
A. M. Maeir – Publications


Edited Volumes

Berlejung, A., Maeir. A. M., and Schuele, A., eds. 2017. Wandering Arameans: Arameans Outside Syria - Textual and Archaeological Perspectives. LAOS 5. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Berlejung, A., and Maeir, A. M., eds.In press. Researches on Israel and Aram: Autonomy, Interdependence and Related Issues. Proceedings of the First Annual RIAB Center Conference, Leipzig, June 2016. Researches on Israel and Aram in Biblical Times (RIAB), Vol. 1. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

Lipschits, O., and Maeir, A. M. eds.2017. Recent Archaeological Research in the Shephelah of Judah: The Iron Age. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.

Maeir, A. M., and Uziel, J., eds. In press. Tell es-Safi/Gath II. Münster: Ugarit-verlag.

Maeir, A. M., Shai, I. and McKinny, C. eds. In press. The Canaanite Was Then in the Land (Gen. 12: 6): Selected Studies on the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages of Southern Canaan. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Chapters in Volumes

Ackermann, O., Greenbaum, N., Osband, M., Almogi-Labin, A., Ayalon, A., Bar-Matthews, A., Boaretto, E., Bruins, H. J., Cabanes, D., Horwitz, L. K., Neumann, F. H., Porat, N., Schilman, B., Weiss, E., and Maeir, A. M. 2015. Soil and Sediments as an Archive of Landscape History: The Case Study of Tell es-Safi/Gath, in the Eastern Mediterranean. Pp.281-94 in Soils and Sediments as Archives of Environmental Change, eds. B. Lucke, et al. Erlangen: Palm und Enke Verlag.

Avissar Lewis, R. A., and Maeir, A. M. 2015. Bliss and Macalister’s Work at Tell es-Safi/Gath: A Reappraisal in Light of Recent Excavations. Pp.112-17 in Villain or Visionary? R.A.S. Macalister and the Archaeology of Palestine, ed. S. Wolff. London: Maney.

Chadwick, J. R., and Maeir, A. M. In press. Chapter 5: The Stratigraphy and Architecture of Area F-Upper, Strata F4-F8A. In Maeir and Uziel in press.

Greenfield, H. J., Wing, D., and Maeir, A. M. 2015. LiDAR Technology as an Analytical Tool at Tell es-Safi, Israel. Pp.76-85 in Breaking Barriers: Proceedings of the 47th Annual Chacmool Conference, November 7-9, 2014, eds. R. Crook, K. Edwards and C. Hughes. Calgary: University of Calgary.

Greenfield, H. J., Brown, A., Shai, I., and Maeir, A. M. 2016. Preliminary Analysis of the Fauna from the Early Bronze Age III Neighbourhood at Tell es-Safi/Gath, Israel. Pp.170-92 in Bones and Identity: Archaeozoological Approaches to Reconstructing Social and Cultural Landscapes in Southwest Asia, eds. N. Marom, R. Yeshurun, L. Weissbrod and G. Bar-Oz. Oxford: Oxbow.

Greenfield, H. J., Brown, A., Shai, I., and Maeir, A. M. In press. Unravelling the Meaning of Faunal Assemblages in an Early Urban Domestic Neighbourhood: The Bone Tool and Use Wear Frequencies from the Early Bronze Age III at Tell es-Safi, Israel. In The Proceedings of the 12th ICAZ-ASWA Meeting, Rijskuniversitat, Groningen, Netherlands, eds. C. Cakirlar, et al. Oxford: Oxbow.

Gur-Arieh, S., and Maeir, A. M.In press. Chapter 3: Area C - The Siege Trench and Other Features. In Maeir and Uziel in press.

Hitchcock, L. A. and Maeir, A. M.2017. Fifteen Men on a Dead Seren’s Chest, Yo Ho Ho and a Krater of Wine. Pp. 147-59 in Context and Connection: A. Sagona Fs, eds. A. Batmaz, et al. Leuven: Peeters.

