strategies to read fluently.

1.4.2 Apply fluency to enhance comprehension.

1.4.3 Apply different reading rates to match text.

EALR 2: The student understands the meaning of what is read.

Component 2.1 Demonstrate evidence of reading comprehension.

2.1.3 Apply comprehension monitoring strategies before, during, and after reading: determine importance using theme, main ideas, and supporting details in grade-level informational/expository text and/or literary/narrative text. W

2.1.4 Apply comprehension monitoring strategies before, during, and after reading: use prior knowledge/schema.

2.1.5 Apply comprehension strategies before, during, and after reading: predict and infer from grade-level informational/expository text and/or literary/narrative text. W

2.1.6 Apply comprehension monitoring strategies before, during, and after reading: monitor for meaning, create mental images, and generate and answer questions.

2.1.7 Apply comprehension strategies during and after reading: summarize grade-level literary/narrative text and informational/expository text. W

Component 2.2 Understand and apply knowledge of text components to comprehend text.

2.2.1 Understand sequence in informational/expository text and literary/narrative text. W

2.2.2 Apply knowledge of printed and electronic text features to locate and comprehend text. W

2.2.3 Understand story elements. W

2.2.4 Apply understanding of simple text organizational structures.

Component 2.3 Expand comprehension by analyzing, interpreting, and synthesizing information and ideas in literary and informational text.

2.3.1 Understand and analyze the relationship between and among informational/expository text and literary/narrative text. W

2.3.2 Apply understanding of systems for organizing information.

2.3.3 Understand literary/narrative devices.

Component 2.4 Think critically and analyze author’s use of language, style, purpose, and perspective in literary and informational text.

2.4.1 Understand how to draw conclusions and give a response to informational/expository text and literary/narrative text. W

2.4.2 Understand the author’s purpose for and style of writing in both informational/expository text and literary/narrative text. W the difference between fact and opinion. W

2.4.4 Evaluate author’s effectiveness for a chosen audience.

2.4.5 Understand how to generalize from text. W

EALR 3: The student reads different materials for a variety of purposes.

Component 3.1 Read to learn new information.

3.1.1 Understand how to select and use appropriate resources.

Component 3.2 Read to perform a task.

3.2.1 Understand information gained from reading to perform a specific task.

3.2.2 Understand a variety of functional documents.

Component 3.4 Read for literary experience in a variety of genres.

3.4.1 Understand different perspectives of family, friendship, culture, and traditions found in literature.

3.4.2 Understand contemporary and traditional literature written in a variety of genres.

3.4.3 Understand a variety of literature representing different cultures and traditions.

EALR 4: The student sets goals and evaluates progress to improve reading.

Component 4.1 Assess reading strengths and need for improvement.

4.1.1 Apply strategies to monitor reading progress.

4.1.2 Understand how to set grade-level appropriate reading goals.

Component 4.2 Develop interests and share reading experiences.

4.2.1 Evaluate authors and books to select favorites.

Writing Standards – EALRs – Grades 3-5 - WashingtonState

EALR 1: The student writes clearly and effectively.

1.1.Develop concept and design. Develop a topic or theme; organize written thoughts with a clear beginning, middle, and end; use transitional sentences and phrases to connect related ideas; write coherently and effectively.

1.2.Use style appropriate to the audience and purpose. Use voice, word choice, and sentence fluency for intended style and audience.

1.3.Apply writing conventions. Know and apply correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and capitalization.

EALR 2: The student writes in a variety of forms for different audiences and purposes.

2.1.Write for different audiences.

2.2.Write for different purposes, such as telling stories, presenting analytical responses to literature, persuading, conveying technical information, completing a team project, and explaining concepts and procedures.

2.3.Write in a variety of forms, including narratives, journals, poems, essays, stories, research reports, and technical writing.

2.4.Write for career applications.

EALR 3: The student understands and uses the steps of the writing process.

3.1.Pre-write—generate ideas and gather information.

3.2.Draft—elaborate on a topic and supporting ideas.

3.3.Revise—collect input and enhance text and style.

3.4.Edit—use resources to correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and usage.

3.5.Publish—select a publishing form and produce a completed writing project to share with chosen audience.

EALR 4: The student analyzes and evaluates the effectiveness of written work.

4.1.Assess own strengths and needs for improvement. Analyze effectiveness of own writing and set goals for improvement.

4.2.Seek and offer feedback.

