Seminar on the
EU drug monitoring system,
the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) and the perspectives for cooperation with ENP partner countries
Thisseminar is organised in the context of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The ENP aims to forge closer ties with countries to the South and East of the EU. Through this policy, the EU seeks to strengthen the prosperity, stability and security of all of the countries concerned.In March 2007, the Council of the EU agreed to the gradual participation of ENP partner countries in the work of EU agencies to encourage regulatory and administrative reform and to promote a convergence of ENP partners’ policies with EU norms, standards and best practices. In this context, the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) is organising, together with the European Commission, a seminar on ‘The EU drug monitoring system, the EMCDDA and the perspectives for cooperation with ENP partner countries’.
Objective of the seminar:
The seminar will be the 1stmeetingbetween representatives from ENP partner countries, the EMCDDA and the European Commission. This one-and-a-half day meeting aimstoestablishand/or strengthen cooperation between interested ENP partners and the EMCDDA in the field of drug monitoring. It will provide an overview of the EU drug monitoring system —including the EMCDDA’s role —and will give detailed information onthe perspectives for technical cooperation between the EMCDDA and ENP partner countries for 2011–13. The seminar is organised by the EMCDDA in consultation with DG JLS, DG RELEX and DG Enlargement, financed via the TAIEX instrument.
Seminar on the EU drug monitoring system, the EMCDDA and the perspectives for cooperation with ENP partner countries
14–15 October 2010
Schuman Room
Rue de la Loi, 107
1040 Brussels
14October 2010
10.00 — 11.00Opening Session
Chair:Mr Alexis Goosdeel, Head of Unit, REITOX and International Cooperation
10.05— 10.20The European Neighbourhood Policy and perspectives for cooperation with Community Agencies in 2011–13
Mr John O'Rourke, Acting Director European Neighbourhood Policy, DG External Relations, European Commission
10.20— 10.35The EU Drugs Action Plan
Ms. Dana Spinant, Head of Unit, Anti-Drugs Policy, DG Justice, European Commission
10.35— 11.00Role and mandate of the EMCDDA in the European context
— the view of the Management Board,
Dr João Goulão, Chairman of the EMCDDA Management Board
11.00 — 11.30Coffee break
11.30 — 12.45Plenary Session I
Chair:Ms. Caroline Hager, Policy Officer, Anti Drugs Policy, DG Justice, European Commission
11.30 — 12.20The EMCDDA’s drug monitoring system and scientific cooperation
Mr Paul Griffiths, Scientific Director of the EMCDDA
12.20— 12.45Perspectives for closer cooperation between the Reitoxnetwork and ENP partner countries — introduction to the workshops
Ms Cécile Martel, International Cooperation coordinator, EMCDDA
12.45— 14.15Lunch
14.15— 15.45Workshops Session I — Current experience indrug monitoring systemsin ENP partner countries
Workshop 1: Eastern partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine)
Chair: Mr Tomáš Zabranský, Head of Research and Development Programs, Centre for Addictology, CharlesUniversity, Prague
Workshop 2: Southern partnership (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Syria, Tunisia)
Chair: Mr Jean-Michel Costes, Head of the French Observatory for Drugs and Drug Addiction
15.45—16.15Coffee break
16.15—17.45Workshops Session II —Needs and expectations
Workshop 1: Eastern partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine)
Chair: Mr Tomáš Zabranský, Head of Research and Development Programs, Centre for Addictology, CharlesUniversity, Prague
Workshop 2: Southern partnership (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Syria, Tunisia)
Chair: Mr Jean-Michel Costes, Head of the French Observatory for Drugs and Drug Addiction
18.00— 20:00Cocktail
15 October 2010
09.00—12.00Plenary Session II—Perspectives for future cooperation
Chair: Mr. Ronan Mac Aongusa, European Neighbourhood Policy, DG External Relations, European Commission
09.00—10.00Feedback from the workshops — roundtable discussion
Mr Tomáš Zabranský, Head of Research and Development Programs, Centre for Addictology, CharlesUniversity, Prague
Mr Jean-Michel Costes, Head of the French Observatory for Drugs and Drug Addiction
10.00 —10.30Coffee break
10.30 — 11.00Presentation of the handbook: ‘Building a national drugs observatory’
Mr Alexis Goosdeel, Head of Unit, Reitox and International Cooperation,EMCDDA
11.00 — 11.30TAIEX —providing technical assistance for institution building
Mr Andrew Rasbash, Head of the InstitutionBuilding Unit, DG Enlargement, European Commission
11.30— 12.00Closing Session — Conclusions and ways forward
Mr. Ronan Mac Aongusa, European Neighbourhood Policy, DG External Relations, European Commission
Mr Wolfgang Götz, Director of the EMCDDA
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