/ Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
Erasmus+:Schools, Vocational Training, Adult Education, Platforms

European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training (eqavet)

National Reference Points (nrp)

Invitation to apply for a grant

EACEA 36/2016


Period: 01/04/2017 – 31/03/2019

Name of the EQAVET – NRP
Grant decision / agreement / 2017-
Contact person Name
E-mail address
Phone number


This check list is made with the purpose to help you in completing your report

Please note that all documents should be provided in electronic format only:

  • by email to
  • or in a USB stick or CD / DVD to:

EACEA - Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency


Unit A5 – Erasmus+: Schools, Vocational Training, Adult Education, Platforms

Avenue du Bourget, 1 (J 59 8/33)

B - 1049 Brussels


Please check the following points before you produce and submit your report to the Agency:

Please tick the appropriate box
1. / The Final Report includes the following documents:
  • Declaration by the legal representative signed and scanned
  • Activity report
  • List of attachments (point 8 of the final report)
  1. Certification of accounts (if applicable) OR
Sampling of supporting financial documents
(if applicable)
  1. Final statement of accounts
2. / The appropriate (2017) templates have been used / YES NO
3. / Name of organisation, Legal representative and addressare the same as in the grant decision / agreement.
If not, the data has already been updated in the Participant Portal. / YES NO
4. / Bank account is the same as in the grant decision / agreementor a request for amendment has been already introduced.
If not:A new Financial Identification Form is attached to the final report:
5. / Costs presented in the report are compliant with the grant decision / agreement + the Invitation to apply for a grant EACEA 36/2016. / YES NO
6. / Costs are consistent with the activities undertaken during the eligibility period. / YES NO
7. / All tables have been completed in €. Exchange rates have been calculated according to article 10.2 of the grant decision or article I.10.2 of the grant agreement. / YES NO
8. / For private bodies only: Attached to the final report is an official attestation by a tax office that the VAT is not recoverable by the EQAVET NRP (signed and scanned). / YES NO


“I hereby declare that the information contained in the present final report and its annexes is accurate and true. I herewith request payment of the outstanding balance payment in accordance with the terms of the grant decision / agreement. I hereby declare that according to the General Condition n. 25.3.1 of the grant decision or Article II.25.3 of the grant agreement, the grant did not produce a profit for the EQAVET NRP.”



Signature: ______Date: ______


1. Summary of the project

Please present a summary of the project implemented and explain its consistency with the objectives of the invitation to apply for a grant EACEA 36/2016 and with your specific objectives for 2017/2018.

3. Activities

a)Please fill in the table below for each activity you organisedor attended and make sure that you follow the same order as in the application, where possible. If you implemented new activities, please add an additional activity table at the end of the other tables.

Activity N° / Start date / End date
(dd/mm/yyyy) / (dd/mm/yyyy)
Type of activity
Tick the appropriate box
Events, conferences, seminars, information and training sessions / Studies, surveys, assessments, researches, reports, etc. / Media: press and/or web articles, newsletters, etc. / Other: please specify
Visits, working groups, meetings / Internet and database referencing / Promotional material: flyers, leaflets, posters, etc.
Brief description of the activity
Enter your text here(include the geographical scope and your involvement. Also detail any involvement of other organisations).
Select the Restricted Call's specific priority corresponding to this activity (one or more can be selected)
Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3
Results achieved
Enter your text here
If the activity was an event,provide also the information below (otherwise delete non necessary rows):
Name of the organising body
Target group(s)
Total number of participants (please attach the participants' list to the final report, see point 8)
NRP participants (please specify if it relates to your own NRP or NRP s from other countries)
Other organisations / networks involved
If the activity was a material, provide the information below (otherwise delete non necessary rows):
Internet link
Number of copies
Title in both original language and English
Author / co-authors

b)Please fill in the summary table below (each activity/participant must be counted only once):

Type of activity / Organised by the NRP / Organised by other organisations / Total number
of activities / Total number of participants
Events, conferences, seminars, information and training sessions
Visits, working groups, meetings
Studies, surveys, assessments, researches, reports, etc.
Internet and database
Media: press and/or web articles, newsletters, etc.
Promotional material: flyers, leaflets, posters, etc.
Other(please specify)


a)How did you develop your communication strategy towards your target groups? Please describe the activities performed to implement your communication strategy.
b)How did you ensure the visibility of your activities?

Provide the URL of the main web-site of your NRP (

Number of hits on the website of the EQAVET NRP: ……

Did the website undertake anyimprovements during the contractual period? Please describe them.


a)How did you monitor the implementation of your activities?
b)Did you encounter any problems?Which mitigating measures did you take toovercome them?


a)How did you assess and measure the quality of the results of your activities?
b)What was the impact of your activities(both in qualitative and quantitative terms) on the EQAVET implementation?

7.Organisational aspects

7.1. Organisation of the EQAVET NRP

Please describe briefly the setting and organisation of your EQAVETNRP. Please state any changes / improvements that occurred during the contractual period.

7.2. Staff

Please mention the number of staff, both internal and external (subcontractors), that worked on the implementation of your work programmeduring the contractual period. For explanation on internal / external staff, please refer to section 11.2 "Staff and Subcontracting costs" of the Call EACEA 66/2016. Please indicate the number of days dedicated to the project.

Nr of persons dedicated to EQAVET NRPduring the contractual period / Nr of days dedicated to EQAVETNRPduring the contractual period
ExternalEQAVET NRP staff
Total EQAVET NRP staff

Please note that a full time equivalent corresponds to 220 working days per year.

Please provide a justification in case of discrepancies with the overall staff indicated in the project description.

8. List of attachments

Attachments to the final report should be only sent by email or in a USB stick or CD / DVD to the addresses specified in the eligibility checklist.

Please refer to the activities completed during the contractual period and listed under point 3 of this final report.

Please list here all attached documents (e.g.detailed statistics, participants' lists,material related to events, copies, publications, etc.).

Activity Nr / Attachment Nr / Title of the attachment

Annex I


Period: 01/04/2017 – 31/03/2019

  • For grants for an action equal or inferior to EUR 60.000, the beneficiary is required to submit the following sample of supporting documents:

Budget item/heading / Sample to be annexed to the Financial Statement
Staff / The three highest consolidated staff costs (i.e. staff member costs) for the whole eligibility period
Subcontracting / The three highest value subcontracts
Travel and subsistence / 25% of the highest costs declared under this budget item
  • For grants for an action of more than EUR 60.000, but less than EUR 750.000, the beneficiary is required to submit, in support of the final payment, a “Report of Factual Findings on the Final Financial Report - Type I” produced by an approved auditor or in case of public bodies, by a competent and independent public officer.

The procedure and the format to be followed are detailed in the following “Guidance Notes”:

The use of the report format set by the “Guidance Notes” is compulsory.

If the grant is equal or inferior to EUR 60.000 but the beneficiary wishes to submita “Report of Factual Findings on the Final Financial Report - Type I” produced by an approved auditor or in case of public bodies, by a competent and independent public officer, this isallowed. In this case the same procedure and format must be followed as detailed in the “Guidance Notes” above mentioned.

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