------. In press. Hesperos and Phosphoros: How Research on Aegean-Eastern Interactions Can Inform Studies of the West. In Hesperos. Liege: Liege University Press.

------. In press. Lost in Translation: Urbanism in Post-Palatial Crete at the End of the Bronze Age. In From Static Data to Dynamic Processes: New Perspectives on Minoan Architecture and Urbanism, eds. C. Knappett and Q. Letesson. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

------. In press. Pirates of the Crete-Aegean: Migration, Mobility, and Post-Palatial Realities at the End of the Bronze Age. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of Cretan Studies. Heraklion: Cretan Historical Society.

Hitchcock, L., Maeir, A. M., and Dagan, A. 2016. The Entanglement of Aegean Style Ritual Actions in Philistine Culture. Pp.519-26 in METAPHYSIS: Ritual, Myth and Symbolism in the Aegean Bronze Age, Proceedings of the 15th Inter. Aegean Conference, ed. E. Alram-Stern. Liège: Universitë de Liège.

Horwitz, L. K., Hitchcock, L., and Maeir, A. M. In press. A Brief Contribution to the Iron Age Philistine Pig Debate. In The Wide Lens in Archaeology: Honoring Brian Hesse’s Contributions to Anthropological Archaeology, eds. J. Lev-Tov, P. Wapnish and A. Gilbert. Archaeobiology 2. Atlanta: Lockwood Press.

Maeir, A. M. 2014. Archaeology and the Hebrew Bible. Pp.2124-36 in The Jewish Study Bible, eds. A. Berlin and M. Z. Brettler. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

------. 2014. The Rephaim in Iron Age Philistia: Evidence of a Multi-Generational Family? Pp.289-97 in “Vom Leben umfangen”: Gs für Manfred Görg, eds. S. Wimmer and G. Gafus. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag.

------. 2015. The Exodus as a Mnemo-Narrative: An Archaeological Perspective. Pp.409-19 in Israel’s Exodus in Transdisciplinary Perspective, eds. T. E. Levy, et al. Heidelberg: Springer.

------. 2015. Micro-Archaeological Perspectives on the Philistine Household throughout the Iron Age and Their Implications. Pp.307-19 in Household Studies in Complex Societies. (Micro) Archaeological and Textual Approaches, ed. M. Muller. Chicago: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.

------. 2016 The Beth-Shean Valley: Geographical and Environmental Background. Pp. 1-11 in Excavations at Tel Rehov, 1997-2012. Vol. 1, eds. A. Mazar & N. Panitz-Cohen. Jerusalem: HU.

------. 2016. The Aramaean Involvement in the Southern Levant: Case Studies for Identifying the Archaeological Evidence. Pp. 79-87 in In Search of Aram and Israel eds. O. Sergi, et al. Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck.

------. 2017. Chapter 14. The Southern Kingdom of Judah: Surrounded by Enemies. Pp. 391-412 in The Bible in Archaeology and History, eds. E. Wright, et al. Waco, TX: Baylor.

------. 2017. Can Material Evidence of Aramean Influences and Presence in Iron Age Judah and Israel Be Found? Pp. 53-68 in Wandering Arameans: Arameans outside Syria - Textual and Archaeological Perspectives, eds. A. Berlejung, Maeir. A. M. and A. Schuele. LAOS 5. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

------. 2017. Khirbet Qeiyafa in Its Regional Context: A View from Philistine Gath. Pp. 61-71 in Khirbet Qeiyafa in the Shephelah, eds. S. Münger and S. Schroer. Fribourg: Academic Press.

------. 2017. Philistine Gath After 20 Years: Regional Perspectives on the Iron Age at Tell es-Safi/Gath. Pp.133–54 in Lipschits and Maeir 2017.

----. In press. Like Frogs Out of a Pond: Identity Formation in Early Iron Age Philistia and Beyond. In From Nomadism to Monarchy? “The Archaeology of the Settlement Period” - 30 Years Later, eds. I. Koch and et al. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.

