Report template

EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR)

REPORT on Stakeholders Consultation SLOVENIA

for Pillar: Driving innovative maritime and marine growth

  1. Consultation process

Consultation process has been based on on-line consultations and phone interviews, taking into account observations of the stakeholders expressed throughout the process of the preparation of the macroregional strategy.

  1. Problems/opportunities statement

-Lack of cooperation at regional/sea basin level

-Lack of knowledge comparability of data for measuring certain indicators

-Lack of exchange of marine environment relevant data and information

-Low number of fish stocks assessed

-Incomplete assessment for some relevant elements due to lack of long-term series

-Non-existing evaluation of cross-border pressures and impacts

-Lack of in-depth scientific knowledge on shared stocks

-Lack of common research projects between private sectors and public institutions with focusing on market oriented products

-Slow progress on developing the business culture for particular target groups (youth, women…)

  1. Objectives, priority areas and actions
  2. Overall and specific objectives

-Sustainable development of the fisheries sector

-Strengthening of cooperation on regional and sub-regional level for collection and pooling of data

-Supportsenterprises investment,blue economy sectors and strengthen cooperation and synergies with researchcentres and education institutions

-Improvement of stock assessment

-Improvement of fisheries management and common management across the Mediterranean

-Implementation of multiannual plans for sustainable fisheries in the GFCM area

3.2Coherence with EU2020 and other national priorities

The Slovenian Ministry of Economic Development and Technology is responsible for the coordination and preparation of the Partnership Agreement and of the Operationalprogrammes for the next MFF. The thematic concentration of the Republic of Slovenia on a limited number of objectives reflects the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy, requirements of the EU Cohesion Policy legislative framework as well as the national development needs. The selected priorities represent a turning point for the Republic of Slovenia, namely we have, as a priority, focused over 50 per cent of the EU Cohesion funds on strengthening research, technological development and innovation (thematic objective 1) and enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (thematic objective 3). In process, it is intended to further identify synergies between investment of the European Structural and investment funds and macroregional objectives.

The contribution to the new macro-regional approach by transnational programmes was also identified as essential. TNP can prepare for further projects with a macro-regional perspective.

3.3Priority areas

-Developing knowledge society and invest in people and skills

-Supporting competitiveness of regional enterprises and SME's in fishery sector.


-Development of a common stock assessment methodologies

-Supporting SME's investment on innovation and research and providing training

-Increased cooperation between research centres and education institutions

-Improvement or set-up of common databases as sources of data for stock assessments

-Cooperation for implementation of the existing obligations on the level of the EU (CFP) and regional level (GFCM)

  1. Expected results and targets

Cooperation is a tool to better reach national objectives. We cooperate, because it is beneficial for states participating in the macroregion. We need therefore to focus on what we can achieve better only through cooperation. Results should be measurable and targets should be concrete.Main indicator should be number of common realised projects, their impact on achieving goals of specific priority area…

  1. Overall assessment of the consultation process

Consultation process has been limited since it was conducted predominantly via on-line consultations. It would be more appropriate to enable stakeholders to meet in person as it was the case when having the stakeholders consultations in the process of preparation of the EU Strategy for the Danube region. We should devote special attention to people-to-people contacts in the next phases of developing/implementing the Strategy. Most suitable time for mid-term review of the Action Plan should be after implantation of some common envisaged projects.

Annex 1 – List of stakeholder consulted

Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije

Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Dimičeva 13,1504 Ljubljana

Annex 2 – Logical framework [Summarise and show the causality nexus between problems/needs, objectives, priority areas and the expected targets. The logical framework will help to identify possible internal lacks of coherence and it is proposed as a tool to cross-check the relevance of the proposed priority areas.]