Business Management Plan

Version 4

Prepared By:

John Darlaston

Vice Chairman

Revised 26 September 2000

European Pressure Equipment Research Council



Mission Statement

Executive Summary

1- Background

2- Organisation and Operation

3- Objectives & Milestones

4- Marketing

5- Finance


A.General description of the Organisation of EPERC

B.National Organisations

C.Organisation, Chairs of TGs and TTFs

D.Scope of Task Groups Activities

E.Terms of Reference of Technical Task Forces

F.Relationship with other Organisations

H.Procedure for EPERC Publications

I.Report Review Procedure

J. Procedure for the Distribution of Documents

K. Guidelines for the preparation of EPERC Bulletins

L. Communication with EU Bodies

M. Programme of activities


To maintain a European Network for the dissemination of information and for the co-ordination of expertise and resources in the assessment and validation of R&D work needed for pressure equipment and safety & reliability in the non-nuclear industry, as indicated and required by the manufacturers, the users, the inspection bodies, the standardisation bodies and the regulatory bodies.


The European Pressure Equipment Research Council (EPERC) is a European Network of industries, research laboratories, inspection bodies and government institutions set up to foster co-operative research for the greater benefit of the European industry.

The purpose of EPERC will be to promote European co-operative research and development linked to problems of design, construction, inspection and testing and in-service activities. EPERC will be concerned with all types of non-nuclear pressure equipment (Main industrial sectors are Energy, Chemical, Petroleum, transport)

EPERC was formally launched at the AFIAP - ICPVT Conference in Paris on 20th October 1996. A multi-partner collaboration agreement between EPERC members defines the organisation and the mode of operation.

The ‘added value’ of EPERC to the European Community is it draws together the European expertise, provides unified representation, identifies technical industrial needs, leads to cost effective R & D and benefits industry through input to standardisation activities and information transfer.

The Business Plan will be updated when necessary.


Business Management Plan

1 Background

The European Pressure Equipment Research Council (EPERC) is a European Network of industries, research laboratories, inspection bodies and governmental institutions set up to foster co-operative research for the greater benefit of the European industry. It is intended to become a council.

The idea of a European Council originated at the PVRC meeting in Cannes in1989. Since this time volunteers from the industry, research laboratories and of the European Commission JRC have worked together to create a Statute for EPERC.

EPERC was formally launched at the AFIAP / ICPVT Conference in Paris on 20th October 1995 and a multi-partner collaboration agreement was established.

In the context of the industry, the role of EPERC is extremely pertinent with a European Council and Parliament directive on Pressure equipment (PED 97/23/EC), which is to harmonise the European national regulations. In parallel with this, work is in progress for the elaboration of European Standards. It is useful to recall that 'Harmonised Standards' will be the privileged means of complying with the Essential Safety Requirements of the Pressure Equipment Directive. This underlines the strategic importance of European Standards for the manufacturing of safe and reliable equipment at a low cost.

As financial resources are scarce, it is particularly necessary to establish a Council where industries define their priorities and research organisations present their capabilities. The fatigue design, the usage of new materials (e.g.: High Strength Steels), the flanges and gaskets, the inspection harmonisation, the hydrogen damage, the in-service operation need to be addressed. Present design methods need to be better assessed, while new methods are under investigation and development.

There is a 'globalisation' of the pressure equipment market, whereby increased export level of pressure equipment will be delivered to overseas countries where the European industry will be in direct competition with other foreign industries. Finally, exchanges of information with the American and Japanese Pressure Vessel Research Councils and other similar organisations will become more efficient if they are carried out at a Council Level.

2. Organisation and Operation

The organisation and operation of EPERC has been established by, and with the agreement of, the participating members. The Statute (Multi-partner Collaboration Agreement Between EPERC partners/EPERC DOC (95)1 rev.2, 19th November 1996)defines the organisation and the mode of operation including safeguarding the needs of the members. The multi-partner collaboration agreement between EPERC partners shall form the basis of conduct for EPERC. Changes to this agreement shall be approved by the Steering Committee. Liability & legislative regime shall be as defined by the agreement.

