2011-2012 Guidelines
Supplemental Educational Services
Under NCLB, Title I-A
C:\Documents and Settings\pawise\Desktop\SES Choice web info\REVISED_ses_guidelines_July 25[1].doc
Mesa Public Schools
Policies & Procedures for
SUBPART A: Enrollment Forms
Section 1.0: Description of Mesa Public Schools Enrollment Process
Section 1.1: Parent AuthorizationForm
Section 1.2 Ineligibility Letter
Section 1.3: Approval to Select Vendor
Section 1.4: Vendors tutoring at school sites
Section 1.5: Open House Guidelines
SUBPART B: Criminal Background Checks
Section 2.0: Mesa Public Schools General Policies regarding Criminal Background Checks
SUBPART C: Student Attendance
Section 3.0: Verification of Sessions Attended
Section 4.0: Student No-Shows
Section 5.0: Cancellation of Session(s)
Section 5.1: Absences
SUBPART D: Fiscal Requirements
Section 6.0: Fiscal Procedures
Section 7.0: Requirements for Invoice Submission
Section 7.1: Provider Inquiries
SUBPART E: Recruiting/Marketing
Section 8.0: Acceptable Recruitment and Marketing Techniques
Section 9.0: Unacceptable Recruitment and Marketing Techniques
Section 9.1: Incentive Usage
SUBPART F: Employment of Mesa Public Schools Staff
Section 10.0: Employment of MPS District Teachers
Section 11.0: Employment of MPS District Title 1 Staff or SES Liaisons
SUBPART G: Site Visits
SUBPART H: Tutoring Schedules
Section 12.0: Dates, Times, & Locations of SES Tutoring Sessions
Section 13.0: Changes to Tutoring Schedules
SUBPART I: Transportation
Section 14.0: Mesa Public Schools Transportation Policy for SES providers
SUBPART J: Use of School Space by SES Providers
Section 15.0: Limitations on Service Provided
SUBPART K: MPS District Cancellation of Provider Contract
Section 16.0: Grounds for MPS District Cancellation of a Contract
SUBPART L: Supplemental Educational Services Agreement and Contract
Section 17.0: Arizona Department of Education Supplemental Services Agreement
Section 18.0: Letter of Intent for SES Providers
SUBPART M: Evaluation of Provider Services
Section 19.0: SES Provider Performance Report
SUBPART N: School Assistance Student List
SUBPART O: Communication with MPS District A
Section 20.0: Contacting Mesa Public Schools Title 1 Office
Section 21.0 Technology
Section 22.0: Contact Information
The following information is provided in order to facilitate the provision of Title I, Part-A Supplemental Educational Services to eligible MPS (Mesa Public Schools) students in a manner that complies with law and regulation, and is functional for both the provider and the MPS District. Included are program and MPS District criteria, MPS District operational parameters, fiscal details, and other guidance.
Mesa Public Schools welcomes all Supplemental Educational Services providers approved by the Arizona Department of Education. We invite you to join us as instructional partners in the common goal of assisting students in improving their academic performance.
Cayen SES System
Mesa is using the Cayen SES/Choice software System to track SES agreement forms, attendance and academic progress reports. We implemented the system at the end of the 2011 school year. If you are not familiar with the system, training will be provided to you.
Who May Be Served?
- At present, Title I, Part A Supplemental Educational Services are available only to eligible MPS students in year two or beyond of school improvement who qualify for free or reduced lunch.
- Should we be unable to serve all students/parents interested in receiving Supplemental Educational Services due to insufficient funding, all interested parents/ students will be rank-ordered based on academic achievement, and the most academically needy will be served first in sequential order from the lowest performing to the highest until funding is exhausted.
Subpart A: SES Enrollment Forms
Section 1.0: Description of Mesa Public Schools Enrollment Process
The MPS District has minimal resources and no assigned/dedicated staff to participate in individual parent-student-vendor SES meetings. Thus, the MPS District requests that the following process be closely followed:
- The MPS Title I Department conducts a meeting with MPS administrators in school improvement to determine key contacts for vendors, review student-parent-vendor plans and distribution of vendor merchandise.
