eTable1. Epidemiological studies on the relation between total mortality and/or mortality for cancer and/or cardiovascular disease included in the meta-analysis

Study / Country / No. of cases and sex / No. of Controls/ Non Cases/ Cohort Size / Enrollment period and duration of follow-up / Beverage / Causes of death / Adjustment/matching variables / Notes
Dawber,(9) 1974
(Framingham Study) / USA / 321 M+W / 1,992 M; 2,500W / 1955-1970
Follow-up: 12 years / Coffee / All causes;
CHD / SMR / RR and 95% CI calculated on the distribution of cases and number of persons at risk according to coffee drinking
Murray,(11) 1981
(Lutheran Brotherhood Insurance Society) / USA / 1,706 M / 16,911 M / 1966-1978 / Coffee / All causes;
IHD / Age; residence / RR and 95% CI calculated on the distribution of cases and number of persons at risk according to coffee drinking
Vandenbroucke,(13) 1986 / The Netherlands / NR / 1,583 M;
1,508 W / 1953/1954-1982
Follow-up: 25 years / Coffee / All causes / Age; smoking; alcohol; BMI; living parents; cholesterol; blood pressure
LeGrady,(14) 1987
(Chicago Western Electric Company Study) / USA / 452 M / 1,910 M / 1959-1978
Follow-up: 19 years / Coffee / All causes; CHD;
All others / Age; smoking; blood pressure; cholesterol / 95% CI calculated on the distribution of cases and number of persons at risk according to coffee drinking, and centrated on the adjusted RRs provided in the text.
Rosengren,(15) 1991
(Multifactor Primary Prevention Trial) / Sweden / 478 M / 6,765 M / 1974/1977-1983
Mean follow-up: 7.1 years / Coffee / All causes;
All others / Age; smoking; alcohol abuse; occupational class; BMI; physical activity; blood pressure; diabetes; family history of myocardial infarction; mental stress / RR and 95% CI calculated on the distribution of cases and number of persons at risk according to coffee drinking. Only the RR for the highest category of intake was adjusted for the selected variables
Lindsted,(16) 1992
(Seventh-day Adventist Mortality Study) / USA / NR / 9484 M / 1960-1985
Mean follow-up: 15 years / Coffee + decaffeinated / All causes;
All others. / Age; race; smoking; education; marital status; BMI; physical activity; intake of refined food, meat, dairy products, fruit and vegetables, cereals and bread; food frequency
Klatsky,(17) 1993
(Northern California Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program) / USA / 2,695 M; 1,806 W / 128,934 M+W
(1.031.306 PY) / 1978/1985-1988
Mean follow-up: 8 years / Coffee / All causes / Age; sex; race; smoking; alcohol; education; marital status; BMI..
Hart,(37) 1997 / Scotland / 625 M / 5,766 M / 1970/1973-1994
Follow-up: 21 years / Coffee / CHD / Age; smoking; social class; age leaving full time education; BMI; diastolic blood pressure; cholesterol; angina; ECG ischemia.
Woodward,(18) 1999
(Scottish Heart Health Study: SHHS) / Scotland / 372 M;
201 W / 5,754 M;
5,875 W / 1984/1987-1993
Mean follow-up: 7.7 years / Coffee / All causes;
CHD / Age; smoking; cotinine; alcohol; housing tenure; BMI; physical activity; blood pressure; fibrinogen; cholesterol; HDL; triglycerides; vitamin C; tea; Bortner score / 95% CI calculated on the distribution of cases and number of persons at risk according to coffee drinking, and centrated on the adjusted RRs provided in the text.
Kleemola,(19) 2000 / Finland / 1,201 M;
444 W / 10,075 M; 10,387 W / 1972/1977/1982
Follow-up: 10 years / Coffee / All causes;
CHD / Age; smoking; education; BMI; cholesterol; blood pressure; history of acute myocardial infarction
Iwai,(20) 2002 / Japan / 246 M;
115 W / 1,404 M;
1,451 W / 1989-1999
Follow up: 9.9 years / Coffee / All causes; Apoplexy;
Cancer / Age; education (age at final graduation); physical activity; history of selected diseases.
Only for men: smoking; alcohol
Jazbec,(21) 2003
(Investigation of chronic disease in Croatia) / Croatia / 568 M,
382 W / 1,571 M;
1,739 W / 1972-1999 / Coffee / All causes;
CVD / Age; residence; smoking; diastolic blood pressure; history of gastric/duodenal ulcer; feeling of well being / Occasional drinkers were drinkers of <1 cup/day. Persons at risk for each category of coffee consumption were calculated on the number of participants at baseline (1972)
Khan,(41) 2004 / Japan / 155 M;
89 W / 1,524 M;
1,634 W / 1984-2002 / Coffee / Cancer / Age; smoking
Andersen,(22) 2006
(Iowa Women’s Health Study) / USA / 4,265 W / 27,312 W
(410,235 PY) / 1986-2001
Follow-up: 15 years / Coffee;
Decaffeinated coffee / All causes;
All others / Age; smoking; alcohol; education; BMI; waist-hip ratio; physical activity; intake of whole grain, refined grain, red meat, fish and seafood, fruit, vegetables, energy; use of estrogens; multivitamin supplements
Iso,(23) 2007
(Japan Collaborative Cohort Study
for Evaluation of Cancer: JACC) / Japan / 9,458 M; 6,590 W / 43,500 M; 60110 W;
(542,038 MPY; 771,966 WPY) / NR / Coffee / All causes;
IHD / Sex; age; area of study.