Members of EPERC are organisations of the European Economic Area (EEA) and officially recognised candidates therefore having an interest in pressure equipment and who are willing to participate in the activities of the Council. As an example, these may be manufacturers, and/or associates thereof, engineering associations, users of pressure equipment and/or associates thereof, research laboratories, technical centres, standardisation bodies, inspection bodies and governmental bodies.

Organisation from countries not belonging to the EEA may participate as 'associated parties'.

The Executive Group shall be established by the Steering Committee and shall comprise the Chairman, Vice-Chairmen, Technical Adviser, Secretary, and a Representative of the Operating Agent. This Group shall be charged with the formulation of the business of EPERC in preparation for Steering Committee Meetings and General Assembly. Financial matters shall be dealt with by the Executive when necessary.

The Steering Committee shall consist of representatives of the parties from countries belonging to the EEA, willing to participate in EPERC. The voting members of the Steering Committee should be preferably representatives of industry. They shall be designated by the parties of each country with the rule of one voting member per country. The weighting of the vote shall be in accordance with the rules as applied by the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN)

Each voting member of the Steering Committee may be accompanied by a limited number of non-voting members (eg. National Representatives, experts from research institutions, manufacturers or universities.)

The General Assembly shall consist of all parties of EPERC. The Council meets once each year to consider the business of EPERC and to provide all parties with the opportunity to discuss and influence the activities.

The National Representatives are national operational permanent members designated each country who will co-ordinate with the Network Secretariat and the Parties of their country.

The Network Secretariat - Operating Agent duties are performed by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Institute for Advanced Materials, referred to as the Operating Agent. The development of the network to a self-financing association will require the Statute to be revised, at which time the role of the JRC will be reviewed.

The Task Groups (TGs) are set up as needed by the Steering Committee and have a finite life. A Task Group would be mandated to undertake a specific task.

The Technical Task Forces (TTF’s) are set up by the Steering Committee. These TTF’s are the focal point of the EPERC technical activities. The TTF’s are set up in response to work requirements and are disbanded when that particular sector of work is deemed to have received sufficient attention. A Task Force can be handling several major work items at any one time.

The TTF’s are working groups made up of experts from any country represented in EPERC with sufficient interest in that work programme. All participants in Task Group and Technical Task Forces shall be registered members of EPERC. The Chairman is appointed by the Steering Committee and the TTF’s make their own Secretariat arrangements. The TTF’s are answerable to the Steering Committee of EPERC and report on a regular basis.

The function of a TTF is to:

  • Ensure that the work item is undertaken to the required standard, within the defined time-scale and the allocated budget
  • Monitor the work, provide technical guidance where necessary and to ensure that the reporting requirements are met
  • Ensure the widest possible dissemination of the results to the European PE industry and standards bodies

A general description of the Organisation of EPERC is shown in Annex A.

3. Objectives and Milestones

EPERC has three main general objectives:

- Establish a European Network in support of the non -nuclear Pressure Equipment Industry and particularly the small to medium enterprises.

- The co-ordination of co-operative research in the domain of pressure equipment. Co-operative research means that research which can be sponsored and managed at a European level.

- To foster technology transfer of research results to European industry and Standardisation bodies. As a consequence EPERC will help in establishing a European attitude on pressure equipment safety and reliability.

The more detailed objectives are defined as follows.

The purpose of EPERC will be to promote European co-operative research and development linked to problems of design, construction, inspection and testing and in-service activities. EPERC will be concerned with all types on non-nuclear pressure equipment and main industrial sectors are energy, chemical, petroleum and transport

Goals and Added Value are:

  • draw together European expertise
  • provide a unified representation & improved image of the PE industry
  • facilitate effective lobbying and advisory roles to the EU on behalf of industry
  • identify common industrial needs
  • remove redundancy through networking of effort
  • targeted and cost effective research
  • benefit industry through input to standardisation & information transfer to small & medium industry.

EPERC will act as a clearinghouse for the definition and co-ordination of research programmes and for the exchange of information. It will work with the Commission of the European Communities and other sponsoring organisations to provide parties and associated parties with assistance for their participation in all research activities, and in particular for the preparation of proposals submitted for funding to research, technological development and demonstration (RTD) programmes of the European Communities. EPERC will be in constant contact with standardisation bodies for the definition of priorities and the use of research results for standards.

