Brighouse High School
Policy Number: / 28Policy Name: / ICT Acceptable Use Policy - Pupils
Policy Date: / March 2012
Date Approved:
Networked resources, including Internet access, are potentially available to students and staff in the school. All users are required to follow the conditions laid down in the policy. Any breach of these conditions may lead to withdrawal of the user’s access; monitoring and or retrospective investigation of the users use of services, and in some instances could lead to criminal prosecution. Any breach of the conditions will also be considered a disciplinary matter.
These networked resources are intended for educational purposes, and may only be used for legal activities consistent with the rules of the school. Any use of the network that would bring the name of the school into disrepute is not allowed.
Pupils will be provided with guidance and instruction in the use of the schools ICT resources. Pupil use of the Internet or the school’s network will only be permitted where there is a member of staff present. All computer systems will be monitored to ensure that they are being used in a responsible fashion.
Conditions of Use
Personal Responsibility
Access to the networked resources is a privilege, not a right. Users areresponsible for their behaviour and communications. Pupils will be expected to use the resources for the purposes for which they are made available. Users are to take due care with the physical security of hardware they are using. Users will accept personal responsibility for reporting any misuse of the network to Mrs Croft, Network Manager or Mr Rule, Head of ICT.
Acceptable Use
Users are expected to utilise the network systems in a responsible manner. It is not possible to set hard and fast rules about what is and what is not acceptable but the following list provides some guidelines on the matter:
Network Etiquette and Privacy
Users are expected to abide by the rules of network etiquette. These rules include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Be polite – never send or encourage others to send abusive messages.
- Use appropriate language – users should remember that they are representatives of the school on a global public system. Illegal activities of any kind are strictly forbidden.
- Do not use language that could be calculated to incite hatred against any ethnic, religious or other minority group.
- Privacy – do not reveal any personal information (e.g. home address, telephone number) about yourself or other users.
- Do not trespass into other user’s files or folders.
- Password – do not reveal your password to anyone. If you think someone has learned your password then contact a member of the ICT Technical team.
- Electronic mail – Is not guaranteed to be private. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities will be reported to the authorities. Do not send anonymous messages.
- Disruptions – do not use the network in any way that would disrupt use of the network by others.
- Pupils will not be allowed access to unsupervised and/or unauthorised chat rooms and should not attempt to gain access to them.
- Staff or students finding unsuitable websites through the school network should report the web address to a member of the ICT Technical team.
- Do not introduce any portable storage device into the network without having it checked for viruses.
- Do not attempt to visit websites that might be considered inappropriate. (Such sites would include those relating to illegal activity). All sites visited leave evidence in the school network if not on the computer. Downloading some material is illegal and the police or other authorities may be called to investigate such use.
- Unapproved system utilities and executable files will not be allowed in pupils’ work areas or attached to e-mail.
- Files held on the school’s network will be regularly checked by the ICT Technical team.
- It is the responsibility of the User (where appropriate) to take all reasonable steps to ensure compliance with the conditions set out in this Policy document, and to ensure that unacceptable use of the Internet/Intranet does not occur.
Examples of unacceptable use include but are not limited to the following:
- Users must login with their own user ID and password, where applicable, and must not share this information with other users. They must also log off after their session has finished.
- Users finding machines logged on under other users username should log off the machine whether they intend to use it or not.
- Accessing or creating, transmitting, displaying or publishing any material (e.g. images, sounds or data) that is likely to cause offence, inconvenience or needless anxiety.
- Accessing or creating, transmitting or publishing any defamatory material.
- Receiving, sending or publishing material that violates copyright law. This includes through Video Conferencing and Web Broadcasting.
- Receiving, sending or publishing material that violates Data Protection Act or breaching the security this act requires for personal data.
- Transmitting unsolicited material to other users (including those on other networks).
- Unauthorised access to data and resources on the school network system or other systems.
- Any suspected misuse of the network or internet must be reported immediately. E.g. Knowledge that another user’s password is known by others.
- User action that would cause corruption or destruction of other users’ data, or violate the privacy of other users, or intentionally waste time or resources on the network or elsewhere.
Additional guidelines
- Users must comply with the acceptable use policy of any other networks that they access.
- Users must not download software without approval from the ICT Technical team.
Use of Schools VLE (Virtual Learning Environment)
The introduction of the schools VLE will allow remote access to the schools network from home. Users must be aware that the schools acceptable use policy still applies when accessing the schools resources from outside the school building.
Monitoring and Logging
Activities regarding network transactions may be monitored and logged and kept for an appropriate amount of time. Logs are taken for reasons of security, diagnostic and account/audit reasons. Logs are available only to authorised systems personnel and kept for no longer than necessary and in line with current data protection guidelines. In particular, a manual effort is required to match user identification with incident identification.
Securus - e-safety monitoring
The school has invested in Securus e-safety software to protect students and staff from PC misuse and help achieve ‘Duty of Care’ expectations and standards of excellence in ICT. It gives students the freedom to use school computers and the internet responsibly, whilst capturing any misuse or unacceptable behaviour.
