Dorset Drive P.S. School Council Agenda

September 20, 2017

6:00 p.m.

Welcome & Introductions:

-All attendees were welcomed by Principal, Mr. Sanvido, and Vice-Principal, Mrs. Spurr

-Introductions were made around the room – 5 parents present, 2 staff


-Duties of Treasurer and Secretary reviewed

-Council Positions Voting; 1st and 2nd motions passed for the following:

-Chair – Badal Kaushal

-Treasurer – Catherine Quinn

-Secretary – MariamMirza

-Ms. Spurr will meet with Catherine to provide Treasurerinformation, resources, and supports for the position; Catherine to work closely with office administrator, Mrs. Mary Bayaborda

-Mr. Sanvido will look into vote for Secretary, as Mariam was absent during vote – details for voting during absence to be confirmed

-It was suggested that Anna and Mariam work as co-Secretaries; Anna said nomination should go to Mariam as she requested position and Anna held position last year; discussion to occur in person next meeting

Principal’s Report:

-Mr. Sanvido introduced himself and provided some background about his time at Dorset to new Council members


-Student enrollment numbers have increased this year; from 491 to 510

-Reorganization of classes will be needed

-Increase of 1 new teacher at Dorset (to be disclosed after reorganization)

-Grades 2 to 5 will be impacted and classroom sizes will be much closer to Board maximums due to new staff/reorg

-Letter or call from teacher to parents about possible moves, split or combined classes

-Discussion ensued about differences between split/combined and single-grade classes

-Mr. Sanvido explained that more independent students with good learning skills are placed in split classes as they will require more independent work/learning time

Dorset Drive Open House:

-Wednesday, October 4th, Synervoice announcement to families to come from Mr. Sanvido

-Open House time: 5:45/6:00 pm – 7:00/7:15pm

Pizza Day:

-Pizza day sales will go completely Cashless this year; currently 75% of families use School Cash Online for pizza orders

Other Business:

Grade 5 Bursary:

-Badal was asked to provide Bursary background for new Council members

-Council would like to tweak and improve Bursary Criteria in order to recognize as many different students as possible

-Mr. Sanvido to discuss criteria and goals with Grade 5 teaching team

-Catherine: suggested Grade 4s also have access to Bursary criteria as motivation/incentive

-Agreed that criteria should be sent out to Grades 4 and 5 students as soon as possible this year/at the end of the school year in preparation for students’ last year at Dorset

-Suggested that Grade 5s speak to Grade 4s to talk about criteria goals

-Bursary criteria to be discussed in detail next Council meeting

Rapport Youth Family Services of Peel:

-Badal Kaushal was selected as Police Liaison/Representative for Rapport Youth Family Services of Peel

-Umbrella organization that serves all of Peel and teamed up with Toronto United Way ( main funder)

-Council congratulated Badal on new appointment

-Badal asked Admin to suggest or put forward any students/families that might benefit from RYFSP services/programs

-Successful programs already run in Malton and throughout Peel and Badal is highly impressed with the level of supports offered to students and families

-Mr. Sanvido suggested that RYFSP attend Dorset’s Open House if possible/have a booth at the event

-Badal to reach out to organization to determine if they’ll be available on short notice


-Also suggested that School Council also attend the Open House with their own booth/presence

-Cathy Scollay suggested she could prepare some flyers for Open House so families can learn about different groups, events, initiatives at the school

-Mrs. Spurr mentioned that Dorset received a special plaque by the Police for their participation in the Special Olympics

-Thank you letter and pictures signed by Athletes were also sent to Dorset

-Mr. Sanvido wanted to thank School Council for their efforts and work at fundraising last year; he’s very impressed with the level of commitment, energy, enthusiasm, and participation in the school from students, staff, and families alike

-$15,000.00 raised during Chocolate Fundraiser + $7,000.00 balance at end of June 2017

-Important to spend funds raised within same school year as Board is beginning to review/check that Council funds are being spent accordingly

-15 new Chrome books have been ordered for the school pending approval from the Board (over $4,000.00)

-Council will need to more specifically disclose to families in correspondence what each fundraising event/program is raising funds for; e.g.: “Pizza Day proceeds will go toward funding school and class trips”, Chocolate Fundraiser proceeds will go toward Kindergarten Green Initiative”, etc.

-Some priority items at Dorset that Council can provide funds:

Scientists in the School


Healthy Snack Program

Grade 5 Graduation

Pancake Day

School Trips


Maker Space in Library

-Mr. Sanvido stated that Kindergarten Green Space Initiative will be under way soon; a group of schools is looking for the same contractor to do work at a discounted rate

-Discussion around having an earlier Council meeting as many things need to be set/decided soon

Next School Council Meeting:

Wednesday, October 18th, 2017, 6:00pm

Meeting Adjourned: 6:55 pm

Meeting minutes prepared by Anna Ashton