Farida A. Vetlugina, Associate Prof., OrenburgStateUniversityOrenburg (Russia),
Recently meaningful education plan takes a different meaning, which for the optimal development of individual identity is the necessary structuralization of social, linguistic, cultural and ethnic origins. There cannot be an education, not passing to the national, ethnical culture.
Model of innovative education, based on the principle of joint creative activity of persons, acts as a fairly universal mean of organization of developing person education. This model is for training and education of preschool and primary school children, adolescents, students, persons of the system of professional development. Integration of cognitive, emotional and behavioral aspects increases level of cross-cultural sensitivity and tolerance, respectively.
The program of intercultural education involves several stages: content-indicative communicative-developing, projective. Each stage is designed to enhance knowledge about the representatives of different nations, the study of verbal and nonverbal forms of ethnic communication, finding ways to overcome the difficulties of ethnic and cultural understanding, the formation of mutual tolerance and willingness to productive interethnic and intercultural interaction. Positive experience of active work of new forms of educational activities for training and educating preschoolers and young schoolchildren is shown by the teachers of several schools in Orenburg region.
There are many lessons, workshops studying their native language and culture: "The sun in the Chuvash ornamental art", "Traditional ceremonies of Mordovians life as a reflection national identity, "Comparative study of Russian and Tatar rites."
There is a program of intercultural education for the students, which expands knowledge about the representatives of different nations, developing verbal and nonverbal forms of ethnic dialogue, shows how to overcome the difficulties of ethnic and cultural understanding, mutual tolerance and creates a willingness to productive interethnic and intercultural interaction. Various forms of ethno-cultural training, promote the mastery of cross-cultural knowledge, stimulate the assignment of many special knowledge and beliefs, as well as adequate deeds and actions, which are manifested in interpersonal contacts and interaction between representatives of different nations.
Completed assignments of didactic game differ by the creative complexity. The scene- improvisations, costume shows, the creation and discussion of the videos. The idea of "World Village" of the famous Italian journalist and public figure Giulietto Chiesa, who suggested the possibility of submitting the settlement of the whole globe in the form of 100 residents of one village with conservation of all proportions. Such a village would be populated by 57 Asian representatives, 21 Europeans, 14 Americans (including North, Central and South America) and 8 Africans. 30 residents of this village would be white, and the remaining 70 would have a different skin color. 30 people would have been confessed the Christian religion, 70 - the other religion, etc.
The discussed problems in this village are connected with such aspects as issues of upbringing, education, appearance and manners, personal hygiene, physical education, employment, leisure, religious life, moral character, which give the opportunity to reflect different sides of life. There is the decrease in anxiety, the enrichment of emotional states, activation of the new feelings formation, a reduction of rigidity, the capability to adopt and develop new values. Usage of creative problems in a situation of joint creative work of educational process forms the whole spectrum of mental neoplasms:
- The significant changes in the level of motivational and semantic sphere of personality of pupils and personality of students, expanding the range of motives and particularly such motives as self-actualization, cooperation;
- The inclusion of different creative tasks with uncertain decisions basing on the entire personal experience, different levels and forms of mental activity, intuition;
-The problems of increasing creative and social cultural significance of assignments shape not only creative thinking, but also actualize the meaning;
- The transition from the teacher productive and creative tasks to promotion and pupil target-setting that develops anticipation, the anticipation of modes of action to the nomination of new goals and meanings.The last increases the level of personal reflection, level of consciousness and self-consciousness.