1.Identify risks - Securus monitors the school network and checks for unacceptable words and phrases that are displayed on screen. All applications are covered, including chat rooms and email. It also covers all documents (e.g. Word, PowerPoint), whether they are viewed, printed or typed. Even unsaved or deleted material is captured if it contains an unacceptable word or phrase.
- Capture evidence - A record is taken of any incident that might indicate a problem or concern. This might be as simple as swearing or a more serious issue such as bullying, racist language or grooming online. It might also show when a banned or unsuitable website has been accessed. A screenshot shows what was on screen at the time, along with the identity of the user, time and date. Such evidence can be used to follow up with the user later.
3.Follow up - Securus records the type of violation that took place. If the situation is potentially serious, staff are automatically alerted. The violations can be reviewed at any time from any PC. This helps the right action to be taken, whether supporting a victim of bullying, protecting a vulnerable child or confronting a student who has used a computer inappropriately.
- Managing behaviour - Students must agree to a code of conduct (AUP) before they can logon onto a computer. This lays out clear guidelines on what is appropriate behaviour. It also provides a reminder that any misuse will be identified and acts as a powerful deterrent against ICT misuse. Students learn how to act responsibly, what behaviour is acceptable or safe and what is not. It also reduces the temptation to surf the internet or email friends in lessons.
Securus can also restrict access to certain groups, times or computer applications. This ensures that students only use the resources that are suitable for them.
Violations of this policy will be treated like other allegations of wrongdoing at the School. Allegations of misconduct will be investigated in accordance with the School's disciplinary procedures applicable to all members of the School. Any misuse of the schools ICT facilities by a User will be logged and the appropriate action against the user will be taken.
Sanctions for inappropriate use of IT and Computing Systems may include:
- Revocation of access to computing resources and facilities.
- Disciplinary action.
- Legal action if applicable.
Email and Social media
Pupils must remember that they are representatives of the school when using email and social media even when not on school premises. Pupils are expected to abide by the network etiquette and privacy guidelines whilst using email and social networking e.g. Facebook and twitter.
There will be no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the network service offered by the school. The school will not be responsible for any damages suffered while on the system. These damages include loss of data as a result of delays, non-deliveries, or service interruptions caused by the system or your errors or omissions. Use of any information obtained via the network is at your own risk. The school performs daily backups which run in a 2 week cycle. It is the responsibility of the User to report any loss of data within this timescale. In these cases ICT technical team will endeavour to recover lost data.
Network Security
Users are expected to inform the ICT Technical team immediately if a security problem is identified. Until the problem is rectified, users must not demonstrate this issue to other users. Users must login with their own user id and password, where applicable, and must not share this information with other users. Users identified as a security risk will be denied access to the network.
Wilful Damage
Any malicious attempt to harm or destroy any equipment or data of another user or network connected to the school system will result in loss of access, disciplinary action and, if appropriate, legal referral. This includes the creation or uploading of computer viruses. The use of software from unauthorised sources is prohibited.
Media Publications
Named images of pupils (e.g. photographs, videos, web broadcasting, TV presentations, web pages etc.) must not be published under any circumstances. Consent from parents or carers will be obtained before photographs of pupils are published on the school web site.
Pupils’ work will only be published (e.g. photographs, videos, TV presentations, web pages etc) if parental consent has been given.
Appendix 1.
It is not possible to provide an exhaustive list of behaviour that could be classified as dishonest, offensive, harassing, hostile, intimidating or damaging, but it is recognized that certain offences are more serious than others. The School has classified offences as being within one of three broad bands. Examples and penalties are given below.
Offences of this type will attract a recorded warning and a one week ban from the Internet.
No food or drink to be taken into public-access computing facility areas (e.g. LRC, IT Rooms)
Repeatedly using the schools ICT facilities for non-work purposes
Sending nuisance email (non-offensive)
Using unauthorised software
Disruptive behaviour
Offences of this type will attract a two week ban from the Internet and a letter home to parents.
Repeated Band 1 offences
Sending abusive or distressing email
Unauthorised access e.g. using another's username/password, using a computer in an unauthorised area
Assisting or encouraging unauthorised access
Mounting unauthorised software, or providing services using unauthorised software
Using software for purposes outside the terms of the licence
Interfering with workstation configurations
Offensive, harassing or intimidating behaviour
Offences of this type will invoke disciplinary action in accordance with the School Regulations. Access to computing facilities will be completely withdrawn until disciplinary procedures are completed.
Repeated Band 2 offences
Sending offensive or intimidating e-mail
Harassment by e-mail
Forging e-mail i.e. masquerading as another, to send offensive, intimidating or distressing e-mail
Loading, viewing, storing or distributing pornographic or other offensive material
Theft, vandalism or wilful damage of any part of computing facilities
Unauthorised copying, storage or distribution of software
Infringement of copyright
Any action, whilst using computing facilities, deemed likely to bring the School into disrepute, including illegal and criminal behaviour
Attempting unauthorised access to a remote system
Attempting to jeopardize damage, circumvent or destroy software security systems maintained by IT Support.
Attempting to modify, damage or destroy another authorised user's data
J:\Shared Everyone\POLICIES\2015 onwards\28 ICT l Acceptable Use (Pupils).doc