- The most current list of ADE-approved supplemental services providers is contacted asking if they want to serve MPS eligible students. MPS will meet with vendors to discuss procedures at school sites to implement SES services.
- Once AYP status is released, the MPS Title I Department will design a parent packet for mailing to homes of eligible students which include the AYP report and a Parent Authorization Request for Supplemental Educational Services Enrollment Form for tutoring services. The Enrollment Form will be available on the Title I website for parents and registrar’s at school sites.
- The MPS Title I Department will contact parents who indicate they need help in choosing a provider.
- A letter will be sent to parents informing them if their child was identified as eligible or not eligible.
- The vendors’ timeframe in which parents may sign up for supplemental educational services is after the vendor fair/open house and will continue until Feb. 1, 2012.
- Providers will be invited to participate in the school’s Open House to begin the school year.
- The vendor will receive notification from the Title I Office of students who qualify and have been assigned to their company through the Cayen system.
- The MPS Title I Department contact supplies critical student demographic data needed for the Agreement, and provides the student’s SAISID number, etc. via the registrar at designated schools. (AZ Agreement Form)
- The SES vendor meets with the parent and student to develop achievement goals that address the student’s achievement deficits, discuss how the student’s progress will be measured, a timetable for improving achievement, and to execute “ADE SES Agreement” document’s components.
- The SES vendor completes the SES Agreement on the Cayen system for district approval of student’s goals.
- Designated school’s staff will review the Agreement and determine whether they agree with the goal/service plan.
- If the designated staff does agree, they approve the document indicating support of the Agreement’s educational components. If the designated staff does not agree, they clearly communicate their concerns to/with the vendor and parent, and dialogue continues until all parties agree to an achievement goal.
- When all supplemental service providers have completed all SES Agreements, sent in fingerprint cards, proof of insurance that includes sexual molestation and signed MPScontract, the MPS Title I Department will contact the provider through the Cayen system to begin services. Only then may services begin.
- The vendor will determine the specific description of how the student’s parents and teacher(s) will be informed on a monthly basis of the student’s progress. A copy of the student’s progress and attendance must be completed on the Cayen system for district review each month. This needs to be completed before invoices are processed.
- The parents, vendors and school sites will conduct a survey at the end of the year to identify how the implementation of the supplemental services provided went. The evaluation process will identify successful supplemental services and what services need to be revised for next year. Surveys will be kept in the Title I office.
Please Note:
The federal No Child Left Behind Act requires that parents have the option of requesting limited supplemental educational services for their student enrolled at a school identified as In Need of Improvement. Services are provided by private individuals or organizations identified and approved by the Arizona Department of Education. These services will be provided during non-school hours.
Students requesting off-campus supplemental educational services must submit this form to the school. Priority for the use of these funds will be given to children from low-income families. Funding for private organization, off-campus services is provided by Mesa Public Schools through federal Title I funding.
To request limited supplemental educational services for your student, please PRINT the information requested below. Parents will be notified of the status of this request approximately two weeks after receiving this form.
Student Name: ______School/Grade ______SAIS #______
Address:______Phone: ______Parent Name:______
Choose 3 vendors from the Arizona Department of Education Approved Provider List:
2nd choice______
3rd choice______
Name of provider
Please circle a response to the following statements:
YES/NO I understand that the student's family is required to provide appropriate transportation to and from the locations of these supplemental service providers.
YES/NO I give permission to Mesa Public Schools to release my child's test scores and other information to the approved provider.
YES/NO I understand that the MPS District will only pay up to $1284 per student for supplemental educational services in the 2011-2012 school year.
READING or MATHChoose one content focus
___ Parent/relative will provide transportation. Name and phone # ______
___ Child will walk to and from school.
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______
This section is to be filled out by MPS staff only
Date Received: ______Approval Status: ______(completed at Title I office)
One (1) copy of this form to the Title I Office and to the school contact.
