TITLE:ETSI activities in ITS
Information / X
This is a progress report of ITS related activities within ETSI.
For information. No specific actions or resolutions required
ITS related work within ETSI is led by ETSI ERM TG37. ERM TG37 works in close cooperation with other ETSI committees and with other SDO's, notably ISO TC204, CEN TC278, and ITU Telemov. ERM TG37 liaises with EU eSafety initiatives through participation in the CEC eSafety Communications Working Group and by participating in various EU sponsored conferences and workshops.
The principal priority and work focus of ETSI ERM TG37 is currently to negotiate adequate bandwidth to enable ITS systems, to provide conformance test requirements, and support eSafety related initiatives.
The work items of TG37 are closely aligned to those of ISO TC204 (ITS) with ETSI currently taking the lead in respect of negotiating allocation of bandwidth at 5.9 GHz and 63GHz to enable quasi continuous ITS communications, while ISO TC204 takes the lead in developing system operation Standards through its CALM initiative (multi media quasi continuous communications with and between vehicles with media handover). System Reference Documents have been developed and the negotiations are well advanced at both 5.9 GHz and 63 GHz..
ERM TG37 contributes to the aspects of the standards development process being led by ISO TC204 and will develop complementary ETSI Standards as appropriate.
In respect of conformance tests, a strategic Task Force (STF) has just completed conformance test requirements for European DSRC at 5.8 GHz. This is a "point" communication system widely used for road tolling/road pricing around the world.
In respect of eSafety related initiatives, ETSI MSG have been considering means of attaching data to emergency calls (emergency call with data attached, often known as "eCall"). ERM TG37 have been supporting ISO TC204 WG16 (wide area communications) and CEN TC278 (ITS) WG 15 (eSafety) in respect of Standards supporting system description and message data definition for the data attached to an emergency call from a vehicle. An(ISO) draft Standard for rules for operation of an Emergency Crash Message data registry will shortly be resubmitted to ballot.
A Standard to determine Emergency Call with Data Attached has been deferred for 9 months, because the means of attaching the data and the data definition itself has not been finally determined.
ETSI has provided the technical editor for both of these work items. These work items have been highly political, and ETSI has hosted meetings between interested parties to stimulate resolution of outstanding issues.
NOTE: The CALM concept that ETSI is helping to develop, is now at the core of several major EU 6th framework Research and Development projects such as CVIS and Safespot, which will be testing the CALM solutions. In USA the VII initiative will be operating using IEEE 802.11p/1609 Standards at 5.9 GHz, which are expected to be aligned with CALM 5.9 GHz Standards, although the IEEE Standards do not have media handover.
The CALM architecture separates service provision from medium provision via an IPv6 networking layer, with media handover, and will support services using 2G, 3G, 5 GHz, 60 GHz , MWB (802.16e, 802.20 and HC-SDMA) and will be able to include other technologies as they evolve by use of common Service Access Protocols and the IPv6 Networking
Bob Williams
Chairman ETSI ERM TG37
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