ELD Standards

ELD Listening/Speaking Standards – Grades 3-5 WashingtonState

Beginning –

  • Very limited understanding of English
  • Learns to distinguish and produce English phonemes
  • Uses words, gestures, and actions
  • Practices repetitive social greetings
  • Imitates verbalizations of others to communicate:
  • Basic needs
  • Participate in discussions and activities
  • Respond to simple directions

Advanced Beginning -

  • Uses words and/or phrases
  • Uses appropriate social greetings
  • Participates in social discussions on familiar topics and in academic discussions
  • Develops correct word order in phrases
  • Begins to use content-related vocabulary
  • Retells simple stories and identifies the main points

Intermediate -

  • Uses simple sentences with inconsistent use of syntax, tense, plurals, and subject/verb agreement
  • Tells a story, informs, explains, entertains, and participates in social and academic discussions
  • Begins to use root words, affixes, and cognates to determine the meaning of new words

Advanced -

  • Uses descriptive sentences with common grammatical forms with some errors
  • Participates in academic and social discussions using appropriate ways of speaking based on audience and subject matter
  • Tells a story, informs, explains, entertains, and persuades
  • Uses simple figurative language and idiomatic expressions in discussions
  • Uses root words, affixes, and cognates to determine the meaning of new words

Transitional -

  • Speaks clearly and comprehensibly using standard English grammatical forms with random errors
  • Applies content-related vocabulary in a variety of contexts and situations
  • Gives oral presentations

ELD Reading Standards – Grades 3-5 WashingtonState

Beginning –

  • Expresses self using words, drawings, gestures, and actions:
  • Sequences simple text
  • Answers literal questions
  • Makes simple predictions
  • Aware of familiar sounds
  • Recognizes and produces rhyming words containing familiar sounds
  • Uses and comprehends highly contextualized vocabulary
  • Follows simple written directions (e.g., color, cut, glue)
  • Reads sight words
  • Begins to understand concepts of print

Advanced Beginning –

  • Expresses self using words and/or phrases to identify:
  • Characters
  • Setting
  • Main idea and details
  • Compare and contrast
  • Cause and effect
  • Aware of familiar and unfamiliar sounds
  • Employs word-meaning strategies
  • Applies inflectional endings to words
  • Increases sight-word and content-area vocabulary
  • Distinguishes between genres
  • Reads highly contextualized text composed of simple sentences
  • Applies concepts of print

Intermediate –

  • Expresses self using simple sentences
  • Produces unfamiliar sounds
  • Decodes word patterns
  • Employs word-meaning strategies
  • Begins to read familiar text fluently
  • Increases vocabulary through reading across content areas
  • Uses text features to:
  • Gain meaning
  • Monitor for comprehension
  • Describe images from text
  • Connects text to prior knowledge
  • Distinguishes between:
  • Fiction/non-fiction
  • Fact/opinion
  • Fantasy/reality
  • Infers and makes generalizations from text
  • Reads text at student’s reading level across content areas

Advanced –

  • Expresses self using descriptive sentences
  • Identifies theme
  • Recognizes literary devices
  • Compares and contrasts
  • Uses a variety of strategies to monitor comprehension
  • Recognizes phonemes within multi-syllabic words
  • Uses word parts to determine word meanings
  • Reads with increasing fluency
  • Independently confirms word meanings
  • Uses a variety of resources for research
  • Follows multi-step written directions
  • Text increases in length and complexity

Transitional –

  • Adjusts reading rate as needed
  • Uses specialized vocabulary, uses multiple meaning words appropriately
  • Analyzes literary elements
  • Uses comprehension and questioning strategies, summarizes text, analyzes and applies persuasive devices
  • Explains cause and effect, citing evidence from text
  • Develops research skills
  • Follows increasingly complex written directions
  • Comprehends grade level text

ELD Writing Standards – Grades 3-5 WashingtonState

Beginning –

  • Draws, labels
  • Writes familiar words and sight words
  • Writes to name, describe, or complete a list
  • Begins to use invented spelling, capital letters, participates in group editing
  • Audience may be self, teacher, or known person
  • Sequences pictures to assist with organization
  • Uses graphic organizers to convey main ideas and details
  • Participates in group writing process

Advanced Beginning –

  • Writes unfamiliar words and phrases
  • Begins to write based on a model or frame
  • Demonstrates inconsistent use of:
  • Capitals
  • Punctuation
  • Correct spelling
  • Participates in group brainstorming
  • Writes rough draft and revises

Intermediate –

  • Writes simple sentences
  • Demonstrates increasing control of:
  • Capitals
  • Punctuation
  • Correct spelling
  • Word order
  • Subject/verb agreement
  • Develops own voice in writing
  • Distinguishes between writing for different audiences and purposes
  • Uses basic transitions
  • Writes individually and in a group process
  • Writes rough draft independently

Advanced –

  • Uses descriptive sentences
  • Writes for a variety of audiences and purposes
  • Uses grade level conventions inconsistently
  • Refines voice in writing
  • Uses a topic sentence and supporting details
  • Follows the five step writing process (with assistance in editing and revising)

Transitional –

  • Uses specialized vocabulary across content areas
  • Uses standard grammar and conventions with lapses characteristic of ELL students


Science Standards-Grade 3 - WashingtonState Standards

EALR 1Understand that energy comes in many forms. W

Understand physical properties of Earth materials including rocks, soil, water, and air. W

(3) Describe and sort rocks based on physical properties (e.g., color, shape, size, texture).