------. In press. Integrating Micro- and Macro-Archaeology at a Multi-Period Site: Insights and Outcomes from Tell es-Safi/Gath. In Cyber-Archaeology and Grand Narratives: Digital Technology and Deep-Time Perspectives on Culture Change in the Middle East, eds. I. Jones and T. E. Levy. Berlin: Springer.

------. In press. The Archaeology of the Iron Age I. In Behind the Scenes of the Old Testament, eds. J. S. Greer, J. W. Hilber and J. Walton. Ada, MI: Baker Academic & Brazos Press.

------. In press. The Philistines Be Upon Thee, Samson (Jud. 16:20): Reassessing the Martial Nature of the Philistines – Archaeological Evidence vs. Ideological Image? In The Aegean and the Levant at the Turn of the Bronze Age and in the Early Iron Age, eds. L. Niesiołowski-Spanò and M. Węcowski. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Maeir, A. M., Chadwick, J. R., Dagan, A., Katz, J., Shai, I., and Uziel, J. In press. The Late Bronze Age at Tell es-Safi/Gath and the Site’s Role in Southwestern Canaan. In The Canaanite Was Then in the Land (Gen. 12: 6): Selected Studies on the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages of Southern Canaan, eds. A. M. Maeir, I. Shai and C. McKinny. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Maeir, A. M., Shai, I., and McKinny, C., eds. In press. The Canaanite Was Then in the Land (Gen. 12: 6): Selected Studies on the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages of Southern Canaan. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Maeir, A. M. and Eshel, E. 2014. Four short alphabetic inscriptions from Iron Age IIA Tell es-Safi/Gath and their contribution for understanding the process of the development of literacy in Iron Age Philistia. Pp.69-88 in “See, I Will Bring a Scroll Recounting What Befell Me” (Ps 40:8): H Eshel Gs, eds. E. Eshel and Y. Levin. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Maeir, A. M., and Hitchcock, L. A. 2016. “And the Canaanite Was Then in the Land”? A Critical View on the “Canaanite Enclave” in Iron I. Pp. 209-26 in Alphabets, Texts and Artefacts in the Ancient Near East, ed. I. Finkelstein. Paris: Van Dieren.

------. 2017. The Appearance, Formation and Transformation of Philistine Culture: New Perspectives and New Finds. In The Sea Peoples Up-To-Date: New Research on the Migration of Peoples in the 12th Century BCE, ed. P. Fischer. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences.

------. 2017. Rethinking the Philistines: A 2016 Perspective. In Rethinking Israel: Studies in the History and Archaeology of Ancient Israel in Honor of Israel Finkelstein, eds. O. Lipschits, Y. Gadot and M. J. Adams. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.

Maeir, A. M., and Shai, I. 2016. Reassessing the Character of the Judahite Kingdom: Archaeological Evidence for Non-Centralized, Kinship-Based Components. Pp.323-40 in From Sha‘ar Hagolan to Shaaraim: Essays in Honor of Prof. Yosef Garfinkel, eds. S. Ganor, et al. Jerusalem: IES.

Shai, I., Uziel, J., and Maeir, A. M.In press. The Late Bronze Age Stratigraphy and Architecture. In Maeir and Uziel in press.

Welch, E. L., Chadwick, J. R., Shai, I., Katz, J., Greenfield, H., Dagan, A., and Maeir, A. M. In press. “The Limits of the Ancient City”: The Fortifications of Tell es-Safi/Gath 115 Years after Bliss and Macalister. In The Palestine Exploration Fund and the Early Exploration of the Holy Land, eds. D. Gurevich and A. Kidron. London: Equinox.

Articles in Journals

Ackermann, O., Greenbaum, N., Bruins, H., Bar-Matthews, M., Almogi-Labin, A., Schilman, B., Ayalon, A., Horwitz, L. K., Weiss, E., and Maeir, A. M. 2014. Palaeoenvironment and Anthropogenic Activity in the Southeastern Mediterranean since the Mid-Holocene: The Case of Tell es-Safi/Gath, Israel. Quaternary International328-329:226-43.

