European Meeting of Directors of Social Statistics

Main developments in Social Statistics in the Member States

1.2 on the agenda


The Member States were asked to prepare in advance of the meeting a short paper describing the most important national developments in Social Statistics over the next few years. Papers were received from 12 Member States and from Norway. The contributions ranged from a summary of the Businessplan (UK) to parts of papers prepared for recent meetings on new developments in social Statistics (e.g. DK). The majority of the contributions contain a description of the present work in the field of social statistics.

The activities along the domain axes

Most of these descriptions are to a certain extent, ordered in the chapters population, labor market, education and training, public health and safety at work, social protection, living conditions, social indicators. The developments and present work described reflects in some more (national) detail the activities described on the (supra national) level in the workplan of Eurostat.

In table 1 the results are presented of a content analysis of the contributions

A general impression on the main horizontal developments

The content of the contributions of the MS with respect to the domains needs no further explanation. To prevent an overlap or repeating the MS statements, the synthesis is described along the emphasis on input, throughput and output.

On the input side, new information collection techniques receive some attention. Overlapping with the throughput, further harmonization, integration of survey information as well as the elaboration of the use of administrative data was mentioned. Much attention is also given to the launching of new surveys and use of sources as well as the development of statistical systems and accounting. Many NSI’s are redesigning the social statistics along these paths. Methodological issues for data editing are mentioned several times, in most of the cases in relation to advanced technical developments.

The output side is mainly described along the content of the information to provide to the users. Several contributions mention data dissemination and new forms of electronic reporting.

Eye catching developments

Most Member States chose to describe special efforts in certain of these fields in greater detail. These efforts are e.g. speeding up of processes, redesign of existing statistics to a more commonly used or recommended model (continuos labor force survey), experimenting and implementing new methods (electronic data capture, dissemination techniques).

With the risk to overlook important developments the eye-catching developments are mentioned in the next table.

DenmarkWork for more coherence in the statistical system

GermanyWide coverage of the total workprogram

GreeceWork on the Census

SpainThe Padron Continuo (municipal population registers) project

and its far ranging implications

FranceActual local level data

LuxemburgExploitation of opportunities for integration and the use of

administrative data.

NetherlandsFurther methodological developments in data collection, data

editing and integrated statistical output

AustriaComplete matching of all administrative sources available for

income statistics

PortugalInvestment in coherent statistical information subsystems

FinlandFurther development of the system of social statistics on a

broad set of fields

SwedenThe coverage of the register system

United KingdomAuthoritative user friendly statistics

NorwayReporting and presenting data to users