(3) Describe and sort soils based on physical properties (e.g., color, particle size, ability to retain or drain water, texture, smell, support plant growth, source of mineral nutrients [not food] for plants).

Analyze how the parts of a system go together and how these parts depend on each other. W

(3) Identify the parts of a system (e.g., a device, natural or living thing) and how the parts go together.

 (3) Describe the function of a part of a system (e.g., a device, natural or living thing).

Understand that Earth’s system includes a mostly solid interior, landforms, bodies of water, and an atmosphere. W

(3) Identify land masses, bodies of water, and landforms on a globe or a map (e.g., continents, oceans, rivers, mountains).

Understand forces in terms of strength and direction. W

o(3) Describe a force that is acting on an object in terms of strength and direction (e.g., electrical force, gravitational force, magnetic force, a push, or a pull).

o(3) Measure the force acting on an object with a spring scale calibrated in newtons(N).

Understand that forces can change the motion of common objects. W

(3) Investigate and report how the position and motion of objects can be changed by a force.

Know processes that change the surface of Earth. W

Understand weather indicators and understand how water cycles through the atmosphere. W

(3) Observe, measure, and describe weather indicators (i.e., temperature, wind direction and speed, precipitation), noting changes and patterns of change from day to day and over the year.

(3) Describe the weather patterns of each season.

Understand that scientific facts are measurements and observations of phenomena in the natural world that are repeatable and/or verified by expert scientists. W

  • (3) Describe how new scientific facts are established every day (e.g., find examples of new facts in current media).

Understand that science and technology have been practiced by all peoples throughout history.

  • (3, 4, 5) Describe how individuals of diverse backgrounds have made significant scientific discoveries or technological advances.

(3, 4, 5) Describe how advancements in science and technology have developed over time and with contributions from diverse people.

Understand how humans depend on the natural environment and can cause changes in the environment that affect humans’ ability to survive. W

  • (3, 4, 5) Describe how resources can be conserved through reusing, reducing, and recycling.
  • (3, 5) Describe the effects conservation has on the environment.
  • (3, 5) Describe the effects of humans on the health of an ecosystem.
  • (3, 5) Describe how humans can cause changes in the environment that affect the livability of the environment for humans.
  • (3, 5) Describe the limited resources humans depend on and how changes in these resources affect the livability of the environment for humans.

Social Studies – EALRs - Grades 3-5 - WashingtonState

  • Uses maps and other geographic tools
  • Identifies the continents and the oceans on a map
  • Uses grids to locate landmarks on a LongviewCity map
  • Labels directions on a compass rose (N, NW, NE, etc.)
  • Understands and compared interactions between people, the environment, and culture

Geography Standards – EALRs – Grades 3-5 - WashingtonState

EALR 1. The student uses maps, charts, and other geographic tools to understand the spatial arrangement of people, places, resources, and environments on Earth’s surface.

  • Use and construct maps, charts, and other resources to gather and interpret geographic information

EALR 2. The student understands the complex physical and human characteristics of places and regions.

  • 2.1 Describe the natural characteristics of places and regions and explain the causes of their characteristics

EALR 3. The student observes and analyzes the interaction between people, the environment, and culture.

  • 3.1 Identify and examine people’s interaction with and impact on the environment
  • 3.2 Analyze how the environment and environmental changes affect people
  • 3.3 Examine cultural characteristics, transmission, diffusion and interaction

History Standards – EALRs – Grades 3-5 - WashingtonState

EALR 1. The student examines and understands major ideas, eras, themes, developments, turning points, chronology, and cause-effect relationships in United States, world, and WashingtonState history.

  • Understand and analyze historical time and chronology
  • Understand events, trends, individuals, and movements shaping United States, world, and WashingtonState history
  • Examine the influence of culture on United States, world, and WashingtonState history

EALR 2. The student understands the origin and impact of ideas and technological developments on history.

To meet this standard, the student will:

  • 2.1 Compare and contrast ideas in different places, time periods, and cultures, and examine the interrelationships between ideas, change, and conflict
  • 2.2 Understand how ideas and technological developments influence people, culture, and environment