Ackermann, O., Greenbaum, N., Ayalon, A., Bar-Matthews, A., Boaretto, E., Bruins, H., Cabanes, D., Horwitz, L. K., Neumann, F., Porat, N., Weiss, E., and Maeir, A. M.2014. Using Palaeo-Environmental Proxies to Reconstruct Natural and Anthropogenic Controls on Sedimentation Rates, Tell es-Safi/Gath, Eastern Mediterranean. Anthropocene8:70-82.

Ackermann, O., Weiss, E., Zhevelev, H., Maeir, A. M., Frumin, S., and Horwitz, L. K. 2015. Key Points in the Paleo-Anthropocene Period in Israel: Past Human Activity as the Designer of the Present-Day Landscape (In Hebrew with English Abstract). The Geography Network8:61-74.

Arnold, E. R., Hartman, G., Greenfield, H. J., Shai, I., Babcock, and Maeir, A. M. 2016. Isotopic Evidence for Early Trade in Animals between Old Kingdom Egypt and Canaan. PLOS ONE11(6): e0157650. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0157650.

Arnold, E. R., Greenfield, H. J., Hartman, G., Greenfield, T. L., Shai, I., Carter-McGee, P. M., and Maeir, A. M. In press. Provisioning the Early Bronze Age City of Tell es-Safi, Israel: Isotopic Analyses of Domestic Livestock Management Patterns. Quarternary International.

Asscher, Y., Cabanes, D., Hitchcock, L. A., Maeir, A. M. Weiner, S., and Boaretto, E. 2015. Radiocarbon Dating Shows an Early Appearance of Philistine Material Culture in Tell es-Safi/Gath, Philistia. Radiocarbon57(5):825-50.

Beller, J. A., Greenfield, H. J., Fayek, M., Shai, I., and Maeir, A. M. 2016. Provenance and Exchange of Basalt Ground Stone Artefacts of EB III Tell es-Safi/Gath, Israel. JASR9:226-37.

Dagan, A., Enukhina, M., and Maeir, A. M. In press. Excavations in Area D of the Lower City: Philistine Cultic Remains and Other Finds. Near Eastern Archaeology80(4).

Davis, B., Maeir, A. M., and Hitchcock, L. A. 2015. Disentangling Entangled Objects: Iron Age Inscriptions from Philistia as a Reflection of Cultural Processes. IEJ65(2):140-65.

Eliyahu-Behar, A., Shai, I., Gur-Arieh, S., Frumin, S., Elbaz, S., Weiss, E., Manclossi, F., Rosen, S., Greenfield, T., Greenfield, H. J., and Maeir, A. M.2017. Early Bronze Age Pebble Installations from Tell es-Safi/Gath, Israel: Evidence for Their Function and Utility. Levant 49/1: 46-63.

Eliyahu-Behar, A., Shai, I., Regev, L., Ben-Shlomo, D., Albaz, S., Maeir, A. M., and Greenfield, H. J. 2016. Early Bronze Age Pottery Covered with Lime-Plaster: Technological Observations. TA43:27-42.

Eliyahu-Behar, A., Elbaz, S., Shai, I., Maeir, A. M., and Greenfield, H. J. 2016. Faience Beads from Early Bronze Age Contexts at Tell es-Safi/Gath, Israel. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports7:609-13.

Frumin, S., Maeir, A. M., Horwitz, L. K., and Weiss, E. 2105. Studying Ancient Anthropogenic Impact on Current Floral Biodiversity in the Southern Levant as Reflected by the Philistine Migration. Scientific Reports5(13308):1-10.

Fuks, D., Ackermann, O., Bar-Matthews, M., Bar-Oz, G., Ayalon, A., Maeir, A. M., Weiss, E., Zilberman, T., and Safrai, Z. 2017. Dust Clouds, Climate Change and Coins: Consiliences of Paleoclimate and Economic History in the Late Antique Southern Levant. Levant.

