Humour and non-threatening approach to AIDS prevention education gaining wide-spread support

OTTAWA, ON, May 31, 2004 -The Three Amigos, a series of twenty (20) world-class animated Public Service Announcements (PSA’s) designed to entrench the use of condoms to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS throughout the world, is to receive a Golden Reel award. The award will be presented at a ceremony in Atlanta, Georgia on June 10that InfoComm04.

The Golden Reel celebrates excellence in media communications. Since 1978, Golden Reel honours have been highly coveted and recognized internationally. The name stands for creativity and advancement in technical applications.

“We are thrilled that these spots received such recognition,” said Firdaus Kharas, Ottawa, Canada-based creator of The Three Amigos. “I hope it will spur on broadcasters around the world to play the spots, because we strongly believe that mass education will significantly impact AIDS prevention. We must succeed in slowing down the rate of infection, which is now at over 5 million people a year.”

In addition to being recognized for its excellence in media communications, The Three Amigos series has been gaining widespread support for its humour and non-threatening approach to behaviour modification.

‘”The popularity of The Three Amigos continues to grow in South Africa thanks to the SABC broadcasting the spots in four local languages,” said Brent Quinn, Johannesburg, South Africa-based creator. “The approach is simple, three funny latex cartoon characters delivering a message that ‘condoms are our friends, our amigos.’ Young folk here identify with this approach to prevention, finding it both entertaining and relevant.”

The Three Amigos has been produced by over 80 volunteers in Canada, India and South Africa. Firdaus Kharas of Canada and Brent Quinn of South Africa are the lead Producers and creators. The PSA’s are 60, 30, 20 and 15 seconds each. Featuring three animated (2D) condom characters called Shaft, Stretch and Dick, the PSA’s use comedy as a medium.

The PSA’s are available for distribution around the world, free to broadcasters and NGO’s and community groups. Further information is available at

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For additional information and interviews please contact:

Firdaus J. Kharas

Tel: (1)(613) 820-6121
Fax: (1)(613) 820-4679