EPERC will perform an important role in technology transfer through the dissemination of the results of programmes to the European industry and, in particular, to small and medium enterprises. It will perform an educational role through Bulletins, Newsletters, seminars, courses and the website ( in order to disseminate good research results and ensure their use in practice.

In the international domain, EPERC plans to establish co-operative agreements with the American Pressure Vessel Research Council (PVRC), The Japanese Pressure Vessel Research Council (JPVRC) and other similar organisations on he basis of a balanced exchange of information.

4. Marketing

The marketing of EPERC has to be carried out in several phases.

The First Phasehas been completed in so far that a sufficient number of countries have accepted the concept of EPERC and have agreed to participate.

The Second Phasehas been completed and has several sub-sections. It was essential to gain the support of the remaining countries in the EU. This has been achieved by demonstrating the sound basis of the EPERC organisation through its 'club' operation. By participating at this stage they have benefited from being able to influence the direction in which EPERC has developed. Another aspect of this phase has been to demonstrate to the various organisations within the EU, including the Commission and CEN that EPERC is well founded, capable of meeting its objectives and can offer effective support for European policy. It has also demonstrated its credibility internationally through collaboration agreements with PVRC and JPRC.

The Third Phasehas involved, and will continue to involve, the establishment of programmes of work and technical activities which meet the needs of the parties in the various countries. The programmes consists of a number of individual topics and thematic areas containing several tasks. The evaluation of the research needs of industry has provided the basis for the promotion of this programme. The expertise within EPERC makes a significant contribution to the formulation, presentation and securing of funding for the programmes. It has maintained links with the Commission and the CEN.

The Fourth Phaseis the move from being a 'Club' to being a fully financed Council. This represent a significant step. Before any move is made it will be essential to seek the views of all the parties and also obtain a clear picture of the financial requirement and the availability of funding.

5. Finance

The EPERC will operate as a network with no exchange of money. There will be no central funding available and individual parties will be responsible for the funding of their own participation and activities. The Operating Agent is financed by the European Commission. The situation would have to be re-examined if the change was made to a self financing organisation . The financial responsibility for the administration would then rest with EPERC.

If and when EPERC becomes a self financing organisation , it will be necessary to define a range of topics on the strategy, control and financing of the organisation.


General description of the Organisation of EPERC


National Organisations

The principal organisations involved in each of the participating countries are as follows:


EPERC DOC 200009.007

Countries / Steering Committee Voting Members / Steering Committee
Non-Voting members / National
Austria / J.L. Zeman
(TU Vienna INS) / Pr. J.L. Zeman
(TU Vienna INS)
Belgium / W. Provost
(WTCM-CRIF) / Mr. W. Provost
CEOC / M. Völzow (CEOC)
Denmark / V. Andreasen
(Force Institute) / Mr. V. Andreasen
(Force Institute)
Finland / K. Rahka
(VTT) / Dr. K. Rahka
France / C. Loth
(LJC) / L. Valibus (EPERC Chairman)
G. Baylac (PE consultant) / Mr. G. Baylac
(PE consultant)
Germany / S. Szusdziara
(FDBR) / S. Szusdziara
Greece / Mrs V.L. Tsantzalou
(MIRTEC) / Mrs V.L. Tsantzalou
Italy / M. Scasso
(IIS) / Mrs A. Leni
Netherlands / J. Kops
(NAP-DACE) / J.B. Veyret & R. Hurst
(EC/JRC Petten) / Dr. J. Kops
Spain / R.L. Tauroni
(Tecnatom) / R.L. Tauroni
Sweden / L. Dahlberg
(SAQ Kontroll) / T. Arnesson
Switzerland / R. Kieselbach
(EMPA) / R. Kieselbach
UK / B.J. Darlaston
(Strutech Consultancy) / D. Nash
(Univ. Strathclyde)

Associate members (members of the Steering Committee but non-voting members)

