Unit 1 Competency 6

Ethics in Computers and the Classroom

·  DIRECTIONS: Read ALL directions before beginning.

1.  Open Microsoft Word on the desktop

2.  Put a header (BLANK) that reads — Plagiarism & Netiquette

3.  Put a footer (BLANK – Three Columns) with your name, class period, and date

4.  Complete the steps below for EACH scenario:

a.  Key the Heading for EACH Scenario (Ex: Plagiarism) then the Scenario #.

b.  Read each scenario and think carefully about your response.

c.  Key each question (numbering them) then your answer.

d.  Your answers should be in complete sentences and you must have at least TWO to THREE sentences per question.

5.  Save in your directory / ICT 1 / Ethics Folder as: Plagiarism & Netiquette

·  Definition of Plagiarism
The representation of the words or ideas of another as one's own in any academic exercise. To avoid plagiarism, every direct quotation must be identified by quotation marks or by appropriate indentation and must be properly cited in the text. Acknowledgment is required when material from another source stored in print, electronic, or other medium is paraphrased or summarized in whole or in part in one's own words. It is NOT plagiarism to use facts, such as names, dates, and phone numbers, which are common knowledge.

Plagiarism Ethics
Scenario 1:
The teacher gives a student permission to surf the Internet to look for clip art for her website as a class project. The student finds the perfect photograph for her website. She clicks on the images, saves it into her website's folder, and inserts the image onto her website's homepage. She includes a citation of the photograph on her bibliography page and links to the specific website from which she took the photograph.

1.  Is copying and pasting clip art for school use plagiarism? Why or why not?

Scenarios 2, 3, 4, & 5 are on the back…

Scenario 2:
A student is given an assignment to write a paper. She notices that a student from a previous class forgot to delete their completed paper from the desktop. She opens the file and uses it to create her paper by cutting, rewriting, and reorganizing the document before handing it in.

1.  Is using someone’s work to complete your assignment plagiarism? Why or why not?

Scenario 3:
One page on a student's website lists names and contact numbers for Tupelo Middle School. The student cuts and pastes this information directly from the TMS website onto his own website.

1.  Is copying facts, such as names, dates, and phone numbers plagiarism? Why or why not?

Netiquette/Internet Ethics

Scenario 4:

John has walked away from a lab computer without logging off. Trish sits down and, still logged in as John, sends a message out to a number of students making it seem like John did it.

1.  Is it wrong to use the computer as someone else or is it John’s fault for not logging out? Why or why not?

Scenario 5:

School computer rules do not allow students to use the computer for personal use, only educational purposes. Sarah’s friend tells her how to access Myspace.com on the school computers.

1.  Is it wrong for her to try to access Myspace.com at school? Why or why not?



(Plagiarism Ethics)


(Netiquette/Internet Ethics)