University Assessment Committee
Meeting Date: October 23, 2017 / Time: 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Room: 3062 JHZ /
Academic Units:
*BCOIS: Amy McFarland, Env.Stu/Honors (for R. Peterson)
CCPS: Scott Berlin, School of Social Work (2015-18)
*+COE: Doug Busman, Education (2015-18)
*CHP: Susan Cleghorn, Occupational Therapy (2016-19)
*CLAS: Regis Fox, English (2016-19)
*CLAS: Jon Hasenbank, Mathematics (2016-19)(Chair)
CLAS:Julie Henderleiter, Chemistry (2015-18)
*CLAS: Haiying Kong, Sch. of Communications (2017-20)
*CLAS: Charles Lowe, Writing(2016-19)
CLAS:Carolyn Shapiro-Shapin, History(2017-20)
*CLAS: Regina Smith,Modern Languages & Lit. (2015-18)
KCON:Sue Harrington, Nursing (2015-18) (Past Chair)
*PCEC: Greg Schymik, CIS (2016-19)
*SCB:Sonia Dalmia, Economics (2017-20)
SCB: Anne Sergeant, School of Accounting (2015-18) / Service / Co-Curricular Units
Ginger Lange, Career Center (2015-18)
Colleen Lindsay-Bailey, Housing (2017-20)
*Mike Saldana, CHP Academic Advising (2015-18)
Kate Harmon, Campus Recreation (2015-18)
Joy Gianakura, Assoc. Dean, SCB (2016-19)
University Libraries Representative
Kristin Meyer, University Libraries (2017-20)
Student Senate Representatives:
*Danielle Dunneback (Grad)
TBD (UGrad)
Ex Officio:*Chris Plouff
Grad assistants from Provost’s Office:
*Danielle Dunneback (also Student Senate)

2017-10-23 UAC agenda.docx

University Assessment Committee
Meeting Date: October 23, 2017 / Time: 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Room: 3062 JHZ /

*Present+Recording Minutes


1)Call to order:Meeting called to order at 3:00 pm by Chair Jon Hasenbank

Approval of UAC Minutes: 10/9/17 Moved by Kristin Meyer, seconded by Sonia Dalmia. Motion to approve carried.

2)Announcement from floor: Mike Saldana announced and distributed handouts regarding upcoming in-services on Closing the Consciousness Gap and Students and Multiple Identities.

3)Chair Report

a)Report on proposal for ARSS messaging for online/hybrid + other campuses: Jon distributed document entitled ARSS Notification System Messaging-Online/Hybrid Course Selections. Jon asked for feedback on the document. Discussion followed and included a discussion of the challenge of assessing performance of students in online vs. face to face classes. Chris suggested that UAC review C-RAC guidelines.Jon took notes of the discussion and will incorporate the information into future assessment meetings and communications.

b)Outcomes from GEC meeting (10/19/17): Jon reported on recent meeting with GEC chair Gabrielle Gottlieb. Jon reports that GEC is actively involved in analyzing their assessment results and interested in using their results to improveachievement of Gen Ed outcomes at GVSU (‘closing the loop’).Tentative agreement is for GEC to use GVAssess to report onand monitor progress only onthose outcomes GEC has identified as needing improvement. UAC reviews would then focus on those areas. GEC will discuss further; a follow-up meeting is to be held after Thanksgiving..

c)Status of co-curricular unit assessment: Jon reported that Advising Centers are working on a common assessment tool. Chris emphasized the need for a structured and unified approach.

d)Other updates as needed: Chris updated on a possible returning speaker from the Fall Teaching and Learning Conference for the upcoming assessment conference here at Grand Valley State University. Dates to be announced.

4)Accreditation and Assessment Office Report (Chris Plouff)

a)Status of Assessment Specialist search: Chris reports that candidates will be identified soon with intended date of hire January 1st.

b)Other updates/announcements as needed: Chris reports that HLC will likely approve new Audiology AU.D. Accreditation visit coming soon for MLS and DMS programs.

5)New Business

a)Discussion of review cycle imbalances Jon postponed this discussion

b)Discussion of assessment report exemplars Jon posted two (2)exemplars to Google Drive. Jon requested feedback from UAC on the process of best utilizing the exemplars. Jon encouraged the committee to ask him for support as needed.

c)Tour of GVAssess (UAC perspective and processes): Jon provided a brief overview of GVAssess. Discussion followed as UAC sought clarification regarding how to access and use the GVAssess site. GVAssess is ready to receive data that must be manually moved from the offline templates that UAC subcommittees are currently using for program review. This feedback data will be manually moved onto the GVAssess site using the UAC Feedback button. The UAC subcommittees must be aware that units’ May 2017 assessment reportswe are currently reviewing are not loaded into the site as it was only opened recently.

d)Small group assessment review updates: UAC can go to file and update the status of their reviews

i)Group progress updates

ii)Assessment review Q&A

6)Adjournment to allow time for small group meetings: Motion to adjourn made by Greg Schymik . Seconded by SoniaDalmia.The large group UAC meeting adjourned at 4:28 p.m.

Respectfully submitted:

Douglas Busman

2017-10-23 UAC agenda.docx