Countries / Representative
Slovenia / T. Jurejevcic (DONIT Tesnit)
Czech Republic / J. Zdarek (Nuclear Research Institute)
Hungary / L. Tóth (Scientific Society of Mechanical Engineering)


Organisation, Officers Executive Group, Chairs of TGs & TTFs

Executive Group

VALIBUS, Louis / Chairman

DARLASTON, John / Vice Chairman

SZUSDZIARA, Sieghart / Vice Chairman

BAYLAC, Guy / Technical Advisor

HURST, Roger / Operating Agent

VEYRET, Jean-Bernard / (JRC Petten)

EPERC Technical Task Forces

Chairman Co Chairman

TTF 1 (Fatigue Design)MADDOX, S.J. TAYLOR, N.

TTF 2(High Strength Steels)BOCQUET, P. HUKELMANN, F.


TTF 3(Harmonisation of Inspection)JOVANOVIC, A. ERIKSSON, A


TTF 4 (Gasket and Flanges) KOCKELMANN, H. VEYRET, J.B.

TTF 5 (Service Integrity and life Extension) BICEGO, V. RANTALA, J.H.

TTF6 (Tanks for Alternative Fuels) ...... (VEYRET, J.B.)

TTF7 (Hydrogen Damage)...... CASTELLO, P.

Administrative Actions (Task Groups)


TG1 (Business Management)DARLASTON, J

TG2 (Current European & International R&D activities)BAYLAC, G.

TG3 (R & D Needs of Industry)SZUSDZIARA, S.

TG4 (Support of European Policy and CEN) HURST, R.

TG5 (Technology Transfer)JAEGER, S.


Scope of Task Group Activities

1) Scope of TGs:

Task Group 1: Business Management

To cover business planning, marketing and finance.

The Task Group shall prepare and up-date the Business Plan for EPERC, which shall be approved by the Steering Committee.

Task Group 2: Current European & International R & D Activities

To formulate research proposals in collaboration with the appropriate bodies (TTFs), to progress the proposals and to liaise with European standards organisations

Task Group 3: R & D Needs of Industry

To identify and set the priorities for the R & D needs of the European Pressure Equipment Industry and to provide funding organisations with this information to help them set up their funding programmes

Task Group 4: Support of European Policy and CEN

To develop the best possible recognition and use of EPERC by potentially interested services of the European Commission and CEN.

Task Group 5: Technology Transfer

To gather the information and know-how in the field of pressure equipment. To exploit this knowledge and to enlarge the return on investment by providing means for educated feed-back of the information to the industry. To maintain the EPERC Web site

ANNEX D (cont.)

2) Task Group 2 (Current European & International R & D Activities ) – Terms of Reference/ EPERC DOC 9910.008.

Terms of reference for Task Group 2

Requests in support of standardisation


  1. The Steering Committee of EPERC mandates Task Group 2 to prepare technical specifications on topics identified as needing urgent R&D support in the domain of pressure equipment on request of Technical Committees (TC’s) of CEN or their working groups. TTF’s of EPERC may also send requests.
  2. CEN TC’s or their working groups and TTF’s are the Clients.
  3. The specification is prepared for the programme “Growth” of the European Commission, Generic Action “Measurement and Testing”. It bears the name of “Supporting Document” and is delivered
  4. If the “Supporting Document” is accepted, the Directorate General XII of the European Commission will issue a call for proposals in the Official Journal of the European Communities under the Measurement and Testing Programme (MT Programme).
  5. TG2 shall be objective and shall have members competent in the different fields of pressure equipment activities. Members will be proposed via an opencall organised through the EPERC SC and NR members.
  6. The Technical Advisor shall chair TG2 or a person approved by SC for 3 years renewable who may be assisted by a secretary.
  7. TG2 meets at least 3 times a year at a mutually convenient site, conjunction taking consideration of the calls published by the Commission. Additional meetings may be necessary to cover the needs of the work.
  8. TG2 reports the execution, difficulties and progress of its tasks to each SC meeting.
  9. A copy of all the documents issued by TG2 must be sent for information to the Executive Group members and the Chairmen & Co-Chairmen of the TTF’s.
  10. TG2 takes care of the diffusion of project results via TTF’s.
