Mathematics—Grade 8

The Laurel Hill School

Ms. Viteritti


Welcome back, students! I am very excited to explore the world of Math 8 with you during the 2017-2018 school year. Listed on this syllabus is information that is key to your success in my classroom, so please read it carefully with your parent/guardian and have it signed by September 12, 2017.

Course Description: During this course, students will be examining the world of functions. The other topics we cover within this course includeinteger exponents and scientific notation, congruence, similarity, linear equations, linear functions, and geometry and irrational numbers. Students will be exposed to word problems and real-world applications of the content they are learning throughout this course, which will help them to develop confidence and fluency in their problem-solving process. This will also help students to see how math is used outside of the classroom in the “real world.”Additionally, students will learn content vocabulary in each unit, which will help them to develop a strong conceptual understanding of the material being taught.

Supplies:The supplies needed for this course include…

- 2-inch Math Binder (Green)

- 5 Binder Section Dividers

- Loose leaf

- Clear 12-inch ruler (with centimeters)

- Graph Paper

- Scientific Calculator (TI-30xa—less than $15, to be brought to class daily)

- Plastic Container to hold:

- Sharpened PENCILS (no pens, please!)- Scotch Tape

- Scissors- Protractor (small, clear) and Compass

- Glue Sticks - Eraser

Textbook: The textbook that we will be using during this course is Math in Focus- Singapore Math, Grade 8 edition. It is published by Marshall Cavendish Education and is distributed by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Our textbook is aligned with the Common Core.

Homework: I will assign homework on a regular basis, which will be checked and collected during the following lesson. I will have the homework assignment posted on the board in my classroom as well as on my website every day. Additionally, I will be sending text reminders about homework and other important dates for parents who are interestedthrough Remind. Information on how to join our Math 8 class on Remind will be emailed home. Homework serves as a tool to practice and reinforce the material taught in a given lesson, so it is crucial that you, as students, complete it. It should not take longer than 30 minutes to complete each assignment, and students may be given time in class to start their homework on occasion.Students are expected to turn in all homework assignments with a proper heading, title of the assignment, and with work shown when applicable. If an assignment is done poorly or sloppily, I will kindly ask that student to resubmit his or her homework assignment, as this is unacceptable. Please refer to the Laurel Hill School Student Handbook to review the policy on missing homework assignments. Also, please note that in the event of an absence, students are responsible to obtain the notes/class work missed from either myself or a peer, and they are responsible for completing their homework assignments promptly after they return to school.

Binder Checks: I will be checking binders routinely throughout the school year. Students are expected to keep their notebooks/binder organized and neat. I will give the students notice about notebook/binder checks so that they can prepare for them. I will also give them a rubric prior to each binder check so that they know what notes/resources I should see in their binders. Binder checks will be counted as homework assignments.

Quizzes/Projects: Quizzes will be given approximately once a week throughout this course. I will give students notice about these quizzes in advance so that they have time to prepare. Quizzes serve as a check for understanding, so it is important to take each quiz seriously.In some units, I may assign a project to take the place of a quiz. Any project will count as a quiz grade, unless otherwise stated.

Tests: There will be a test at the end of each chapter. Each test will encompass the key ideas of the chapter, so it is important for students to take clear, concise, and organized notes during each lesson. We will have some form of review before each exam so that students feel confident in the content being tested. Please note that in the event that a student is absent on the day of a test or quiz, he/ she is expected to make up the exam upon his/her return to school unless otherwise discussed.

**Note: The students’ grades for tests, quizzes, and homework assignments can be viewed on**

Test Corrections/Bonus Questions: I do not allow students to retake examinations should they perform poorly. However, should students be interested in boosting their grades, I will be offering them the opportunity to complete test corrections. Students will be given a template of the information that they are expected to include in their test corrections. Test corrections are expected to be submitted in a timely fashion (due dates will be provided), and must be neat and complete in order for students to receive credit. It is important to note that test corrections are optional, but should students choose to complete them, they must be done with care and effort. Bonus questions will also be offered on most examinations. Test corrections and bonus questions serve as a form of “extra credit.”

Castle Learning: I will be posting homework assignments on Castle Learning throughout the year that students are expected to complete. Castle Learning is an online resource that contains questions aligned with the Common Core; these questions are of ranging difficulty levels. Through utilizing this resource, students will be able to gain a better understanding of the material being covered in class, as they will receive immediate feedback among completing an assignment. Login information will be provided to students in class.

Grading: Each students overall average is computed as follows…

- 60% Tests

- 25% Quizzes/Projects

- 15% Homework/Participation/Effort

Please see the student handbook for more information about grading.

Heading: Please note that students MUST have a formal heading on anything that is handed in to me (i.e. homework assignments, class work, etc.). A formal heading is shown below.


Ms. ViterittiMath 8

Classroom Rules/Expectations: Students are expected to arrive to class on-time, prepared, and ready to work. Students are expected to be respectful of their peers, myself, and themselves. Students are not allowed to bring their cellular devices or any food items to class. Students are expected to participate in the lesson being taught and to try their best. Students are expected to raise their hand to ask/answer a question or express a comment or concern.

Website/Email: Please check out my website can gain direct access to my website using the following link: I will update the homework on my website daily, as well as post important information regarding quizzes and tests. I will also post additional resources that may help students to develop a deeper understanding of the content taught in class. Furthermore, please feel free to email me with any questions, comments, or concerns at .

Bullying:Bullying, both inside and outside of my classroom, is never acceptable. Please see the student handbook for a definition and consequences of bullying. Furthermore, please know that my classroom is a safe space, and should students need to talk about anything, I would be happy to listen.

I am looking forward to an awesome year with you all! Love, Ms. V.

Student Signature:______Date:______

Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date:______