

DRAFT Minutes of Essington Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 10th February 2014 at 7-00pm

PRESENT: Councillor D. Clifft J P (Chairman) Councillor M North (Vice-Chairman)

Councillor D James Councillor B Whitehouse

Councillor A Gibbons Councillor K Pace

Councillor S Rennison Councillor J Smallman

Councillor G Southern Councillor C Steel

Councillor B Tarbuck Councillor P Lever

Councillor W Haddon

The Chairman Councillor David Clifft welcomed Members to this month’s meeting.

Also Present County Councillors Kath Perry & Mike Lawrence

The Chairman asked permission to move item 16 to item 5 and part of item 9 to 18.




2. Declaration of Interests of MembeRS

The Chairman signed the register in respect of item 9.

3. Minutes of the last meeting on the 13th january 2014 - Minutes proposed by Councillor Stephen Rennison

seconded by Councillor June Smallman and carried.

4. Matters Arising (from last meetings minutes)



County Councillor Kath Perry commented on various items for consideration: 0% on Council Tax – review of adult & youth services.

Councillor Chris Steel commented on a sunken manhole on Cannock Road junction Bognop Road which had created a pothole in the

carriageway, this had been reported several time.

Councillor Winston Haddon commented on the road humps in Sneyd Lane which are in need of repairs, several incidents had occurred

in the area, Councillor Geoff Southern commented on the residents who attended the last meeting awaiting remedial work on the humps

and the footpaths.

Councillor Beryl Tarbuck commented on the footpaths in Broad Lane and that nothing had been done to date.

Councillor Ken Pace commented on the need for a directional sign to Cherry Tree Court as the emergency services could not find it.

Councillor Bryn Whitehouse commented on recent correspondence regarding the definite maps which are displayed in several librarys

but not locally to Essington.

County Councillor Kath Perry commented that she noted all Members comments and would come back via the clerk.

7.30pm County Councillor Kah Perry left the meeting.


The Chairman welcomed Councillor Peter Lever to the meeting and to the Council.


·  Phase 7A

The Chairman commented that the work is complete except for the external paint and replaced guttering which will take place when

the weather is better.

The Chairman confirmed that new chairs for the main hall are being sought and an application for a grant will be submitted to cover

the cost.


All correspondence has been emailed to Councillors and hardcopies delivered to all Councillors.



a. The following plans have been submitted for consideration:

14/00016/FUL Single storey side & rear extension 12 Broad Lane – no objections

14/00046/FUL 2 pitched roof dormer windows & velux roof windows to front & rear roof slopes 4 Hough Way – objections deprivation of privacy

14/00061/FUL Single storey rear extension 32 Kingsway – no objections

b. The following planning applications have been approved: None received

c. The following planning applications have been refused: None received

7.40pm County Councillor Mike Lawrence arrived


A.  To note the Councils Bank balances at 31.01.14 as Current Account £5020.50 Deposit Account. £7,014.87 Reserve Account 1 £0.67,Reserve Account 2 £ 3.63 Reserve Account 3 £1.11,Charity Account £532.34 and Petty Cash £100

Less unpresented cheques £1,764.66

Reconciliation : Balance B/fwd 21,537.35.

Plus receipts 13,099.84

Less payments 16,784.99

Balance c/fwd £10,908.46

To RESOLVE that the following cheques be issued:-

Chq No. / Payee / Details / Nett (£) / VAT (£) / Total (£)
102979 / Veolia ES UK Ltd / Refuse collection December 2013 ECC / 180.00 / 36.00 / 216.00
102980 / David J Clifft / Phase 7a expenditure – light fittings – blinds-curtains- wx / 592.16 / - / 592.16
102981 / David J Clifft / Phase 7a expenditure - wax / 99.96 / - / 99.96
102982 / David J Clifft / Phase 7a expenditure – barrier & rope set / 186.70 / - / 186.70
102983 / R D Campbell / Phase 7a painting & decorating / 625.98 / - / 625.98
102984 / Matric Services & Supplies Ltd / Phase 7a polishing pads for buffer machine / 22.50 / 4.50 / 27.00
102985 / BG Ground Maintenance / December grass cutting / 353.00 / 70.60 / 423.60
102986 / HMRC / January 2014 PAYE / 774.80 / - / 774.80
102987 / Coinadrink Ltd / Tearoom sotck / 110.10 / 1.85 / 111.95
102988 / Alliance Disposables / Cleaning materials ECC / 43.33 / 8.66 / 51.99
102989 / Stafford Catering Engineering / Dishwasher & supplies / 1968.15 / 393.63 / 2361.78
102990 / Permanent Seal GRP / Repair to roof over playgroup / 140.00 / - / 140.00
102991 / Solar Panel Heating Ltd / Repair of central heating leaking pipe in Pharmacy / 70.00 / 14.00 / 84.00
102992 / Essington Mobility / Wheelchair for ECC / 125.00 / 25.00 / 150.00
102993 / C E Gracey / Phase 7a expenditure –petrol-chairs-crockery – chain – wallpaper-paint - / 314.30 / - / 314.30
102994 / C E Gracey / Petty cash – postage – lighting tube-cleaning materials –paint – rollers / 99.30 / - / 99.30
102995 / Greenclean Maintenance / Window cleaning 9/9/2013 / 95.50 / 19.10 / 114.60