Section 1.1
Por favor note:
La Ley federal Ningún Niño Se Queda Atrás requiere que los padres tengan la opción de solicitar servicios supleméntales educativos limitados para su estudiante matriculado en una escuela identificada con Necesidad de Mejoramiento. Los servicios son proporcionados por individuos u organizaciones identificadas y aprobadas por el Departamento de Educación de Arizona. Estos servicios serán proporcionados durante las horas que no hay escuela.
Los estudiantes solicitando servicios supleméntales educativos fuera del recinto escolar deben entregar este formulario a la escuela. La prioridad para el uso de estos fondos será dada a los niños que provienen de familias de bajos recursos económicos. Los fondos para organizaciones privadas, servicios fuera del recinto escolar son proporcionados por las Escuelas Públicas de Mesa por medio de los fondos federales de Título I.
Para solicitar servicios supleméntales educativos limitados para su estudiante, por favor llene con letra de IMPRENTA la información solicitada a continuación. A los padres les será notificado el estatus de esta solicitud en dos semanas aproximadamente después de recibir dicho formulario.
Nombre del Estudiante: ______Escuela/ Grado______SAIS #______
Nombre del Padre: ______Dirección: ______Número de Teléfono: ______
Elige 3 proveedores de la lista aprobada por el Departamento de Educación de Arizona:
1a opción ______
2a opción ______
3a opción ______
Nombre del proveedor
Por favor ponga un círculo a la respuesta sobre las siguientes declaraciones:
SÍ/NO Entiendo que la familia del estudiante es requerida de proporcionar transporte apropiado al y del lugar de estos proveedores de servicios supleméntales.
SÍ/NO Doy mi permiso a las Escuelas Públicas de Mesa para permitir y dar las calificaciones de mi hijo/a y otra información al proveedor aprobado.
SÍ/NO Entiendo que el Distrito de las Escuelas Públicas de Mesa solo pagará hasta la cantidad de $1284 por cada estudiante para los servicios supleméntales educativos durante el año escolar 2011-2012.
LECTURA O MATEMÁTICAS Enfoque en el contenido de servicios supleméntales.
___ Padre/Tutor proporcionará el transporte Nombre y número de teléfono del padre/tutor ______
___ El/la niño/a caminará a y de la escuela
Firma del Padre/Tutor______Fecha______
Esta sección solo para el personal de MPS
Date Received: ______Approval Status: ______
One (1) copy of this form to the Title I Office and school contact
Page 1 of 28
Section 1.2
Your child ______will not be eligible for Supplemental Educational Services (SES). Eligibility is based on qualifying for free and reduced lunch. If you have a question in regard to your free and reduced lunch status, please contact the following person at Food and Nutrition:
Debbie Rosser - 472-0929
If we can be of further service or you have additional questions, feel free to call the Title I Department at 472-0246.
Su hijo/a ______no será elegible para los Servicios Educativos Supleméntales (SES-por sus siglas en inglés). La ilegibilidad es debido al calificar para los almuerzos gratis a de precio reducido.
Si tiene alguna pregunta con respecto a su estatus de almuerzo gratis o de precio reducido, por favor comuníquese con la siguiente persona en el Departamento de Alimentos y Nutrición:
Debbie Rosser – 472-0929
Si pudiéramos ayudarle en el futuro o tenga preguntas adicionales, no dude en comunicarse con el Departamento de Título I al 472-0246.
Section 1.3
Approval to Select Vendor
Yes I choose for Title I to help me select a vendor for my student
Name of Student
DateParent Signature
Aprobación para seleccionar un proveedor
_____ Sí, yo escojo que Título I me ayude a seleccionar un proveedor para mi hijo/a.
Nombre del Estudiante
FechaFirma del Padre
Section 1.4: Vendors tutoring at school sites
Additional Protocols for Supplemental Educational Services (SES) Vendors tutoring at school sites
- Principals will have the discretion to designate thelocation where vendors will be tutoring students.
- Designated days for tutoring will be Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday. Individual school sites will decide if there will be tutoring 2 or 3 days per week.
