EST 4236 Laser Systems Technology

Standard Course Outline (Updated: Summer 2008)

Catalog Description: / EST 4236 Laser Systems Technology
(3 credits) The theory of light amplification using gas, solid-state, and semi-conductor lasers.
PR: EST 3222
Goals/Objectives of the course: / Laser Systems Technology is a required course for students enrolled in the BSEET-Photonics degree concentration. The goal of this course is to learn fundamental laser theory and how it relates to modern laser systems.
Course Outcomes: / CO1: Students will have an understanding of laser theory and calculations.
CO2: Students will have knowledge of laser accessories.
CO3: Students will have a working knowledge of how gas, solid-state, semiconductor, and exotic lasers operate.
CO4: Students will learn how lasers are applied in industry.
Relationship to ET Program Outcomes: / EST 4236 contributes the following to the ENT program outcomes:
PO1 / PO2 / PO3 / PO4 / PO5 / PO6 / PO7 / PO8 / PO9 / PO10 / PO11
CO1 / X / X
CO2 / X
CO3 / X
CO4 / X / X
Textbook: / Understanding Lasers: An Entry-Level Guide, 2nd Edition, Jeff Hecht.
References: / Lasers Systems Technology course slides, Dr. Alfred D. Ducharme
Topics Covered: / ·  Light amplification
·  The Laser
·  Cavities
·  Light propagation
·  Gas lasers
·  Solid-State lasers
·  Semiconductor lasers
·  Fiber amplifiers
·  Laser Applications
Computer Usage: / Students are encouraged to research lasers systems and operation on the internet.
Laboratory Exercises: / The course includes a laboratory demonstration of laser systems.
Required Equipment: / None.
Course Grading: / Course Grading Policies are left to the discretion of the individual instructor
Library Usage: / None
Course Assessment: / Useful methods for assessing the success of this course in achieving the intended outcomes listed above:
·  CO1: Homework exercises and exams.
·  CO2: Homework exercises and exams.
·  CO3: Homework exercises and exams.
·  CO4: Homework exercises and exams.
Course Policies: /

Grading Objections:

Make-up exams, quizzes and late reports or assignments will be permitted only for extreme circumstances which must be documented using email.

Professionalism and Ethics:

Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated!!! Violations of student academic behavior standards are outlined in The Golden Rule, the University of Central Florida's Student Handbook. See ttp:// for further details.
Per university policy and plain classroom etiquette, mobile phones, pagers, etc. MUST be silenced during all classroom lectures and exams. Those not heeding this rule will be asked to leave the classroom immediately so as to not disrupt the learning environment.
Additional Course Information, Policies and Expectations: /

Computer Skills/Usage

·  WebCT and e-mail will be used to communicate with students and disseminate materials and assignments throughout the course.
·  Students are required to have access to high-speed internet access so that course lectures and additional information can be viewed on their computer.

Course Assignments

·  All assignments are due on or before the scheduled due date and time.
·  All assignments are submitted via WebCT, unless specified otherwise.
·  All assignments must be submitted in a high-quality and professional manner. They should be well-written and understandable.
·  Students are encouraged to collaborate outside of class to discuss and debate course concepts.


All exams will be on line. Students will be given a 48 hour window during which the exam can be taken.

Excusal from Course Assignments and Exams

Excusal from submitting an assignment on-time:
If an emergency arises and a student cannot submit the homework on or before the due date, the student must give notification to the instructor no less than 24 hours before the due date
Excusal from an exam:
Excusal of a student from an exam due to an emergency such as student illness, family illness or death, etc. will be discussed with the instructor within 1 week of the exam date.

Makeup Assignments and Examinations

• There will be no makeup assignments given.
• Makeup exams will be given towards the end of the semester, at a date announced by the instructor. The makeup exams may be different and more challenging than those administered on the original date.
Course Coordinator: / Alfred Ducharme, BSEET-Photonics Coordinator