Gadot, Y., Finkelstein, I., Iserlis, M., Maeir, A. M., Nahshoni, P., and Namdar, D. 2014. Tracking Down Cult: Production, Function and Content of Chalices in Iron Age Philistia. Tel Aviv41(1):55-76.

Gur-Arieh, S., Shahack-Gross, R., Maeir, A. M., Lehmann, G., Hitchcock, L. A., and Boaretto, E. 2014. The Taphonomy and Preservation of Wood and Dung Ashes Found in Archaeological Cooking Installations: Case Studies from Iron Age Israel. Journal of Archaeological Science46(1):50-67.

Hitchcock, L. A., and Maeir, A. M. 2013. Beyond Creolization and Hybridity: Entangled and Transcultural Identities in Philistia. Archaeological Review from Cambridge28(1):51-74.

------. 2014. Yo-Ho, Yo-Ho, a Seren’s Life for Me! World Archaeology46(3):624–40.

------. 2016. A Pirates’ Life for Me: The Maritime Culture of the Sea People. PEQ 148: 245–64.

Hitchcock, L. A., Horwitz, L. K., Boaretto, E., and Maeir, A. M. 2015. One Philistine’s Trash is an Archaeologist’s Treasure: Feasting at Iron Age I, Tell es-Safi/Gath. NEA78(1):12-25.

Maeir, A. M.. 2013. Review of: A. Faust. 2012. The Archaeology of Israelite Society. Eisenbrauns: Winona Lake, IN. Review of Biblical Literature.

------. In press. The Tell es-Safi/Gath Archaeological Project: Overview. NEA80(4).

Maeir, A. M., Davis, B., and Hitchcock, L. A. 2016. Philistine Names and Terms Once Again: A Recent Perspective. Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage4(4): 321-40.

Maeir, A. M., Davis, B., Horwitz, L. K., Asscher, Y., and Hitchcock, L. A. 2015. An Ivory Bowl from Early Iron Age Tell es-Safi/Gath (Israel) - Manufacture, Meaning and Memory. WA47:414-38.

Maeir, A. M., Hitchcock, L. A., and Horwitz, L. K. 2013. On the Constitution and Transformation of Philistine Identity. Oxford Journal of Archaeology32(1):1-38.

Maeir, A. M., and Shai, I. 2015. The Origins of the ‘Late Philistine Decorated Ware’. TA 42:59-66.

Meiri, M., Huchon, D., Bar-Oz, G., Boaretto, E., Kolska Horwitz, L., Maeir, A. M., Sapir-Hen, L., Larson, G., Weiner, S., and Finkelstein, I. 2013. Ancient DNA and Population Turnover in Southern Levantine Pigs- Signature of the Sea Peoples Migration? Scientific Reports3:3035|DOI:10.1038/srep03035.

Olsvig-Whittaker, L., Maeir, A. M., Weiss, E., Frumin, S., Ackermann, O., and Horwitz, L. K. 2015. Ecology of the Past – Late Bronze and Iron Age Landscapes, People and Climate Change in Philistia (the Southern Coastal Plain and Shephelah), Israel. Journal of Mediterranean Ecology13:57-75.

Shai, I., Uziel, J., Chadwick, J. R., and Maeir, A. M. In press. The Late Bronze Age at Tell es-Safi/Gath. Near Eastern Archaeology80(4).

Shai, I., Greenfield, H. J., Eliyahu-Behar, A., Regev, J., Boaretto, E., and Maeir, A. M. 2014. The Early Bronze Age Remains at Tell eṣ-Ṣāfi/Gath, Israel: An Interim Report. TA41:20-49.

Shai, I., Chadwick, J. R., Welch, E., Katz, J., Greenfield, H., and Maeir, A. M.2016. The Early Bronze Age Fortifications at Tell es-Safi/Gath, Israel. PEQ 48(1):42-58.

Shai, I., Greenfield, H., Brown, A., Albaz, S., and Maeir, A. M. 2016. The Importance of the Donkey as a Pack Animal in the Early Bronze Age Southern Levant: A View from Tell es-Safi. ZDPV132:1-25.