- Tutoring will end at the school site no later than 1 ½ hours after school dismissal. (Example: School ends at 2:25 – tutoring would end at the latest at 4:00)
- Principals will designate where students are picked up by the vendor and where they are dismissed.
- Vendors will provide their own materials and supplies.
- Vendors will not have computer lab availability.
- It will not be the responsibility of the school office to monitor attendance and pick up of students.
- The vendor will notify parents on the day a student is absent.
- The student will be dropped from tutoring after the secondabsence.
- The vendor and the parent have responsibility for the child getting home safely.
- K-2nd grade students must be picked up by a designated adult or an older sibling. Written notification is to be givento the school.. (Fill out Supplemental Educational Services Form.)
- Transportation will not be provided byMPS for tutoring.
Section 1.5
Open House Guidelines for SES Providers
- Let parents come to you. You are restricted to the assigned area only.
- Do not ask for a list of students.
- Do not solicit on the school grounds other than the assigned area.
- Ask a parent to seek out the district or school designee for the Parent Authorization Form for request of services.
- Parent Authorization Forms are to be turned in to the Title I office by parents or schools only.
- Getting student(s) name through the counselors/designee, or any staff member is prohibited.
- Vendor brochures can be left with Connie at the Title I office.
- Do not contact any principal.
Subpart B: Criminal Background Checks
Section 2.0: Mesa Public Schools General Policies Regarding Criminal Background Checks
- The provider shall conduct an investigation of federal and state criminal records for all employees of the provider who will be working with students. This must be completed before an employee may begin working with a student. The vendor must provide the MPS District with evidence of fingerprint cards.
- All SES provider staff coming in direct contact with Mesa Public Schools students are required to have current criminal background checks filed with the Arizona Department of Education (ADE). These background checks need to be completed and submitted to ADE for each employee working with our students prior to any employee having any interactions with participating students.
- Invoices will not be considered for payment until all SES provider staff working with MesaPublic School students has a fingerprint clearance on file with the Title I Department prior to starting services.
Subpart C: Student Attendance
Section 3.0: Verification of Sessions Attended
- Providers must submit the Student Attendance Forms using the Cayen system. Student Attendance Forms are vital to the documentation of SES providers’ services. Providers will not receive payment for any sessions for which attendance forms are not or cannot be provided.
Section 4.0: Student No-Shows
- A no show is defined as a student that does not attend the first session of SES. If the student does not show for the first SES session, the parent will be contacted by the provider and notified that the student will be dropped if he/she is not present for the next session. If the student does not show for the second SES session, the parent will be contacted and notified that the student is being dropped due to non-participation.
- Mesa Public Schools policy regarding no-shows is that payment will only be rendered to providers when services have been provided to students. Therefore, if a student does not attend a tutoring session, the provider will not be paid for the student’s missed session(s).
Section 5.0: Cancellation of Session(s)
- Do not cancel regularly scheduled tutoring sessions. In general, it is best not to change the specified tutoring schedule. Instead, develop several alternative plans so that tutoring will be able to continue according to the schedule communicated to parents. For example, if an individual tutor is not available, have plans in place to cover that tutor’s session.
- In the extreme event that tutoring must be cancelled, Mesa Public Schools requests providers to notify the MPS District’s Title I Office @ 472-0246, appropriateprincipalsand parents of SES students at least 48 hours before a tutoring session. (i.e., due to an emergency).
- In situations when a 48-hour advance warning is not possible, the provider is responsible for ensuring that the MPS District Title I Office and school principal(s) have been spoken to directly and made aware of the session cancellation and that all parents are contacted immediately regarding the cancellation.
Section 5.1: Absences
- An absent student is defined as a student who has attended SES tutoring but who missed a session. After two absences, the parent must be notified and the student dropped from the vendor’s attendance roster. These absences do not have to occur consecutively. The MPS District will not pay for student absences.
Subpart D: Fiscal Requirements
Providers must submit charges for tutoring services in the form of an invoice. Providers must invoice Mesa Public Schools once each month using the Cayen system. If there are no charges to be invoiced, providers should send Mesa Public Schools a statement to that effect on a monthly basis.