Chris Sell
Internship Coordinator for College of Natural Sciences
- What is an internship?
- Any kind of experience that parallels course of study
- There needs to be a learning component to it (mutually agreed upon goals)
- Evaluation component (measured and assessed about what you learned)
- Extended job interview
- Getting an internship is extraordinarily valuable (illuminates future career paths)
- He is a liaison to industry
- Visited with representations from more than 50 companies, employers, and alumni
- Serves as a contact for when companies want students/interns and when students want internships
- Mathematical sciences, physical sciences, and biological sciences helps the whole college
- Provide resources, make connections, etc.
- Provide opportunities
- Career Corner
- Monthly (digital) newsletters about available employers, internships, etc.
- Internship spotlight
- Weekly version of newsletter sent out (Career Blitz)
- More condensed version
- Promotes internships and other opportunities
- LiveWorkDetriot!
- Science and Health Career Fest 2014
- February 14 and 15th, 2014
- Will bring in companies and alumni to help students connect with companies
- Meant to help students understand all the options out there.
- 14th: Networking session (companies recruiting)
- 15th: Key note speaker
- Will also have student panels, etc.
- LinkedIn photobooth
- Some of the companies possibly attending: Cargo (based out of Minnesota), Peargo, Van Andel Institute, Covance, Dell Argo, Hope Network (looking for candidates for part time jobs)
- MSU Federal Credit Union Internship Opportunity Award
- $1,000 stipend for students who have a need and have an unpaid internship
- Can award up to five students in the fall, five students in the spring, and up to 40 students for the summer
- Application due December 1st
- Student Appointments
- Tuesdays, 9am-noon
- 30 or 60 minute appointments
- Available during other times based on student’s schedule
- Room 5 of the Natural Science building
- Will talk about resources, assess resumes, what companies you’re interested in, etc.
- Do preliminary work (visit other career counselors, etc.) because this makes appointments with Chris more productive
- Not a lot of internships are in the clinical center (more academic focused). Most internships are free-standing (only last a summer).
- Study Abroad internships
- Lab-based internships in Germany
- Animal science based internships in New Zealand and Germany
- Information about this in monthly newsletter
- Karen Reynolds is in charge of this in the department (information on website)
- Difficult for first-year students to get internships because they are competing against older students.
- Get involved in student clubs
- Part-time jobs
- Undergraduate research (important!)
- All of these activities help them get internships later on (junior year and senior year)
- Not many companies offer a housing stipend, but some do.
- Career Services
- Get resume assessed!