Expression of Interest for Mental Health First Aid Facilitator Training
Criteria for Selection
- Applicants will need to be able to commit to attend the full 5 days of training to be recognised as certified MHFA facilitators
- Applicants will be prepared to assist in adapting the teaching materials to be appropriate to each cultural group
- Preference will be given to people already working for CMH and/or
- Providers who have workforce development contracts with CMH already
- Applicants may already have a training or development role within their organisation
- Applicants must fully complete and submit the EOI to by 12pm Friday 16th April
What other aspects will you need to consider?
- Workshops and training modules will be finalised with input from facilitators once trained.
- Initially 20 x 2day workshops are planned to be delivered over the 2014/15 calendar year for the CMH community (10 mainstream, 5 Pacific and 5 Asian)
- Trained and certified facilitators will be on a register having completed the Train the Facilitator programme
- Facilitators will be expected to facilitate up to 2 workshops a year to remain familiar/confident with the material
- 2014 Workshop dates will be well planned in advance and should not adversely impact on your existing/substantive roles
- It is likely that staff who already have a training & development, early intervention, health promotion or community focus as part of their responsibilities would be ideal candidates to submit an expression of interest to become a certified MHFA trainer
Please consider the above criteria, and if you are interested in participating in the workshop, complete the attached Expression of Interest and return to Carole Stiles: by 12pm, 16th April 2014.
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Expression of Interest – CMDHB Mental Health First Aid Train the Facilitators Workshop
Name:Organisation & Contact details
Current Position:
Brief Description of Role:
Experience Against The Following Criteria / Comments
Demonstrated community connections
Good knowledge of Mental Health problems
Personal or professional experience with people with MH problems
Good background knowledge of MH & Community services
Open attitudes towards people with MH problems
Experienced facilitator or teacher
Experience Against The Following Criteria / Comments
Good interpersonal skills
Strong cultural connections and ability to translate cultural concepts within the MHFA framework
Strong communication skills (oral and written)
Research background or skills
General comments on what strengths you could bring to the training and what you want to participate in these workshops
Organisational Support
I can confirm I have discussed this with my Manager/Organisation and have support to participate in the Train the Facilitator programme. / Manager/Organisation email ______
NOTE: The complete Train the Facilitator workshop details are still being finalised (including timetable and venue), and we will be confirming these closer to the time with accepted participants.
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