Project / IEEE 802.21m Revision Project

Title / Suggested remedy for Cmt#149 of LB8
DCN / 21-16-00-0010-03-REVP
Date Submitted / January22, 2016
Source(s) / Yoshikazu Hanatani (Toshiba)
Re: / Session #71, Atlanta
Abstract / The handover specific commands, MIS_Prereg_Xfer and MIS_N2N_Prereg_Xfer, deliver a handover specific key derivation key. 9.2.2 in Draft IEEE 802.21m/D01 includes a key derivation method only used by the handover specific key derivation key. This contribution suggestsas follows:
  1. Remove the key derivation method for the handover specific key derivation key from Draft IEEE 802.21m/D01.
  2. Modify 5.14 of Draft IEEE 802.21.1/D01 to include the removed text.
Modification for Draft IEEE 802.21.1/D01 will be proposed by another contribution.
Purpose / Suggested remedyfor Cmt #149 in LB8.
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE 802.21 Working Group. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that IEEE 802.21 may make this contribution public.
Patent Policy / The contributor is familiar with IEEE patent policy, as stated in Section 6 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board bylaws and in Understanding Patent Issues During IEEE Standards Development

Problem: Texts in 9.2.2 includes a handover specific key derivation procedure.

The handover specific key derivation procedure should be a part of 21.1.

Suggested remedy:

Change 9.2.2 in Draft IEEE 802.21m/D01 as follows.

9.2.2Key derivation and key hierarchy

Upon a successful MIS service access authentication, the authenticator (i.e., the serving PoS) obtains a master session key (MSK) or a re-authentication master session key (rMSK) via EAP to generate a KeyDerivationKey shared between the MN and the serving PoS. Alternatively, the KeyDerivationKey may be securely exchanged with the serving PoS from another trusted PoS (e.g., SPoS) using the transfer mechanism specified in 5.14.2 of Draft IEEE P802.21.1/D01. In the latter case, the MISF identifier of the MN, Nonce-T generated by the MN, and Nonce-N generated by the SPoS are also transferred together with KeyDerivationKey.

The keys derived from KeyDerivationKey includea 128 bit authentication key (MIAK) used to generate a value AUTH, the session keys determined by theciphersuite code c agreed upon between the MN and the serving PoS. If no ciphersuite code is specified by the MN, the default ciphersuite code is used as specified in 0Table 25 in 9.2.3. The session keys used for MIS message protection consistof an encryption key (MIEK) only, an integrity key (MIIK) only, or both an encryption key (MIEK) and an integrity key (MIIK). The concatenation of MIAK, MIEK, and MIIK is called the media independent session key (MISK).The length, L, of the MISK is specified in 9.2.3. When (D)TLS is not used to establish the MIS security association between the MN and the TPoS, the default SALifeTime for MISK and derived keys is 65,536 seconds (slightly over 18 hours). This value may be overridden by passing a preferred value as the SALifeTime parameter in relevant MIS primitives.

For the key derivation, the following notations and parameters are used.

K - key derivation key. It is truncated from a master session key (MSK) or re-authentication MSK (rMSK), or obtained by key exchange with another trusted PoS (e.g., see 5.14.1 of Draft IEEE P802.21.1/D01). The length of K is determined by the pseudorandom function (PRF) used for key derivation. If HMAC-SHA-1 or HMAC-SHA-256 is used as a PRF, then the full MSK or rMSK is used as the key derivation key K. If CMAC-AES is used as a PRF, then the first 128 bits of MSK or rMSK are used as the key derivation key K.

L-The binarylength ofderivedkeyingmaterialMISK.Lisdeterminedbytheselectedciphersuite, whichisspecifiedin9.2.3.

h-TheoutputbinarylengthofPRFusedinthekeyderivation.Thatis,histhelengthoftheblockof thekeyingmaterialderivedbyonePRFexecution.Specifically,forHMAC-SHA-1,h=160bits;for HMAC-256,h=256bits;forCMAC-AES,h= 128bits.

n- ThenumberofiterationsofPRFinordertogenerateL-bitskeyingmaterial.


c-Theciphersuitecodeisaoneoctetstringspecifiedforeachciphersuite.Thecodeisdefinedin 9.2.3.

v-ThelengthofthebinaryrepresentationofthecounterandthelengthofkeyingmaterialL.The defaultvalueforv is 32.

“MISK”- 0x4D49534B,ASCIIcodeinhexforstring“MISK.”

[a]2- Binaryrepresentationofintegerawitha givenlength.






b)If n >2v-1, then indicate an error and stop.

c)Result (0) :=empty string.

d)For i =1 to n, do

i)K(i):=PRF(K,“MISK”|| [i]2||Nonce-T|| Nonce-N|| c|| [L]2).


e)Return Result(n) and MISK is the leftmost L bits of Result (n).

TheMISKis parsedinsucha waythat


Withtheaboveprocedure,akeyhierarchyis derivedasshowninFigure 46.

NOTE 1—Figure 46—MIS Key Hierarchy