PPVT REVIEW- Fall 2012
J Determine chronological age for each child prior to testing.
J Visit the chronological age calculator website: http://www.pearsonassessments.com/hai/images/ageCalculator/agecalculator.htm
J Make sure to use Training Page B first. Only use Training Page A if the child misses more than 2. After 2 correct responses, begin the test. Should the child still not get any correct in A then he/she is considered not able to be tested.
J Be sure to use consistent cueing, such as “point to ______” or “touch ______“or “show me ______” but do not use any language that might indicate the picture or assist the child in making the decision.
J Each set of response blocks must be completed once it is started. For example, if you start the section marked Set 5 and the child gets the first eight incorrect, you must continue that set and then stop.
J If a child should go all the way back to set 1 and still show more than “1” incorrect answer, the child will have no basal but the test will continue until the ceiling is reached (missing 8 items in a set).
J In the score summary box the following items must be calculated:
1. Raw score – you can put that score as soon as you finish with a student
2. Standard score – you will need the booklet for the charts in the back and this can be done at the end of the day when you finish testing all of the students Table B.1 (p. 95)
3. Growth Scale Value – you will need the booklet for the charts in the back and this can be done at the end of the day when you finish testing all of the students Table B.5 (p. 183)
Establishing Basal and Ceiling
• A child’s Basal Set is the lowest item set administered that contains 1 or 0 Errors
• Your first task during administration is to establish the Basal Set
• After establishing a child’s Basal Set, you continue to test forward (by complete sets) until establishing the Ceiling Set
• A child’s Ceiling Set is the highest item set administered that contains 8 or more errors
• When Ceiling Set is established, stop testing
– But remember to administer all items in Ceiling Set
– You’ve now tested child over his/her Critical Range
• Ceiling Item is the last item in the Ceiling Set