Paganini-Hill,(24) 2007
(Leisure World Cohort Study) / USA / 11,386 M+W / 4,980 M;
8,644 W / 1981-2004
Follow-up: 23 years / Coffee;
Decaffeinated coffee / All causes / Age; sex; smoking; alcohol; BMI; physical activity; hypertension; diabetes; history of angina, heart attack, stroke, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer
Greenberg,(38) 2008
(Framingham Heart Study) / USA / 328 M+W
(CVD: 210; Coronary: 118) / 1,354 M+W / Mean follow-up: 10.1 years / Coffee / CHD;
CVD / Age; sex; smoking; alcohol; marital status; BMI; physical activity; blood pressure; history of CVD; use of antihypertensive medication.
Happonen,(25) 2008 / Finland / 251 M;
372 W / 311 M;
506 W
(6,960 PY) / 1991/1992-2005
Follow-up: 14.5 years / Coffee / All causes;
Other / Age; sex; calendar year; smoking; education; previous occupation; marital status; BMI; diabetes; history of acute myocardial infarction; physical disability; cognitive impairment; self-rated health
Laaksonen,(26) 2008
(National Public Health Institute) / Finland / 2,727 M; 1,526 W / 29,065 M; 31,543 W / 1979-2001
Follow-up: 23 years / Coffee / All causes;
CVD total;
Stroke / Age; study year; pre-existing chronic diseases
Lopez-Garcia,(27) 2008
(NHS: Nurses’ Health Study;
HPFS: Health Professional Follow-up Study) / USA / 6,888 M; 11,095 W / 41,736 M; 86,214 W / HPFS: 1986-2004
18 years follow-up;
NHS: 1980-2004
24 years follow-up. / Caffeinated coffee;
Decaffeinated coffee / All causes;
Other / Age; smoking; alcohol; BMI; physical activity; intake of n-3, polyunsaturated, saturated and trans fats, folic acid, total energy; glycemic load; multivitamin and vitamin E supplements; family history of myocardial infarction. For women also: menopausal status; hormone replacement therapy
Ahmed,(28) 2009
(Cohort of Swedish Men) / Sweden / NR / 37,315 M / 1998-2006
Follow-up: 9 years / Coffee / All causes / Age; smoking; alcohol; education; marital status; BMI; physical activity; tea; fat intake; sodium intake; cholesterol; aspirin; family history of myocardial infarction
DeKoning Gans,(29) 2010
(EPIC-NL Cohort: Prospect-EPIC Cohort, MORGEN Cohort) / Netherlands / 1,405 M+W. / 37,514 M+W
(Prospect: 17,357 W
22,654 M+W) / 1993/1997-2006
Mean follow-up: 13 years / Coffee / All causes;
Stroke / Age; sex; study cohort; smoking; alcohol; education; waist circumference; physical activity; intake of tea, saturated fat, fiber, vitamin C, total fluids, total energy; hypertension; diabetes; hypercholesterolemia. For women also: menopausal status; hormone replacement therapy
Leurs,(39) 2010
(Netherlands Cohort Study) / Netherlands / 1,669 M;
828 W
(1789 IHD;
708 Stroke) / 58,279 M; 62,573 W / 1986-1996
Follow-up: 10 years / Coffee / IHD;
Stroke / Age; smoking and number of cigarettes; total energy
Sugiyama,(30) 2010
(Miyagi Cohort Study) / Japan / 1,647 M;
807 W / 18,287 M; 19,455 W
(390,929 PY) / 1990-2001
Mean follow-up: 10.3 years / Coffee / All causes;
CVD total;
All others. / Age; sex; smoking; alcohol; education; BMI; walking time; intake of green tea, oolong tea, black tea, rice, miso soup, meat, dairy products, fish, vegetables, fruits, energy; hypertension; diabetes / Occasional drinkers were drinkers of <1 cup/day.
Mineharu,(40) 2011
(Japan Collaborative Cohort Study for Evaluation of Cancer Risk: JACC) / Japan / 1,681 M;
1,436 W / 34,345 M;
48,310 W / 1988-2003
Mean follow-up: 13.1 years / Coffee / CVD total;
Stroke / Age; smoking; alcohol; education; BMI; walking hours; sports participation; intake of fruit, vegetables, beans, meat, fish, seaweeds, energy; multivitamin and vitamin E supplement use; hypertension; diabetes; mental stress
Tamakoshi,(31) 2011
(Japan Collaborative Cohort Study for Evaluation of Cancer Risk: JACC) / Japan / 11,178 M; 8,354 W / 40,672 M; 57,081 W / 1988/1990-2006
Median follow up: 16 years / Coffee / All causes;
Cancer / Age; smoking; alcohol; education; marital status; BMI; daily walking; intake of green-leafy vegetables, green tea; sleep length; stress; history of cancer, myocardial infarction, stroke
Freedman,(32) 2012
(NIH-AARP Diet and health study) / USA / 33,731 M; 18,784 W / 229,119 M; 173,141 W
(5,148,760 PY) / 1995-2008
Median follow up: 13.6 years / Coffee / All causes;
Cancer; Diabetes;
Heart disease;
Injuries and accidents;
Respiratory disease;
Stroke / Age; race; smoking; alcohol; education; marital status; BMI physical activity; intake of fruits, vegetables, meat, saturated fats, total energy; vitamin supplement; health status; diabetes. For cancers also: family history of cancer. For women also: hormone replacement therapy
Nilsson,(33) 2012
(Vasterbotten Intervention Program: VIP) / Sweden / 1,460 M;
923 W / 37,639 M; 39,680 W / 1992-2008 / Boiled coffee / All causes;
CVD / Age; smoking; alcohol; education; BMI; sedentary lifestyle; total energy

CHD: Coronary Heart Disease; CVD: Cardiovascular Disease; IHD: ischemic heart disease; BMI: body mass index; MY: man-years; M: men; NC: non cases; SMR: standardized mortality ratio; W: women; WY: woman-years; PY: Person-Years; NR: not reported.