Spring 2018

The Story So Far…

£1.5 Million for Lochside and Lincluden

Can you believe that Our Place has been running in Lochside and Lincluden for 3 full years?

Thank you to everyone who has played a part in the project so far, whether that's been taking part in a consultation event, completing a survey, attending a community event, orvolunteering fora local community group.

The Projects

The projects were all decided on after extensive consultations, and each one goes through a robust application process managed by the Big Lottery Fund. Once the Lottery have given provisional approval, most need to go through a second round of consultation to ensure the ideas suggested are still what most of the community wants. Because of the rigour of the application process it has taken a long time to get projects from the ideas stage to development, and we'd like to thank the Project Leads and Community Connectors for making it happen for the benefit of everyone.

Lincluden Community Centre

Have you seen the changes to the building yet?

There are new toilets, windows, flooring and more. And the new front wall really makes the most of the gorgeous views out to Popeye's Park, as well as being more secure.

Creative Futures

Creative Futures have been involved in many exciting projects across Lochside and Lincluden over the past year including the fantastic Day of the Region, Four Go Wild in Wellies, 3D Printing, BE United, Keepers of the Knowledge and the new Community Action Plan. They also link Lochside and Lincluden residents with creative and cultural events further afield.

Let’s Get Sporty

Local Social Enterprise, ‘Let’s Get Sporty’ will be bringing their range of fun, diverse activities to Lochside and Lincluden with a full-time development worker based across both areas. Not only will they be delivering activity, but they will be working with and promoting all existing clubs and sports provision in the area so they’ll benefit too.

Watch out for affordable and accessible sessions for all ages coming in 2018.

Lochside Community Centre

Having undertaken a massive cleanup, Lochside Community Centre's new management committee are now working hard to pull together an application for some essential refurbishment works that will ensure the centre is once again a vibrant community hub.

Green Spaces

Every consultation and survey returned one thought very clearly - you want to make the most of your green spaces!

With this in mind, the community has developed really exciting plans for both Popeye's and Glentrool Parks.

Glentrool Park

There are two key developments at Glentrool Park; an inclusive accessible playpark for all abilities and a skate park.

The initial application has been approved by the Big Lottery and the group will now be undertaking further consultation and land survey work to ensure plans are fit for purpose, sustainable and legal.

We hope to put these findings into the final application which is due in spring 2018.

When complete, the park will host at least 4 community events each year, and there will be youth workers engaging with young people all year round.

Popeye's Park
Current plans allow the preservation of the beauty of the park andplanting of more trees.

We'll also add benches, CCTV, bins and interpretation boards highlighting the history of the area and nature found there. And finally,it will feature a pirate themed play park, perfect for keeping kids active.

Get Involved!

Our Place aims to build strong communities, empowering local people and organisations to bring about positive and lasting change in their neighbourhood.

The more local people are involved with the projects, the more sustainable they are likely to be.

If you can spare a couple of hours a month, or a week, or even just now and again we can put you in touch with a local project that would really benefit from your help. Volunteering is a great way to make new friends, get to know neighbours and shape your local community.

Call Zahra on 07469 392 404