·  Budget 2014/15 Rents & Hire Charges – Members agreed to increase the applicable rents by 2.2%, except Brownshore Playgroup which would remain in abeyance until further notice. County Councillor Mike Lawrence will arrange for a member of staff to contact Ofsted to arrange a visit.

All hire charges and fishing permit to remain the same.

·  Cheques issued this month to be approved - The Chairman signed the register and declared an interest. The cheques were proposed by Councillor Geoff Southern seconded by Councillor Beryl Tarbuck and carried.

·  Statement of Income & Expenditure up to 31st January 2014 proposed by Councillor June Smallman seconded by Councillor Beryl Tarbuck and carried.

·  Statement of Income & Expenditure for the refurbishment of Essington Community Centre up to 31st January 2014 – Proposed by Councillor Geoff Southern seconded by Councillor Bryn Whitehouse and carried.

·  Statement of Income & Expenditure for the Tearoom up to 31st January 2014 –Proposed by Councillor Beryl Tarbuck seconded by Councillor Chris Steel and carried.

·  Precept Cuts 2015/16 – The Chairman outlined proposed cuts in our precept which would be a deficit on budget of approximately £12,000, savings & measures would be put in place to ensure services are maintained.


·  Flooding – Councillor Winston Haddon commented that no works have been carried out because of the weather.

·  Road Humps - .As discussed in County Councillor report.


·  Berry Brook –Paul Rochfort SCC has contacted Councillor Chris Steel to arrange a site meeting.

·  Trees - The clerk confirmed the work would be programmed to be done and will chase up.

·  Old Hampton Lane – fly tipping –On going problem in this location

·  Cannock Road junction Bognop Road – Sunken manhole cover as discussed in County Councillor Report.

20.45pm The Chairman asked for a 15 minutes extension , agreed.

12. BROAD LANE FOOTPATHS – discussed in County Councillor’s report.

13. CO-OPTION CONSIDERATION COUNCILLOR VACANCY NEWTOWN WARD – The Chairman confirmed that the vacancy had been advertised and no one had come forward to call an election. Members will consider co-option or leaving the vacancy until the next election in 2015.

14. TEAROOM – discussed under finance.

15. ESSINGTON BELL – Councillor Bryn Whitehouse asked for the bell to be put in the tearoom, this was agreed.

16. OPENSPACE – Councillor Bryn Whitehouse commented on progress in attaining ownership of the land, the Chairman confirmed that the documents were with the legal department of SSC.

17. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS REPORT - Councillor David Clift discussed his visits and meeting during the month and distributed his report for the month.

18. DATE OF NEXT MEETING - Monday 10th March 2014

9.00pm The Chairman left the chamber & Councillor Mavis North(Vice-chairman) held the chair


19. RATIFY HONORARIUM TO MRS DENISE CLIFFT – As discussed at the Management Meeting on the 3rd February Members considered the proposal of making a one off payment of £500. Councillor Stephen Rennison proposed an amendment to pay an honorarium of £1 less than the Chairman’s allowance. Councillor Mavis North(Vice-Chairman) commented that she had contacted David Patterson Head Of Legal at South Staffs Council and he had said it would be unlawful to discriminate against any spouse, relative or close connection of any Councillor. The clerk advised that this would be bad practice. The amendment proposal was seconded by Councillor Chris Steel, a show hands was 8 for 4 against, the amendment was carried.

20. Closure